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Willie Hantz, Week 2 (Out - July 20)


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Apparently he headbutted Joe and threw something at Janelle as well.

How do I miss all this stuff? I was right here when the feeds came on and when we got Trivia.

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Joe didn't have balls to face him. Locked himself up in HOH. The Joe behind locked doors bragged about how he could take Willie out. Joe's as bad as Willie.

Willie is sick guy and BB messed up putting him somewhere like this.

Willie has been arrested before for physically assaulting people. WTF did Grodner put him on this show to begin with? Willie is so disturbed he might off himself and that could end BB. Put normal people in the house, Grodner.

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How do I miss all this stuff? I was right here when the feeds came on and when we got Trivia.

They were mentioning it when Janelle was in HOH with the rest of the guys including Ian, Ashley, Boogie, Frank and Joe.

Then right before the pizza became I believe Boogie thanked Joe for taking a Headbutt.

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does anyone know where the clip of him melting down today is I can't seem to find it

It's at 5:35 bbt on the flashback. I didn't any slamming or anything overly aggressive but you could here what sounded like plates or spoon being dropped into the sink. There were several people in the kitchen when that happened right as Joe went running to Janni to tell on Willie, before he ran to hide in the HoH.
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I've said it a few times and I'll say it once more. You could look at his eyes and tell he was ready to explode. He would get these looks on his face last week when he had to sit in that room with two women who didn't know when to put a cork in it! I'm sure he has never been put in that situation before because if he needed to get away from it in the past, all he had to do was walk out of the room. rofl

I'm sure the idiot thought since he was probably leaving this week why not make a grand exit. However, he may have just screwed the pooch when it comes to his paycheck. If he left like a regular person he would get his stipend. Being forced to leave after a physical altercation probably nullifies the money. I could be wrong about that but wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.

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Moxie, Willie has a police record already for physically assaulting other people. Why does Grodner put him on BB?

She put him on because she knows she can't think of anything in her own head to improve the show and it's ratings, and she knows what Survivor got from his brother. So she went with the 5th rate version of Russel and thought it would be huge for her. Those police record get skipped by when you have connections to get on the show.

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I didn't like him from the beginning, because he seemed arrogant. Then he got parnoid and I liked him even less.. So he throws a tantrum cause he lost and ended up as a have not... Seriously? What a cry baby.

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I liked Willie okay. Certainly I liked him better than some of the others. Wil and Boogie and Joe, for instance. Willie seems wired for chaos. Someone posted that you could see it in his eyes and I agree with that. I saw that. I think that Willie left of his own accord because he couldn't handle days of knowing that he was most likely going and isn't a guy who can handle being bested - especially by someone as clearly insipid as Mike Boogie. I've always wondered why more BB people don't do that - leave before they can be evicted. BB HG's are hand-picked to give us people we can mock, criticize and ridicule. Our favorites (aside from the BB homecoming kings and queens we love to love) along the way include those HG's who can't get along with others, like to make fools of themselves, and do stupid things just to make a buck. You seldom see a fresh idea on BB anymore. It is stale. We need blood.

I am glad that Willie left. Glad for Willie, mostly.

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That's a relief. She's all over the place so far in this game. She left a six-month old baby to be in this mess. Other HGs need to imitate baby doll saying "ma-ma"....

Another quote from GWTW: Belle Watling referring to Scarlett's mothering skills as: "Why, a cat would make a better mother than her..."

Wow, that's pretty harsh. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but we know nothing about Janelle's life outside this house. We know nothing about her support network. She didn't leave the baby in the woods in the middle of nowhere. We don't know how she is with her daughter when she is with her. She could be a very good mother, who is doing this for her daughter's future. We don't know their home situation. It isn't the choice I would personally make, but I am not in her situation either. I think if you're going to make a call she's this terrible mother, you would need more evidence than leaving her baby for a few months. She's not leaving it in the woods. I am sure her husband and her mom are taking care of her baby for her... shrugs.

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Dammit Willie, well I'm done for the season... No one else is worth my time and energy now... I was basically watching for Willie Hantz..

Til Next season.. Hopefully there will be no returnees and a fresh and new cast... I hope Ian wins, I have grown to adore him so I wish him well.

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And I came here originally to be like what the heck... I saw the crazy eye look when Frank won HOH .. but I would of thought he'd take it like a man, or do what he had done the week before and start stirring up trouble to somehow pull a rabbit out of a hat and not get evicted.

Sunday's show should be interesting.

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Can't CBS find any other egotistical nut-jobs that aren't a Hantz?

When he was introduced as a Hantz, I figured he wouldn't last long. But I thought he'd be evicted early, not suicide himself out of the game. He's even more of a nut than I figured.

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Wow, that's pretty harsh. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but we know nothing about Janelle's life outside this house. We know nothing about her support network. She didn't leave the baby in the woods in the middle of nowhere. We don't know how she is with her daughter when she is with her. She could be a very good mother, who is doing this for her daughter's future. We don't know their home situation. It isn't the choice I would personally make, but I am not in her situation either. I think if you're going to make a call she's this terrible mother, you would need more evidence than leaving her baby for a few months. She's not leaving it in the woods. I am sure her husband and her mom are taking care of her baby for her... shrugs.

I don't think anyone that has been a mother and has had that special connection with their baby could think it is OK to leave their child for a reality show. It doesn't matter who is taking care of her baby it matters that Janelle shows she does not have a mother's love. Most mother's could not bear to be away from their child.

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I don't think anyone that has been a mother and has had that special connection with their baby could think it is OK to leave their child for a reality show. It doesn't matter who is taking care of her baby it matters that Janelle shows she does not have a mother's love. Most mother's could not bear to be away from their child.

Of course Marty --you are 100% right. Young kids who are not mothers can talk all they want but actual mothers have the experience. Lenray say whatever you want about HG. You are brilliant honey!

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Wow, that's pretty harsh. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but we know nothing about Janelle's life outside this house. We know nothing about her support network. She didn't leave the baby in the woods in the middle of nowhere. We don't know how she is with her daughter when she is with her. She could be a very good mother, who is doing this for her daughter's future. We don't know their home situation. It isn't the choice I would personally make, but I am not in her situation either. I think if you're going to make a call she's this terrible mother, you would need more evidence than leaving her baby for a few months. She's not leaving it in the woods. I am sure her husband and her mom are taking care of her baby for her... shrugs.

Agree. I wouldn't have left my daughter because I thought no one was capable of taking care of her as well as I could. lol. Now that my daughter is an adult, I can see that if I had left her for 2-3 months when she was an infant, she would have still grown up to be the same person and we would have the same relationship. I can also see that other people (her father, aunts/uncles and grandparents) could have taken just as good of care of her as I did. :) Janelle's baby isn't going to remember that her mother was gone for a couple of months trying to make $100k for her education, which is what she's said she was there for several times. I also heard Janelle telling Brit the other day that she and her husband were planning to have another baby asap, so I kinda doubt she's a bad mom.

As for Willie, he's a nutcase. He played a crappy game last week and it caught up with him. As others said, he's a poor sport. He picked up his ball and stomped home because he couldn't stand losing a game. Brit was just as much at fault for how things went down this past week but she'll never admit it to the others. Inevitably though, Willie is responsible for his own actions. He's a big baby. And just like Chima, he knocked out someone who really wanted to play the game and he screwed the game up because he's a selfish, tempermental loser. Good riddance to bad rubbish. He needs anger management.

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The only reason he was there was Grodner thought his name would bring in viewers. He told the story about him assualting his (ex?) girlfriend and the guy she was with and said the charges ended up being dropped. But he did enter the home without permission, he did assault them and he was aressted. But he wasn't convicted. So Grodner just looked past the fact that he IS a violent man and put him in the house because his name might get BB some ratings.

When I watched him sitting on the HoH bed, staring at the spy screen, I was thinking, Light on, light off, light on, light off.

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In thinking about Willie and his chaotic world, it occurred to me that he & I have something in common....

I received my grad degrees in Math & Comp Sci from a three letter school in Cambridge Massachusetts... Our pal WIllie received his grad degree in paranoid self-destruction from Swamp U. See, it is a small world after all...


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When I watched him sitting on the HoH bed, staring at the spy screen, I was thinking, Light on, light off, light on, light off.

:hahohi: :hahohi: :hahohi:

In thinking about Willie and his chaotic world, it occurred to me that he & I have something in common....

I received my grad degrees in Math & Comp Sci from a three letter school in Cambridge Massachusetts... Our pal WIllie received his grad degree in paranoid self-destruction from Swamp U. See, it is a small world after all...


:hahohi: :hahohi: :hahohi:

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I must be seeing things differently. He is a hothead and very bossy but I don't think Willie is a bully and more then Joe, Boogie, Janelle and Britney and and maybe Frank. I guess the Hantz name enhances perception.

He is a big stomper and likes to confront people. He is bossy and egotistical. But to me... I don't see the bully part.

I completely agree... Joe is far more a bully than Willie... Willie is a hot head & says what is on his mind but Joe is completely a bully...

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