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Daniele - Week 1

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I love her and her dad. So I am so freaking happy to see them back. Even if it will be hard to watch them fight with each other. I am hoping this season brings them back together again this time for good! Not sure I am loving the new black hair though lol.

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still a comp beast

they better split her and her dad up soon

both are powerhouse duo :animated_bouncy:

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She seems kinda... not as hot as she used to be. :inquisitive:

Really bony face and the dark hair makes her look washed out.

I can see her and Rachel becoming competition horders though. I wonder if they could be friends through that as a common ground.

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Something has really changed this girl IMO and not just the color of her hair. There was something about her that I can't put my finger on yet, but know I will. Can tell that she is definetly there to win AT ALL COSTS, even if it means booting Daddy out!!

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I don't buy for a second that this feud with Dick will last.

And she would never get rid of him. That is one vote guaranteed for her. She's not that stupid.

agree :animated_bouncy:

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^^^^^^ Agree Sugar, and I think the dark hair makes her look hard, she is thicker thru the middle, and I also do not buy that her and her dad are fueding, nope, I think it's a ploy,lol

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She didn't seem happy at all to be back in the house when she got there and the first DR with Dick. Why do it if you know you'll be there with someone you're not speaking to? Seems like all part of the game - I'm sure they've got a plan that will unfold as the days go by.

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Gorgeous with blonde hair...Average with black...

and so it seems, that was the shockingest of all 1st episode moments! (I guess it's her, same smile, but wow, what a change!)

and I gotta give it to those Donato's, they have some fight-in-challenges in them. It was impressive how the vets ruled in that first HOH comp.

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I was shocked to see her interracting with the other houseguests and actually laughing.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's true that she hasn't spoken to Evel in 3 yrs. I just hope we don't have to listen to her whine the entire summer! Although ideally I'd love for her to be evicted soon.

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She has a dark mysterious quality to her. I find myself wanting to know more about her. I actually went and googled information about her season cause I never saw her before. I saw her sticking close to Rachel tonight, and they seemed to get along well. I am trying to imagine if Dani and Rachel join forces what they could accomplish. :animated_scratchchin: So far I look forward to seeing her compete.

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