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Do as I say, NOT as I do

I think you described everyone who has ever played a part on a reality game show.

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IMO, there was no strategy in not giving Chelsia a sympathy vote. Everyone in the house knew they were sleeping together so I don't think the other hg would have taken it as a betrayal of what everyone else wanted if he threw her a vote.

I think he was sending her a message that her gameplay was no gameplay at all, but childish immature antics directed at a few people who she felt she could bully and get away with it.

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It was weird that James, Josh and Sharon didn't give her a vote. Everyone in the house knew that these 3 were aligned. James, James, James.....you basically threw $500,000 away by hooking up with someone in the house. Unless you win POV every time from here on out or HOH.....you will be a goner. But James did say that his relationship with Chelsia was worth more than the money........We will never know anyways, we don't usually get too much information about what happens after everyone leaves the house.

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Who ever made the AIDS comment, there is NO WAY BB would let him in the house if he were HIV positive. We went over this with Neil leaving and have been told by previous HGs that they are tested for everything before going on the house.


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James had the opportunity to 'get off' in the BBH during his stint. He made it clear to Julie he has no further interest in Chelsia. He's an awkward misfit. Explains his odd tats, outdated pink mohawk, bike gig, etc.

The toenail biting... can't help you there. *headshake*

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I think that James is feeling a little guilty about not giving Chelsia a pity vote. He mentioned today that maybe he should have given her the PoV...

And as for him chewing his toenails. Yes, I find it very weird BUT is it any less hygenic than say biting one's fingernails (especially Adam)?? Just a thought...

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grosssss, to me any way ,and Adam or any of them for that matter are not squeky clean in their habits, but sorry pulling up your foot to your mouth and start biting off a toenail while you are having a conversation is just beyond me. if I had been the person on the other end of that convo that was seeing that I would have said "dude, what the hell?" I would not have just acted like it was Jim Dandy,yukkkkk!!!!

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I dunno, Ive seen Adam stick his hand down his pants and give his pug a pull countless times. I've also seen him cram his finger so far up his schnoz and root around so much that I thought he might pull out an eyeball.

To me that's a lot grosser than biting your toenails. Oh and I've also seen his toilet habits. He doesn't wash his hands. So the odds are James' toes are a lot cleaner than Adam's poop crusted finger nails. (And he blamed the poop crust on the fat girl, It was probably his own.)

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oh the picking of the nose grosses me out just as bad as the toenails, make no mistake,lolol

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please... adam tugged at his balls and then ate pizza... then picked his nose and ate more pizza... then down the pants again for some more ball tuggin and then picked his teeth with the same fingers that just tugged at his balls.

if that isnt the grossest thing i dont know what is. :faint:

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whaaaa whaaa whaaa James, geesh what a srupid tirade he is going on, he cannot take it, he is actin like a big baby, and maybe he is throwin this fit so they will feel sorry for him and keep him there??? Shelia needs to suck it up, this is the time to not say a word, ignore, ignore, ignore, like James is not even there, I would give him the silent treatment from hell, and using the C word??? unbelieveable!!!!

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with James yelling, it freaked me out..but I love the kid...I can understand why he'd be frustrated with someone after they basically gave him his only hope only to hear them basically rubbing in his face loudly that it was all a lie...I want him to stay

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yeah but she really did not do anything that James himself has not done, all of them have told the others I am with you, bla bla, and then promptly gone back and stuck the knife in, he just happened to hear her say something contradictory to whatever it was she said earlier, they all have done it, so he is so full of crap, I cannot even stand him, he is mad that he is on the block when in fact Nat looked him right in the eye and told him she would work with him, boom she did not do it and he is pissed off and is acting out, he has no ore right to be mad at Sheila then any of them, so he can bite the big one and quit acting like a 2 yr old, he is partly throwin this fit to not only intimidate but to try and make them feel for him and some how he gets off, whatever, by by James, they owe him nothing

oh and personally I think because of this he will lose the pov, he is sooo insecure, otherwise he would have zipped it.

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Endure he didn't have a chance everyones turned against him he's going next wednesday. There's no way in hell he's going to win POV tomorrow as much as I want him to. What's so sad is to see how Sharon and Josh turned on him on a dime and have no qualms about it. He's had them turn on him with Chelsea and now himself and I think he's handled that pretty good. Hell Sharon offering herself up was a total slap in the face. He's sooooo gone now and it sucks ass big time.

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It's not about being owed something. He is the only one who hasn't brought up someone owing him a thing. I think when he was put on the block then he had to face that Natalie didn't take his deal and that was a blow but AFTER the fact, Sheila comes in with a pep talk that she literally turned around with hours later and used on the person up against him and LOUDLY. That's a slap in the face. No one wants to lose all hope but he took it quietly when Natalie did it and for Sheila to kick him when he was down was too much. I wish he hadn't yelled but he had every right to be upset and her being angry with him for being upset was ridiculous and I think that led to the screaming because this woman is thoughtless.

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this is BB, they do not owe him or anybody, this is not a game for the weak, or the nice person of the year award, it is a back stabbing, who can out smart , out last to the bitter end, it is really a take no prisoners game and there is no nice way to play it, so why they try to do that I do not know, that is what causes all the rifts, Dr, Will was the master, and he never told much of anything that was the truth, so James needs to get real and quit throwing a tantrum, just sayin, and Dr Will is a respected Dr in los Angeles these days ocassionally seen on Beverly hills,you know that show on E. the calibur of who they have on this show has changed drastically in the past cpl seasons, you are not going to see James on a popular tv show after this is over unless it is at a porn house on Hollywood blvd!!!!!!

Of course he expects maybe Sheila would return the favor cause he took her off the bloc, but that was for his own selfish reasons, he is absolutely acting like they owe it to him to come and just tellhim, what the hell ever, they do not have to do that and if Sheila wants to stand in the middle of the back yard and say whatever she wants to she can, but his tirade was over the top and uncalled for and he looked like an idiot, she didn't

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