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  1. None of the forums are working for me, anyone else?

  2. None of the forums are working for me, anyone else?

  3. Barf, he'll be Grodbeasts new Jesse popping out her box er Pandora's box every year!
  4. She didn't win much?? She never got to play anything, a couple of coach's comps nd that was it, she never even got to play a veto.
  5. Pfffft Russell played best nothing, slimy loser is the only thing he could win
  6. If he really needed the money that badly then he should taken 5 minutes and watched some of the DVD's they supplied him while he was sequestered so that he would have had a clue how the game works!
  7. Me too Marty, I want blindsides and bloodshed man.......season 2 when Will and Boogie wanted Nicole gone, she went to everyone and flipped the whole house and the pawn went home......that is the kind of sh*t I want to see, none of this koombaya, lets hold hands and sing and play an honest game, blech!!! I thought Little Bo Peep myself lol
  8. Dan I was pretty meh about you coming back this season but seriously after tonight.......CHOO CHOO, my butt is firmly back back on the Dan train, best player EVER!!! Personally, this is why watch this garbage every damn year, it's gotten far to kittens and rainbows the last few years, everyone voting the way the HOH wants, everyone afraid to make any moves or get blood on their hands.....GO DAN!!!
  9. Shane doesn't have a clue, he'll do what Dani tells him to do
  10. She's already nominated Ian and Dan, pretty sure Ian is gone, Ian won't take Dani to the final 2, she'll make Shane vote Ian out.
  11. Ummmm someone should really explain this freaking game to Shane, thats how it works you moron, or you go on the block and take your chances, which wouldn't be great lol



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