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I give him credit for nothing but bein a whiney baby and having mucho luck, especially when the group he is palyin with are not the sharpest group, I mean the competition is not all that.

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Can't any of these people argue without using the "C" word?

That was vile what James did last night. I'm not a SheBot lover by any means. She bores the heck out of me. But James should have been a man. Have an argument without spitting and menacing a woman. There are ways to fight in a civilized manner. That was gross.

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Well, I give James mad props for winning PoV this week! I didn't think he had a chance but he's hanging on by a thread and keeps pulling through...All of them are a bunch of whiny a**es, immature and crazy. Most of them are disgusting too. WTG Crazy James!

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I'm right behind you GingerSnaps. I guess I gave Nat too much credit. Still don't care for James but he's going to run the house.

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I don't think James is running the house, he is just trying to survive......but.....Ryan, now maybe that's another story. He's the sneaky one! :animated_scratchchin:

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Ugh...James! He's like a bad rash you just can't get rid of.

There's no getting rid of him now...I dread them voting him the 500 gs at the end ...ugh!

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why is James on board with this?? Sharon is in his alliance as much as Josh is. Shelia and Adam are NOT in an alliance with James. he should demand Shelia be taken out.

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wow he won another pov


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I cannot admire anything that has such a scum bucket behind it, the fact that he is not even close to being who he claims to be and is a hypocrite from hell, I can put no admiration into that, he sucks, and I am pretty much thinkin the same of Josh and Ryan, they are keepin Adam out of the loop because he would blow their cover for sure, I can only hope something goes terribly wrong.

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He is a loser. However, at one point, I was GLAD he won POV. Because I was so sure that Josh would leave because of it. GOD. I agree with Ginger, my disgust for Natalie now surpasses my disgust for James....

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People can hate James all they want for things he chose to do outside of the house as a consenting adult and that did not hurt anyone. But he should at least get the respect he deserves for being a great BB player. If we are supposed to respect Evel Dick (whom I despised) or Dr Will (another one that I have no use for), or Mike Boogie (ditto) for being GREAT game players despite the fact that they are, in my opinion, human trash (and that is based on what they did IN the house, not out, they seem like very successful and actually decent people outside the house), then you have to give James credit for what he is accomplishing. He is playing the game harder than anyone else this season and he deserves some props. Think how much less interesting this season would have been without him?

I have been rooting for James since day 1, before I knew about his life outside the house, so I am happy for him. I think he has been playing a great game. Will it get him to the end and put the 500K in his pocket? I don;t think so, but he has done what he needed to everytime his ass has been in jeopardy. How many other folks this season can you say that about.


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