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Hats off to BB producers this week


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I can't believe they aired all the racist comments and actually addressed it during the show! Granted, they just put Aaryn on blast and didn't mention GinaMarie or Spencer yet- but I never dreamed they'd actually show it on the edits! I'm so proud that they took that stance and showed the disgusting things that are being said, rather than sweep it under the rug. My jaw was on the floor when they did that little section of the show about that whole thing. I really thought they'd just try to cover it up and not mention it on tv.

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I can't believe they aired all the racist comments and actually addressed it during the show! Granted, they just put Aaryn on blast and didn't mention GinaMarie or Spencer yet- but I never dreamed they'd actually show it on the edits! I'm so proud that they took that stance and showed the disgusting things that are being said, rather than sweep it under the rug. My jaw was on the floor when they did that little section of the show about that whole thing. I really thought they'd just try to cover it up and not mention it on tv.

I can't believe they aired all the racist comments and actually addressed it during the show! Granted, they just put Aaryn on blast and didn't mention GinaMarie or Spencer yet- but I never dreamed they'd actually show it on the edits! I'm so proud that they took that stance and showed the disgusting things that are being said, rather than sweep it under the rug. My jaw was on the floor when they did that little section of the show about that whole thing. I really thought they'd just try to cover it up and not mention it on tv.

I agree. I was surprised that they showed the remarks after sweeping it under the rug. That shows that the power of the people do have an impact (well somewhat). I actually emailed the CBS complaints department and told them they should air those remarks and if they didn't, they should no air CBS Cares commercials during Big Brother. LOL

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It pretty much destroyed her chances of ever being MVP :), even when the field shrinks to a few players. I'm sure some non-live feed viewers were unaware of her antics and bought somewhat into the pretty-blonde-texas-girl nonsense. But I think CBS could have gone beyond what they did and asked Howard how he felt that others either agreed or laughed at her remarks.

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I like that Howard knew what was going on BUT explained that he didn't want to say anything about it because he's in the middle of a game right now and he needs to stick to game mode. I can understand that and give him props for that. He came in the house to try hard to win 500,000 and that is his only focus right now. You can tell he is not happy about it but he is keeping his eye on the prize! Why let her mess up his game?

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Hopefully all these different situations will teach people they need to keep their racist remarks to themselves. And if they don't things can happen because people don't need to put that shit. To me Aaryn is just horrible all around even beyond her racists remarks.

And is Amanda really as innocent as she was trying to show on the show? I thought I heard her call David a retard?

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Guest 6Borders

I'm glad CBS addressed it on the show. We also wrote to them by email and sent a letter directly to Les with a cc to Alison.

Looks like they got enough flack to bring it to the table. I am glad the people who don't have feeds and just watch the show are aware of what Aaryn is doing. I suspect we may get some snipets from GM and Spencer also, especially since Spencer seems to be continuing in that vein, tho GM seems to have toned it down and taken seriously getting in trouble by BB.

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Hopefully all these different situations will teach people they need to keep their racist remarks to themselves. And if they don't things can happen because people don't need to put that shit. To me Aaryn is just horrible all around even beyond her racists remarks.

And is Amanda really as innocent as she was trying to show on the show? I thought I heard her call David a retard?

I'd rather people said their racist stuff so I know where they stand. And racism is based on some real ignorance as well as hate. And people do have differences that can be racist fuel. I recall in High school I entered a room that had been occupied by a group. There was a strong smell in the room and a friend said it was due to the group that had left. Can I deny that group smells different?

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I was shocked too .. Glad though. I think right now in America people are emotionally charged about race issues due to the Paula Deen and Trayvon Martin cases in the news.

Which is why I want to be entertained by watching TV shows like Big Brother. Can we just make a definitive general statement that there will always be racism as long as there are different races and move on?

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Did anyone see Aryan and Jessie talking in the hoh last night about Amanda? They were discussing whether or not Amanda has money and Jessie said (not verbatim), "Of course she has money. She's a JEW! Have you ever known a Jew who doesn't have money?"

They just dig the hole deeper and deeper.

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I guess she can always go intern for Paula Dean after this.


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Hopefully all these different situations will teach people they need to keep their racist remarks to themselves. And if they don't things can happen because people don't need to put that shit. To me Aaryn is just horrible all around even beyond her racists remarks.

And is Amanda really as innocent as she was trying to show on the show? I thought I heard her call David a retard?

Exactly and Amanda has made homophobic jokes relating to Andy!!! She can't talk! BB DON'T EVENT TRY TO MAKE HER A STAR! She calls women the C word! AND SHE IS CRAZY!!!!! As I psycho! Watch her! She does some things that that make u question is she all there! I think if she's put on the block she's going to go psycho! That week will be a show she's going to go off when everybody! In between crying!

Which is why I want to be entertained by watching TV shows like Big Brother. Can we just make a definitive general statement that there will always be racism as long as there are different races and move on?

No Jersey we can't just sweep it under the rug! If we did it would get worse! It's like saying it's okay!

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Well, should'a known BB was gonna do something, I mean she was making fun & being racist about Helen being Asian......Not a good thing to do when Julie Chen is the host of the show and her husband is a head honcho at CBS......I was kind'a hoping that they would'a booted her off the show, right along with her racist friends!!!!!

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My husband, who couldn't care less about reality shows like Big Brother, had even heard about this, so the coverage about this was everywhere. It was kind of crazy, bc I don't recall this kind of crap going on in seasons past, even when I watched the feeds. I was also shocked that BB decided to air the remarks and cover them, but I was kind of hoping that Aaryn would have been called out by Howard or Candice or even Helen about some of the things she's said. Or was she? I don't have the feeds and I haven't been reading up on the site every day.

I guess almost the entire cast have made racist remarks or at least didn't say anything when someone else did?

Didn't Jeremy make one by the pool that day Amanda came outside to talk to the group while Helen was crying in the kitchen? I can't remember what he said, but I remember it had something to do with Hispanic people and I remember thinking, wow, okay, that was uncalled for.

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Maybe I'm different but I don't think that just because you make racist remarks about someone that automaticly makes you a racist. Comedians for years poke fun at every race, religion and body type you can imagine. That dosen't make them racist. When they crack jokes about fat people everyone laughs, except fat people, etc., etc. Have any of you ever been really, really mad at someone and not called them something racist, even if it's under your breath to yourself? If the answer is yes then you are a racist by definition.

The problem here is this years batch of lab rats hasen't figured out that everything they say and do is live on the internet and they must curtail their thoughts and expressions. I'll bet many, many pevoius HG's would have said many of the same things about other HG's during their seasons but were smart enough to realize there's a time and place for everything and BB is neither the time or place.

And by the way, since when is calling Amanda a Jew racist???? Especially if she is Jewish.

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Maybe I'm different but I don't think that just because you make racist remarks about someone that automaticly makes you a racist. Comedians for years poke fun at every race, religion and body type you can imagine. That dosen't make them racist. When they crack jokes about fat people everyone laughs, except fat people, etc., etc. Have any of you ever been really, really mad at someone and not called them something racist, even if it's under your breath to yourself? If the answer is yes then you are a racist by definition.

The problem here is this years batch of lab rats hasen't figured out that everything they say and do is live on the internet and they must curtail their thoughts and expressions. I'll bet many, many pevoius HG's would have said many of the same things about other HG's during their seasons but were smart enough to realize there's a time and place for everything and BB is neither the time or place.

And by the way, since when is calling Amanda a Jew racist???? Especially if she is Jewish.

cheers stevea11

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Calling someone who is Jewish a Jew is not racism. The correlation between Jewish individuals and wealth is stereotypical and anyone over a 3rd grade education should know that it isn't appropriate. It's no different from saying "Of course he's from the ghetto, he's black." Not to mention that many non-caucasian individuals look at my pale skin tone and blonde hair and immediately think I sleep with the Confederate flag on my bed. Thanks Aaryn for once again making the rest of us look like complete idiots!!

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Better late than never I suppose though CBS could have saved themselves some grief if they'd aired them last Tuesday or Wednesday. Would have got a lot less publicity though.

I also wonder if they'd have shown them if Aaryn hadn't become HoH - when Aaryn was on the sidelines they could take the stance they're not showing it as it's not directly affecting the gameplay, but this week it clearly is.

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