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Poll: Favorite/Least Favorite Houseguest - Week 2

Favorite/Least Favorite - Week 2  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Houseguest?

    • Aaryn
    • Amanda
    • Andy
    • Candice
    • Elissa
    • GinaMarie
    • Helen
    • Howard
    • Jeremy
    • Jessie
    • Judd
    • Kaitlyn
    • McCrae
    • Nick
    • Spencer
  2. 2. Least favorite houseguest?

    • Aaryn
    • Amanda
    • Andy
    • Candice
    • Elisa
    • GinaMarie
    • Helen
    • Howard
    • Jeremy
    • Jessie
    • Judd
    • Kaitlyn
    • McCrae
    • Nick
    • Spencer

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Was a toss up for me for least fav too. Chose Aryan (spelled that way on purpose) but Jeremy is right behind her. Chose Helen for fav so far. She's kind but also showing smarts and savvy dealing with the Aryan crew.

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As bad as Aaryn is, Jeremy is worse. I think it might be all the native american claims he throws around that really get under my skin. I can't put my finger on it, but I just get the feeling like someone told him he has a little native blood in him and he's gone off on this whole thing about it. It bothers me. He bothers me. The 2 of them should call their alliance the "Bad Eggs" because that's what they are.

I voted for Elissa as my fav simply because she's the underdog at this point. I think Helen could be a sleeper and I am watching Nick, he might emerge as my favorite as we progress. Seems like he's got the brains for the whole house and is aggressive and charismatic enough to get people to do what he needs done.

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I voted Aaryn for both favorite and least favorite. She's my favorite because I dislike pretty much everyone in the house but she stirs up the most drama and is a great villian just like Dani D. I voted least because I absolutely hate her as a person!

Lol I did that and then deleted my vote and voted again! The house would be so boring if she or Jeremy left this early......

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Lol I did that and then deleted my vote and voted again! The house would be so boring if she or Jeremy left this early......

This is the most boring house and it is because people like aryan and jerk are in it being so dumb and stereotypical.

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Elissa and Helen are the only two people I am rooting for. Nick is playing the best game. He knows how to manipulate and keep his mouth shut. I am still on the fence in re McCrae. He blew it when he let the house make the decision to put Elissa on the block -- wimpy move. Howard and Judd...not sure what to think but floaters comes to mind. Amanda is a hoot. She is fun to watch when she is in action. She missed her calling -- she is a better actress and is SO believable. Andy is hard b/c you can still be a double agent w/o going overboard on Elissa bashing. He went too far just for the approval of assholes. Really?

As for the rest, it is sad that pretty people are so ugly inside. Candice and Jessie fall In this category b/c attacking someone when everyone else is...is so not cool. Spencer is not pretty but his overuse of c**t is so offensive and doesn't surprise me he is still single...ugly is as ugly does.

This by far is the saddest BB group ever. I really hope that Elissa and Helen make it to the end but it doesn't look like that will happen.

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I had trouble deciding between Howard (cuz he's so HOT), Elissa, Helen, and Candice, but I chose Candice cuz she found out about the moving company and because I just really like her. She strikes me as a strong, likable person who's not buying into the sea of b.s. swarming around her.

I also had trouble deciding between Aaryn and Jeremy for least favorite. They're both about equally repulsive and delusional. But I picked Aaryn because I think she has control over some of the guys in the house (Remember the red wine incident?) in a way because they think she's so pretty. She's also dangerous because she's already caused a lot of division in the house, and it's only very early in the game. Jeremy's just disgusting, very immature, and bullyish. He'll be gone soon enough when he bullies the wrong person. I picked Aaryn because she's tries to hide her bullying behavior under passive aggression, and that's actually worse because it may carry her far in this game.

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I voted for Helen for favorite. With her background, she really knows how to talk with people . I voted Amanda as least favorite, mostly because of her foul mouth, but she also talks over everyone and seems to need lots of attention.

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Guest 6Borders

I voted Andy for Fav...at least he is participating and providing entertainment (weird as it may be at times) and he hasn't ticked me off on the last tee.

Elissa is my least Fav because of the reason she is in the house and she is providing nothing but whining about how everyone is so mean (al la Rachel) and shouting out to Rachel fans to vote for her!

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fav = Nick

leaset fav = Aaryn

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Candace by far.She is smart, perceptive and her instincts have been right. Helen could be ,but she doesn't have the feel for what's going on like Candace does. And she is hated on by the other women in the house (besides Elissa).Considering she isn't really aligned with anyone, she is grace under pressure.

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Candace by far.She is smart, perceptive and her instincts have been right. Helen could be ,but she doesn't have the feel for what's going on like Candace does. And she is hated on by the other women in the house (besides Elissa).Considering she isn't really aligned with anyone, she is grace under pressure.


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How could anyone vote Aaryn as their favorite? Are you kidding me?! She's the scum of the earth!

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