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Jeremy - Week 3 - Evicted (July 18)

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Jeremy will never be as smart as Jeremy thinks he is. He acted like a total donkey's ass and admitted it for the camera only. The asshat part of Jeremy is lurking; not gone. He is one of my least favorite HG's ever. I would zero in on Jeremy and get him gone next. Big mistake if they don't. It is simple, like him.

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Jeremy will never be as smart as Jeremy thinks he is. He acted like a total donkey's ass and admitted it for the camera only. The asshat part of Jeremy is lurking; not gone. He is one of my least favorite HG's ever. I would zero in on Jeremy and get him gone next. Big mistake if they don't. It is simple, like him.

He proved beyond a shadow of a doubt there's a lot of empty space between his ears during the HOH comp. last night. :smilielol:

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Minute 1 : Elissa I have never said anything about you behind your back, I am straight up. Minute 2 : walking to meet with Kaitlin, Minute 3 : Kaitlin: what did you say to Elissa? blah blah blah... Jeremy: She is a dumb bitch... Kaitlin: Don't say that!

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He knows he is in deep doo doo and he will do anything he can to stay in the house. He will have no problem throwing Kaitlin and Aaryn under the bus and then asking everyone how many times he should run them over. He wants the money really bad. Kaitlin is also trying to suck up and is more than willing to give up Germ and Aaryn.

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His conversation this morning with Jesse when she confronted him just showed his true self. He is arrogant and cocky who thinks he is God's gift to Man kind. He probably thinks he is going to be safe this week when either way Kaitlin or him is going home this week.

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I hope they keep to the backdoor plan. I really dislike him. He's not the only one asking for "forgiveness" and another chance. Howard and Spencer doing the same thing. If they change the plan, Aaryn is still safe and they vote out Spencer. I really don't want Aaryn to stay instead of Spencer. He can go later. Gotta be Aaryn or Jeremy. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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He can go! Don't let the door hit yawn the butt Jeremy!


He is a creep with his constant, "Im just 23," bull****. What a waste. I will say, however, that they are never gone until they are gone out the door suitcase in hand to meet the lady Chen.......Then I shall be happy. I don't like Jeremy.

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Oh. Was that a while ago? I missed most of the 1st week or two. So he's just wearing it for kicks? Too bad it's not eviction night. :P

He is trying to be funny I think, but frankly his bullying has put me against him no matter what.

Oh for sure; he's disgusting. But perhaps him being preoccupied w/ this silliness will make him more tolerable for a couple hours.

And, i'd rather see Aaryn go before him, but whatever, she'll be gone soon too.

why do my posts keep going into that previous post??? :unsure:

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