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About King123

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  1. I think they should have a season with all winners as well. Or atleast people who made it somewhere in the top 3 in their respective season.
  2. The information may start tricking in, just like me.. It's been a while!
  3. Hey guys! I'm still alive. I've been out of town all summer, but I will be coming back soon. (Hopefully to LFU for you all.. It seems like there is less people updating this year.) But I've been checking morty's everyday! LFUs, you are Doing great.
  4. I'm not against all star seasons. but i doubt they will have one since they brought people back this last year.
  5. who says I ever left?

  6. For she being the 2nd most attractive houseguest ever (behind dani),i sure dont like her.. im ready for her to leave.
  7. Yana! thanks for the post! It's good seeing you around again.
  8. BB has started.. it's time for you to come back.

  9. I know daniele would be a better player without dick, HOWEVER, whenever everbody else has a partner to help them win competitions its somewhat of a disadvantage.. hopefully she will be given the golden key. or maybe they will bring in somebody back to be her partner... somebody like Janelle?
  10. WHERE ARE YOU? come back please.

  11. "New and Old Members" I just realized I was considered "Old" haha
  12. Releases ants in your underwear drawer.

  13. ppffttttttttttt

  14. Whacks u in ass with br00m...

  15. Wicked.. I wish your posts would comeback..

    We need a little more wicked in the threads.



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