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About erinjs

  • Birthday 09/01/1984

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  1. Love the vote America wonderful
  2. I hope that he stays safe
  3. Love his nominees also
  4. Soooo glad she is on the block
  5. Still upset that I liked her pre season
  6. Monk! Long time no see!!!! She doesn`t really bother me, and she seems to have her head in the game. Definitely deserves MVP over Elissa, who is still only getting it because of Rachel and NOT her game.
  7. Yep I don't like her, and don't get the whole Elissa for MVP obsession. I am over her now.
  8. His religion definitely isn't as prominent as Jameka's was...
  9. IF she keeps getting it, just means a bigger target. She isn't the MVP in the house, isn't playing the best game.
  10. I loved her telling Aaryn off. Just have to say that.
  11. So did she get MVP again?
  12. I still like him *shrugs*
  13. Yep. Soooooooooo different
  14. So the power went to her head? Still better than someone from the other side winning.
  15. Wouldn't bother me if he left. But I wanted Kaitlyn to leave more....
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