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Thursday, August 16th


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Yeah, Zach has told Dick he'd change his vote if Jess asked him to. I figured this meant Zach was voting out Dick because why would Jess ask Zach to change his vote. But now, I see why.

Telling Jen about the vote change may be a bad idea. There's a chance she'd tell Dustin, Jameka or Amber.

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I will be laughing so hard I'll need a Depends when Dustin is evicted. Say what you want about Dick...He's got a silver-tongue when it comes to strategy and as long as people listen to him talk game he will continue to go very far. If the HG's really wanted him gone this week, no one would be discussing game with either him or Dani.

As for the new HOH...I really hope it's Eric. Let's put somebody in there that cannot have an independent thought in the game. THAT would be awesome!!!!!

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As much as I wanted Dick to stay for entertainment value, this is SUCH a bone-headed move. They may not get another chance this entire game to get Dick or Danielle out. When you have someone on the block that is in such an incredibly strong alliance (father and daughter) while also both being able to win HoH's and vetos, you DON'T give them a free pass.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is collectively the most moronic group of house-guests ever.

There are only TWO PEOPLE in this ENTIRE house who will not vote each other out, and that is D/D. Leaving them in this close to the end is on the same level as the morons last year leaving Will and Boogie in till the end, and it will have the same end result.

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what if amber and jameka decide they dont want to be the outsiders and so they vote out dustin too! lmao now that would be funny.

then they could say "hey.. we voted him out for the same resons you guys did.. so now what?

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Naa, it's over. If Eric and Jessica go with D/D it's over.

Think about it. Jameka can't do HoH four more times. Zach is a floater and probably thinks he's safe so won't try for HoH as usual. Amber couldn't win HoH if they gave her the answers. That leaves Jen...she COULD win. However, I simply see the D/D/J/E alliance taking them out one by one.

Now we have D/D/E versus Jessica. If D/D wins they put up E/J. If E wins America puts up Jessica and probably Dani (they will never put up Dick...editing has made him out to be father of the year and his polls prove it). Only chance I see D/D not getting to the end is if Jessica wins HoH in that final four, but it's still 3 versus 1 so odds are with D/D.

The math is too strong with D/D right now. This week was the HGs biggest and possibly only chance to insure D/D wouldn't win this year.

The only thing I can hope for, the only thing that will make me personally happy, is if Jen wins the next HoH, gets wind of D/D's new alliance, and puts up Dick and Danielle. Now THAT would be wonderful.

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I wouldn't rule out Amber winning an HOH. Stranger things have happened. You know BB likes to slant comps toward a HG's strengths. Don't know what Amber's strength might be, except crying and making viewers want to vomit, but BB might know something she is good at.

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something weird just happened here at work... the phone rang... and the receptionist didnt answer it (what else is new) so i answered it.... it was a guy named Richard Donato calling for a coworker. she was busy so i had to take his name and number. i had him repeat his last name 3 times. he probably thought i was stupid. hahahahaha

:animated_scratchchin: then i asked my coworker if that is really his name because it is also the name of someone on big brother. she said it was his real name..

so now i am convinced it was a sign from GOD... sFun_hailbig.gif

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I wouldn't rule out Amber winning an HOH. Stranger things have happened. You know BB likes to slant comps toward a HG's strengths. Don't know what Amber's strength might be, except crying and making viewers want to vomit, but BB might know something she is good at.

True, but I just don't see "set up a meth lab in the fastest time" being a competition. :smilielol:

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