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  1. What a douchebag. He had to make the finale all about him, rather than the winner. The guy must have an in with the producers, because everyone else hates him.
  2. Yeah, I'd really hate to see the creep win after watching all season. Any of the others winning I'm okay with.
  3. I don't think she'll vote him out. She doesn't have to. She can easily win most of the jury against him.
  4. She'll beat anyone else quite easily. Just add up the jury votes she'll get, even against Tyler. Tyler will have Sam, Angela, and maybe Brett. KC gets everyone else. She didn't play a better strategic game, but she played better at social and comps. And, she has the female vote and gay vote. Tyler won't stand a chance.
  5. I hope Julie gets fired from BB, too. She could easily be replaced by a robot, given how she hosts.
  6. At least with BB, they can't lie and misrepresent everything. Survivor is a show I have absolutely zero trust in, because the producers can show us anything and we have no way of knowing anything else.
  7. Interesting. I wonder if that explains why Julie has such a hate-on for Angela. Perhaps she sees an attractive Angela, and takes out all her hatred of her husband's mistresses on her? A total disaster. Any of the remaining players deserve to win, with the exception of Sam. She is utterly pathetic and completely undeserving.
  8. I like her. Duh. But I don't think she's any more entitled than most of the rest of the house (and jury). I think women don't like her because of jealousy. So she's introverted and doesn't make an ass of herself like everyone else. So what?
  9. I was done with her when she won HoH and went crazy with her nomination speech, all while doing the exact behavior herself. She's stupid, dull, and deserves no pity.
  10. Wow, yeah. Julie Chen sounds bitter and jealous, and obviously must not realize she is only the host because of her husband. She should take her own psycho-analyzing advice.
  11. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If he's hoping to be the 7th person in a 7-person alliance, I'm not sure that's better than being #1 or 2 in a 3-person. At least if he stuck with his alliance, he might have a chance, small as it is. Try to suck in a couple of the low-hanging fruits from the other alliance into theirs, and he'd have a real chance.
  12. Sure, they both secretly like guys? Long-term, probably not a good romantic match.
  13. I think he butters his toast on the other side of the bread. He just doesn't realize it yet.
  14. Angela has every guy's jury vote. Well, except for JC of course. And, probably Scottie, because, come on! When is he going to come out of the closet???
  15. I think it's pretty clear that the only reason Cody won is because America hated all the houseguests. This was a f-you to the bully club. This wasn't a vote for Cody, this was a vote against the BB season. Even Cody knows he didn't deserve it.



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