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Thursday, August 16th


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Maybe your nipples would be steelie

Nope sorry, don't swing that way... Maybe if she was out of the bed and my hubby were there...

So you and Eric have something in common.....


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I will be laughing so hard I'll need a Depends when Dustin is evicted.

The stock for depends will definitely be on the rise tonight when Dustin gets evicted.

Are we sure Dustin is getting evicted? I don't have the feeds either and of course it didn't show on BBAD last night before it went off. I live vicariously through this board and live updates during the day while I'm at work! I know, I know. So what else is new here.

Thanks everybody!

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goodmorning everyone! Need to go volunteer @ a childrens hosp, so I can only hope between now & when I come back later, things don't change (like they did last week) HOPE DUSTIN LEAVES!!!!!!!!

Don't know if everyone saw the D&D late night bickering. I like Dani but she has been such a whiney spoiled brat the past couple days, towards her dad! It was getting on my nerves last night. Luved her comment, that she has it the hardest in the house (something like that) & Dick said, it is just as hard for him! I thought Dick was going to cry at 1 point.

As for doing the DR together, I DON"T think they should just yet but I don't agree with Dani's reason! I think Jess & Eric will think they are in there laughing at the idea of keeping them, so it could back fire!

I also don't like her playing with her split ends when people are talking to her. She did it with her dad & with Eric. She seemed very non commital. I was yelling @ my screen "talk Dani"! I just dont like that in general! You want people to take you seriously.. well... grow up! Look at people when they talk to you!

IF & I REALLY HOPE DICK DOES STAY & if D or D wins HOH, I think Jameka needs to be nominated. along side Jen or Amber. As much as Jam or A would be angry for Dustin going (maybe privately some relief to get his condesending ass out of there), I think E & jess would still have more #'s in the game, with them there, moreso than Jen & Zack, who float between all of them. I don't think Amber would nominate Jess or Er if by some miracle she would win HOH & I don't think Jam would vote 1 of them out. (so bottom line... IMO, I think Amber or Jam should be the next to go, even though Jam can't play 4 HOH....she still has a vote. (Zach & Jen float but if you are D & D, they have a better chance of getting Amber or Jam voted out, with them still in the game.) Then... if E or Jess wins the following week, they can go after Zach or Jen)

Hope that makes sense!!

Oh, did anyone hear them say, they would not want to be against Jam at the end. I disagree with that. The ONLY way she would get votes is if they voted personally. What has she done?? Anything she did win (POV) as per her, God really won! For once, I wish a "player" would win. Everyone automatically, thinks they can win against Dick but if he is still there, he has been the most boistrous (sp?) & has PLAYED the game!

Er was right last night when he said "about playing the game & not being a wuss" (don't think those were his exact words) It is about "playing!!" The last time I checked this is a game!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day everyone! PLEASE SEND DUSTIN HOME!! and if that happens, PUFFS better send in a case of tissues for Wamber!!!

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Interesting post, Valley. Lots of good things in there. And your comments about Dani made me realize something ....

Dani doesn't want her dad to stay. She wants the game all to herself.

This must be her way of pouting.

Ironically, all she has to do is whisper in Jessica's ear. Or maybe she already has ......

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I really do believe that Dani would cut Dick's throat, sooner than later if she thought it would get her thru the week. And she would still expect his jury vote. While Dick can be vile and disgusting, I do think his heart is in the right place most of the time. The only person in Dani's heart is Dani, unless of course you count Nick.

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You know, im kinda hoping that they tell jen and Jen uses it to her advantage to tell Dustin and the other two girls. Its one to keep a jerk like Dick in the house after both him and dani caused soo much crap for Eric, but to go in a totally different direction from your team who decided not to vote you out is plain dumb! He will be lucky to get one vote for the jury! I hate that Eric is using Jess as the bad guy! Jam and Amber will blame her. I reallly do hope it turns out a tie still and Jess shocks Eric, Dick and Dani! That would be awesome!

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She really needs to learn manners but then again, I forget how old she is & I really do believe she needs counseling! I too had a horrible childhood (had/have a mother that never wanted me, moved out @ 13 & much much more... could write a book) but at some point, as an adult you realize you need to take responsibility for your own life & know you cant change anyone else! I believe Dick does love her. (that is much more than some others have... including me)They still have lots of mending to do, as it seems she NEEDS so much validation from him. I DO understand that but that childish whining isnt going to help her!

Game aside, I do hope once they are out of there, they go to counceling & can learn that it is okay to "agree to disagree"!!


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I want Dustin gone, but with Jess getting the ok from Eric to tell JAMEKA of the plan, I now see it in big jeopardy. She'll tell Amber and Dustin and they'll be all over them - I believe they'll likely chicken out.

If you want to be big players in the game and make moves, then do it and keep your mouth shut. Deal with the effects afterwards. Here's hoping to see Dustin's face as he's evicted! :devilish:

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I want Dustin gone, but with Jess getting the ok from Eric to tell JAMEKA of the plan, I now see it in big jeopardy. She'll tell Amber and Dustin and they'll be all over them - I believe they'll likely chicken out.

This smells like last week all over again...

Plus, I wanted to see the reaction shots of those 3...

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I dont even know what alot of people like Evil. A guy like him seriously has a problem with keeping his mouth shut. He constantley is putting someone down and thats just not right. I hope evil goes. And i hope Jess can get rid of Eric cause he is totally controlling her game and thats not right!

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I hope that doesn't happen. I hope they don't have time. What makes Jess think that she can trust Jameka? Jameka would sell Jess out in a second if she had the opportunity.

If she does tell Jameka, and Dani and Dick get wind of it........OOOOH Watch out! Esp if there is a cout de tat or a double eviction. LOL.

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How come when they're all on HOH lockdown, someone doesn't get the balls and call out someone. With HOH lockdown, people can't leave or go far away...


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Three a secret if two are dead ....

I sure hope Jess isn't thinking this pertains to her and the two girls. Don't get paranoid on us.

Why did Eric say it was okay to do that? When did Eric say that?

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