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McCrae - Week 10 (POV Winner - Saved)


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Mandy is trying to plant the seed too to get him to use it on her. He would stay on the block because he would not be using it on himself. Judd is trying to plant the seed for him to take her down. They still want McCrae out before Amanda.

If Judd somehow convinces him to use the veto on Amanda, he is smarter than I thought...& McCrae cares more for Amanda than I thought. Lol

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I was listening to a little flashback from last night. McDruggie was telling Mandy how he used to go bowling every night. He used to take a different drug every time. He said it was an experiment to see what drug he could bowl the best on.

He really likes acid. Seems to explain why he is such a ding dong grrrbite.gif

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I was listening to a little flashback from last night. McDruggie was telling Mandy how he used to go bowling every night. He used to take a different drug every time. He said it was an experiment to see what drug he could bowl the best on.

He really likes acid. Seems to explain why he is such a ding dong grrrbite.gif

Things are so much clearer now....

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I was listening to a little flashback from last night. McDruggie was telling Mandy how he used to go bowling every night. He used to take a different drug every time. He said it was an experiment to see what drug he could bowl the best on.

He really likes acid. Seems to explain why he is such a ding dong grrrbite.gif

Good grief.

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Amanda kinda ruin his game. Too bad for him she couldn't leave earlier. If Amanda was gone earlier, maybe he would play his game instead of hers. Only things he got out of this is $5000 and whippe

McCrae ruined his OWN chances.

Dear McCrae..... JUST SAY NO.

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I don't think I have ever changed my opinion about 2 players as much as I have with McCrae & Amanda ... Initially I liekd the dorky pizza delivery guy and Amanda was kinda funny ... then they got together and it completely fell off the rails! McCrae ruined his game by allowing himself to get caught up in a showmance that will likely end within a week of the show being over.

Great thinking McCrae! :nono:

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Yeah, that and he bites his fingernails, chain smokes, never completes a simple sentence and seldom bathes. Quite the catch.

He is so disgusting in so many ways. His favorite and most spoken words are ya or yep.

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I heard him talk more last night on BBAD than I have the whole season LOL. He and Elissa actually talked about game and she was trying to convince him to take her to final 2 but don't think he was buying it.

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