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Coach Mike "Boogie", Week 1


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The interaction with him and his son was charming.

And I LOL'd out loud when he walked in the house and said "Daddy's home.."

For some reason I find his over-blown ego, truly amusing.

Booger.. I'll make you a deal.. you don't ruin my boy Ian's game play this season and I'll forgive you for being a gross, over-cocky human being who toyed with Erica on All-Stars and threw her away.

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probably the most balance team brains and physical :animated_bouncy:

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I cringed when I saw him enter the house. He did pick a good team.. just not so sure he will load them with good advice.

you know Mike Boogie is their for camra time! They will be lucky to get advice on which bathroom to use :lol:
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Welcome back Chill Town!

Really wish Will was with him again this year, it was always SO much fun watching them together. He was an evil bastard but one of the most memorable houseguests of all time, and I'm super exicted and happy to see him back. :)

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Welcome back Chill Town!

Really wish Will was with him again this year, it was always SO much fun watching them together. He was an evil bastard but one of the most memorable houseguests of all time, and I'm super exicted and happy to see him back. :)

I know.. it shouldn't even be aloud for one to come in without the other.

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By the way, anyone remember the season with the Big Brother 'ghosts'? ((Big Brother had former houseguests stand behind the mirrors and shine a red light under their face to scare the people in the house. Funniest stuff ever!)

I found a youtube clip of my all time favorite Mike Boogie moment- when they were standing in the bathroom talking and Mike saw one of the ghosts in the mirror.. he screamed like a woman and nearly trambled the girls to get away. :lol: Keep an eye on Camera 1 (top left) to see him flip out.


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trying to save frank from going home

in the hoh room pleading his case :animated_bouncy:

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I like Boogie! He isn't Dr. Will by any means who definitely is the brains of Chilltown! But Boogie is an alright player in his own right!

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