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  1. I have never understood why when these HG get a secret opportunity they have to go running to somebody and blab about it. If it was me I wouldn't tell a soul. The more you can keep under your hat the better. When it comes right down to it those kind of details can blow up in your face later on so why add points against yourself? smh
  2. At first he had the hots for Natalie but when she wouldn't give him the time of day he started treating her in a rude manner. I guess his vanity couldn't handle it. If that's the way he thinks it's OK to treat women who don't fall at his feet, his stay in the house will be short.
  3. HG like this dude are a lot of fun to watch. They think they know everything when in fact they don't know a freaking thing when it comes to the game. Good entertainment but have my doubts he can last very long. He'll end up being his own worst enemy IMO.
  4. I'm not sure her mathematical skills are going to keep her from walking out the door the next couple of weeks. She's telling ridiculous lies way too soon and they will catch up to her. Why are so many of these people playing so hard so soon? The more they talk the more they'll risk getting caught in their machinations. rofl
  5. Congrats to Derrick for the big win! He was my pick on week 2 so glad it worked out that way. This year has really disappointed me because I could NEVER get my feeds to work. I had to rely on things I read on a couple of different websites and twitter. I'm curious if others had as many problems with the feeds as I did. Hopefully next year will be better. A LOT better. *sigh*
  6. Jeff's interviews are not going to air live this year. They said they would be posted on CBS tomorrow. We'll see. Pao Pao is being interviewed now.
  7. This is the addy people have been posting on Twitter for live back yard interviews. http://www.wibw.com/live It's live now!!!
  8. Christine won the POV. Christine really wants Zach gone from the house but I still hope Nicole convinces her to use it so both Zach and Frankie will be on the block together. rofl
  9. After reading tweets for the past several minutes I'm delighted Zach didn't win POV. Now I hope Nicole convinces Christine to use the veto. She could tell her she's going to put up Donny or Caleb but really put up Frankie. Having Zankie on the block could be real entertaining for the fans. We'd get to see how much they would tear each other apart. Cody and Derrick want Frankie gone as do Donny, Hayden and Nicole. That would give Nicole the ability to cast the final vote against Frankie. rofl I wouldn't mind if Zach was the person who got voted out either. He gets on my nerves so much just with all the ridiculous antics he pulls in there.
  10. I haven't been posting much this season due to my feeds never working right. I have to spend so much time reading what's happening in the house there is no time to post. lol I'm happy Donny and Nicole won HOH. The only person I didn't want to win was Zach. I have no doubt all of them will be running to Donny because they are scared to death he'll throw them on the block. None of them have wanted to work with him until this point so they will have concerns. I'm sure Donny won't pick Frankie or Derrick due to America's player but others in their alliance will hopefully go up instead.
  11. I guarantee Derrick and Frankie will try to handle Donny to make sure none of their alliance goes on the block. Unfortunately for them I think he would see right through it but he'll be willing to hear what they have to say. The America's Team has been good for Donny since he has two other people making sure he wasn't put on the block and I think he'll do the same for them. However it wouldn't surprise me to hear Donny say he finds it interesting to hear which people are encouraging him to put up certain people in the house. This could get interesting.
  12. Wait until he learns next week he was voted off the island and had no clue until it was too late. rofl
  13. I know Frankie can be annoying to a lot of the fans and you're right. He is fair game when it comes to his antics. I just find it very sad when people try to marry the two and dismiss his grief. BTW I totally agree with you on the religious thing too. Now that a second HG has lost a grandfather my heart is hurting for them all.
  14. I saw someone repost his wife's tweet saying his grandfather passed away this morning. I can't believe this has happened twice in one week. There hasn't been this much sadness in the BB house since 9/11. My heart breaks for Derrick.



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