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McCrae - Week 10 (POV Winner - Saved)


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If Ginamarie follows through and puts Amanda and McCrae on the block Amanda is going to totally lose it and McCrae is going to throw her under the bus, blaming her behavior for bringing them BOTH down. IMO.

Showmance over.

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McC has been UNDER Amanda's thumb all season.

Let's see him try to wriggle out this week.

turkinator : " I wonder what McCrae the superfan would think about McCrae the house guest. "

Bet he'll sit and cry in his beer watching the re-runs and Flash-backs when he gets home.

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McC has been UNDER Amanda's thumb all season.

Let's see him try to wriggle out this week.

turkinator : " I wonder what McCrae the superfan would think about McCrae the house guest. "

Bet he'll sit and cry in his beer watching the re-runs and Flash-backs when he gets home.

Hmmmm... Cry in his beer... I dunno... I think he may be more of a smoker than a drinker.

It's not out of the question that he'll need to partake of the wacky weed to calm his nerves once Amanda becomes his very own stalker. You know those buttons of hers.


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Amanda will take herself off the block and then go to work to try to get whomever GM has to put up gone. Who do you think would be the least likely to go home were they up against McC? Could Amanda flip Spencer, Judd or Andy into doing something so dumb? I am certain she could not flip Elyssa LOL not after that last week damn ...

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Amanda will take herself off the block and then go to work to try to get whomever GM has to put up gone. Who do you think would be the least likely to go home were they up against McC? Could Amanda flip Spencer, Judd or Andy into doing something so dumb? I am certain she could not flip Elyssa LOL not after that last week damn ...

I'd like to see Ginamarie put Amanda and McCrae up (of course!), and if one of them wins the POV I'd like to see Andy get put up as the replacement nominee. I still think he's just floating along the current in whatever direction the wind takes him and it'd be good for him to finally realize that he was just being used. If Amanda won POV she'd definitely be campaigning for Andy to go home. If McCrae won POV he'd probably want to have Amanda out because she has become the biggest detriment to his game.

Also, my prediction is if McCrae gets evicted he'll be followed by Amanda in the DE (poor Jury House!), but if it's Amanda evicted first she'll be followed by Elissa, pending outcome of the comps, of course.

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I'd like to see Ginamarie put Amanda and McCrae up (of course!), and if one of them wins the POV I'd like to see Andy get put up as the replacement nominee. I still think he's just floating along the current in whatever direction the wind takes him and it'd be good for him to finally realize that he was just being used. If Amanda won POV she'd definitely be campaigning for Andy to go home. If McCrae won POV he'd probably want to have Amanda out because she has become the biggest detriment to his game.

Also, my prediction is if McCrae gets evicted he'll be followed by Amanda in the DE (poor Jury House!), but if it's Amanda evicted first she'll be followed by Elissa, pending outcome of the comps, of course.

I think you're right. If Amanda pulls herself off with POV, the houseguests will evict McCrea since he's their 2nd choice. Then in the DE they will evict Amanda since she was their first choice all along

However, if Amanda goes home in the first eviction, suddenly they may all want to work with McCrea since they do like him. And so they'll likely get rid of Elissa.

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I wonder what McCrae the superfan would think about McCrae the house guest. He would think that guy sucks, is dirty, is a floater, has no game and is letting that dominatrix use and abuse him. But at least he's getting laid.

He said last night that he doesn't care what America thinks about him; all he cares about is winning (maybe he's related to Charlie Sheen). It's so obvious why this douche-bag is nothing more than a pizza delivery boy and never will be; he has no ambition but just wants to hang out, play video games, and get the "free stuff". Can't wait for him to leave.

I'd like to see Ginamarie put Amanda and McCrae up (of course!), and if one of them wins the POV I'd like to see Andy get put up as the replacement nominee. I still think he's just floating along the current in whatever direction the wind takes him and it'd be good for him to finally realize that he was just being used. If Amanda won POV she'd definitely be campaigning for Andy to go home. If McCrae won POV he'd probably want to have Amanda out because she has become the biggest detriment to his game.

Also, my prediction is if McCrae gets evicted he'll be followed by Amanda in the DE (poor Jury House!), but if it's Amanda evicted first she'll be followed by Elissa, pending outcome of the comps, of course.

On BBAD and the feeds, Andy was doing his floating still....and he and Spencer said if the McNasty's are up they don't want to win the veto; which would give the lovebirds a better chance of winning veto....are these people delusional ALL the time. I wish GM would put the fear of God in them that if they play and throw the veto, they will go up as a replacement (like Elissa did).

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McC has been UNDER Amanda's thumb all season.

Let's see him try to wriggle out this week.

turkinator : " I wonder what McCrae the superfan would think about McCrae the house guest. "

Bet he'll sit and cry in his beer watching the re-runs and Flash-backs when he gets home.

ANY adult ( especially male ) that bites his nails and refuses to shower will never cry in his beer. Not enough ambition to play, regret let alone haul himself to the bar and slump on a stool.

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well GM is in an alliance with Andy, Judd and Spencer so if one of the McNasties comes down would she put up Elissa?

good question - I would hope she would put Andy - that little troll betrayed her and sold her out to McCranda - he did that to everyone, really - hopefullys she sees that -

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I think she would put up Andy bc of the exterminators, she would think they would be pressured to vote out Elissa if she was on the block. Also she knows how close Andy is with them, hence why Elissa put him up with Aaryn and she told GM she did all that work to further "their" game and this is how they repay her, keeping Andy over her bc he was with them longer. Andy would have spencer and Judd's vote to stay bc of their alliance.

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What a panty waist. I dread the minute him and Amanda corner GM or Elissa after they get nominated and start with the low blows.

If they are both up after noms, someone needs to stir the pot by starting rumors about what they are saying behind each others backs. It would be great if the whole house got together to figure out some plan to drive them both nuts during their block time.

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If Ginamarie follows through and puts Amanda and McCrae on the block Amanda is going to totally lose it and McCrae is going to throw her under the bus, blaming her behavior for bringing them BOTH down. IMO.

Showmance over.

Yes, I am sure GM will be doing their dirty work for her this week. She's just a tool!

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GM, Spencer, Andy and Judd want McCrae out before Amanda.

So McSloth how is that showmance workin for ya? He thought he could hide behind her and she would bully them to the end.

edit to add: I think it is a good decision. The rest of the house can be against Amanda and get her out in the double eviction. Just don't think she would make it to the end anyway.

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He never talks. She keeps talking and he responds with grunting noise for yes or no. Once in a while she might get some mumbled answer if she asks a direct question. He is like the walking dead, except for the walking part.

:smilielol::smilielol: :smilielol:

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