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  1. I enjoyed the first part of the season then it got boooooooooring, so I stopped watching. Been OBSESSED with the UK versions of BB though (regular and celebrity). They're all on youtube for your binging pleasure. I knew Steve would win this year from his initial interview with Jeff and I said it! They need to get rid of him fast because he will win it and he did. Anywhoo see y'all next summer.
  2. I really like this idea, anything that will change the normal process. Every year I get to a point in the game where I'm bored and that time is here, the classic game format now is so predictable and boring. I really like how BB is played in the uk and Australia. not many comps, more social game, public votes, face to face noms, instant cash prizes, new houseguests during the process, food rations, fun competitions for luxury food prizes, instant evictions, kill nominations, passes to finale (bbuk2014, and the chick who got the pass won the season!), no hoh, no veto. I just finished watching bbuk2015 it was amazing from beginning to the finale. This is what I want for our version.
  3. she will win a comp when it is completely and absolutely necessary to her, I can totally see her winning the last comp of the season and picking who to take to final 2. I don't understand why she would come on this season after just having knee surgery. Anyway back to watching BBuk online, this season has lost it's appeal to me.
  4. still hasn't won anything yet huh? at this point it would be dumb to evict her. Keep her to compete in the finals, she will be simple to beat. I hope people are thinking that way.
  5. Dammit!! Hopefully she can win the second chance comp to return to the house. I guess they will do it similar to what I like to call the season of the racists, an endurance with 4 extra spaces to compete to return, maybe?
  6. I actually wouldn't mind if he won HOH because I want him to show his cards and get some blood on his hands. Because if he thinks he will get jury votes from working out and eating 24 hours a day, the joke is on him.
  7. 2 reactions I can't wait to see, Vanessa's face being BD at the veto ceremony and Becky's face when Vanessa's returns to the house in a few weeks.
  8. Exactly Shelli is the Guilt trip Queen. This is verbatim what will escape her trap.
  9. she has to pick a side now. this week should be interesting.
  10. I somehow feel he knows this and he is keeping his cards close to his chest, we will see what he is made of as far as nominees when he wins HOH, he is due one.
  11. He stuck to his guns and got one of them out, I think that was the main point of his HOH reign. The stronger of the two not really, but we shall see on Thursday if he actually got the person he wanted out. He did this all by himself, his alliance was total crap and was of zero use to him this week. I just hope he survives next week to go further in this game.
  12. They wont until its too late, the problem in there is too many people that don't want to compete. Most want the same handful of people to win and do all the dirty work. Everyone is saying oh if we evict Shelli the target on me increases, umm how about the probability of you winning an HOH or a POV increasing? No one wants to compete in comps, they will work harder to throw a comp than to win it. Okay if you aren't good a comps there has to be another person in there with strategy other that Vanessa. Neither Meg or Jackie suggested as insurance to pull Clay off and nominate Vanessa or even Liz! BOOM! Shelli goes for sure, these people are unbelievable dumb.
  13. Meg is such a huge disappointment to her alliance, HUGE. she wins nothing, she gives the other side too much information and receives nothing from them. she is weak.
  14. Looks like she is definitely staying unless she hopefully shoots herself in the foot later on this week with some condescending tyrant about something. If she survives thursday she deserves to win this season and its because these people are all idiots. She is sitting there telling the ditzy twins how she threw Steve under the bus, mind you this is after hours of crying about the lack of loyalty in the house. why would you leave your family and friends to come live a house to hand someone else half a million dollars and who doesn't give two craps about you. You are saving the one who WINS everything? unreal.
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