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No. She said the cigarettes she brought are the first she's bought since Allstars. She said there's nothing else to do in the BB house.

I'd be smoking too if I were in that house....or pulling my hair out one by one while blubbering in a corner somewhere.

I bet she doesn't want to gain weight. It must be had not to there, and she knows how people will react. if she dared gain a pound there would be a thread on some boards that list an exaggeration of every single thing she eats for the rest of the season. Better for her to have a couple of cigarettes once in a while.

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Is it me or are the boards kinda slow this year? Or is just too early in the season?

I love Morty's but there are usually 30 pages of comments when the show airs on other boards and there wasn't even a page here on Sunday. It's not enough sometimes to see a new comment once every half hour when the show is on.

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Is it me or are the boards kinda slow this year? Or is just too early in the season?

i noticed it in the preseason and it carried over to the season

morty's activity level is way down

lack of new posters being active

for me personally i haven't been on much

i bought the feeds but i haven't watched them for longer then 5 minutes of the first night

bringing back old vets and the extra vagueness of the game this season has made me less interest in this season -_-

plus i have been busy with real life business

now we are entering week 2 i'll have some catching up to do

i have been out of the loop of what is going on in the house

but i am a quick study and should be up and running in no time :animated_bouncy:

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Is it me or are the boards kinda slow this year? Or is just too early in the season?

I hate to say it, I have been watching the shows and catching up a bit here. But I (so far) really don't give a crap about this season. The whole coach thing stinks, and having Willie there does nothing for me!! :mellow:

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For me Iam so pissed I got the feeds this year.Ive been getting them for 7 years an this year they are sssooooooo BAD.I can get on,they freeze,or the fish.If they keep up like this ,its the last time.

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Can't believe this is only the end of week one. Seems like Willie has been on the HoH bedthrone for weeks. And I just can't wrap my head around having 10 players left after week one. It feels like the game just jumped over the first part and we are now right in the middle of the game.

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Can't believe this is only the end of week one. Seems like Willie has been on the HoH bedthrone for weeks. And I just can't wrap my head around having 10 players left after week one. It feels like the game just jumped over the first part and we are now right in the middle of the game.

Yeah I don't get it. They bring in so few HGs to begin with and then evict one on the first night. Now it is week 1 and they are almost to jury. If they aren't planning to bring the coaches in then it seems like the game would end ahead of schedule even without a double eviction week.

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Don't ya just love they spend over 5 mins. at the beginning of the show re-capping.....

and then have 5 mins. of commercials at the end of the show before it's actually the top of the hour.

10 minutes lopped off right there.--- not counting all the commercials during the show.


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Seems like this first week is never ending, and to tell you the truth kinda boring really, these ppl gotta amp it up or something, even the fight that willie got into was lame. I have the feeds but they run sooo badly on real player, I can use my other viewer, but if they are constantly going to flip the music on and the WBRB bs then I dont want to deal. I have not had the feeds on for days, because of how boring it is right now, and the feed issues themselves, don't know whether I can get into this yr fully or not, it remains to be seen, got a lot going on as well. And we are having a terrible heat wave in my part of the world, with no break in sight, is making lt life hard

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Seems like this first week is never ending, and to tell you the truth kinda boring really, these ppl gotta amp it up or something, even the fight that willie got into was lame. I have the feeds but they run sooo badly on real player, I can use my other viewer, but if they are constantly going to flip the music on and the WBRB bs then I dont want to deal. I have not had the feeds on for days, because of how boring it is right now, and the feed issues themselves, don't know whether I can get into this yr fully or not, it remains to be seen, got a lot going on as well. And we are having a terrible heat wave in my part of the world, with no break in sight, is making lt life hard

The feed issues are bad this year. I highly doubt I'm going to get them next year (depending on how this season goes, I guess). I'm over it.

Where are you at Fatcat? We went thru the relentless heat for awhile too. Along with a bad storm that knocked out the power for many days in parts of my area. (I got my power back in a day so I was a lucky one. My daughter's power was off for 5 days.) I got so irritable thru the bad heat. I hate being cooped up in the summer. We're still having some horrible heat but we're at least getting sporadic rainfall now, which will cool things down for a little while. Pray it gets better for you soon. :)

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