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too dumb to evict

will be around for awhile

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too dumb to evict

will be around for awhile

How are ya UVP :)

Jordan was hilarious last nite on ST saying listen America Jessie is the biggest fag( she was on couch outside he was still upstairs ) and then Michelle says she is BI and was offended ,whoops :)

Is the forum gonna say sweet Jordan is a bigot now :rolleyes::animated_rotfl:

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How are ya UVP :)

Jordan was hilarious last nite on ST saying listen America Jessie is the biggest fag( she was on couch outside he was still upstairs ) and then Michelle says she is BI and was offended ,whoops :)

Is the forum gonna say sweet Jordan is a bigot now :rolleyes::animated_rotfl:

i am good. nice to see you back

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I see Jordan's group are the whiners...Roll eyes and complain...Stop whining and do something about it...Start playing the game. Put differences aside make deals because you came to play and not make friends..

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as far as the whining goes...they all go through that after the first eviction...it is sort of like a death and they deal with it in their own way, it will get easier as the weeks go on. right now they need something to hang their hopes on and it looks bleak to them

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I have a feeling Jordan's little group will last a lot longer than the other side's. The explosive personalities may be targetting them for now, but eventually they'll turn on eachother. If Ronnie was smart, he'd make that happen this week by pitting them against eachother and see who is really loyal to whom. Wouldn't it be interesting to see who Nat would vote to keep if it came down to Russ or Jess? If Ronnie really is smart, he'll shake up that group now before they get stronger and he becomes the lowest man on the totem pole.

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Jordan, I still have hope you will do good in this game..

I really hope ronnie ends up teaming with the side he voted out..

Crazier things have happened..

Like Natalie and Adam voting out James, and then the very next second, voting him right back into the game..IDIOTS!!

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If it were to be Laura and Jeff nominated, and Jordan won VETO.. she would Have to save Laura... I kinda hope it happens like that.

I didn't know you had to save your team mate, if you use veto. Is that true? I'm confused.

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Poor Jordan is so out of her element. Both she and Jeff are really nice people and they are stuck in the house with the most decitful, backstabbing, hateful people ever. They just don't have that kind of nastiness within them and have no idea how to deal with it.

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You know Jordon's raw honesty has really shaped a lot of this game. She talked to Russel last night and told him exactly how she felt and it inspired him to come talk to her group.

Her honesty is why the Dysfunctionals are not targeting her. They don't like Laura, Michele and Casey because they don't know what is on their minds.

Jordon's honesty has really helped her and might get her far in the game. I think Jeff's honesty has also helped him. They don't find him the biggest threat.

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