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Jen Week - 7 Evicted


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I think it would be interesting to watch Jen stay and get HOH and NOT put up D&D. They would be walking on eggshells the entire time, just waiting for the back door.

Jen is an oddity in the house, though.

Do you think she wants to go because the $$ for sequester is as good as 2nd place?

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I hate to see Jen go simply because I am fascinated with the way she doesn't react to the rude comments by the others HGs. She just laughs it off or sometimes makes a defensive statement, but she doesn't get mad.

That is called Self-Absorption...most egoists have it...as she gets older...she'll become bi-polar

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If Jen goes up as a pov replacement...I'll be voting for her to stay in...and I think America will vote to evict Amber (or Jam...but probably she would be the one taken off the block if the pov is used) as well...Eric will spin the situation for other Hg's to evict Amber. Could be interesting....D&D might not like Eric for not supporting their backdooring...but oh well!

I want Jen to stay!

Jen staying would be beneficial to E&J...especially if he makes sure she knows that D&D really wanted her out and they saved her. Jen would be grateful and if she wins hoh...she'd go after D&D again.

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Jen has not really played a good game. I say let her just go to sequester and have fun. She can were her itty bitty bikini's on the beach and have a good time.

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her fate is sealed

gameover jen

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it's partly that...just my opinion. it's partly that dani and dick don't "like" jen for stuff that happened long ago. it's definitely personal with them, and i'm not sure if that's smart. as far as all the jealousy being on dani's side...get real! the thing is, i think jen has gotten over it , and sincerely wants to be dani's friend...when dani hasn't, which is insecure and maybe just bad game play. i still like dani, don't get me wrong...i just hope she's not screwing herself by evicting jen. my husband thinks it's really dumb...but he's just sick of watching amber. and in my opinion, jen "calling out" dani on hearsay was really low class...and way below jen. jen is not the morality police.

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HG's get $750 a week whether they are in the house or in sequester. The only one that will get more than $750/wk is the winner, except for any prizes taken during comps, so Basically 2nd place makes just as dustin does, except that Dustin took the 5 grand, so he will probably make more than others(except Eric who gets 10 grand for every 5 tasks he completes).

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If Jen had been better about running with the offer Danielle made to her last week about having each other's back maybe she would have survived this week. I'd rather see Wamber go, but alas, it's not to be.

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jen offer or not would still have got the boot from dani this week

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LOL I think its funny how predictable her "whatever" moments are. I 'd rather Jen stay and Amber leave.

That said for somebody that claims not to lie she sure has been lying a lot lately. I know its part of the game but I find it when more noticable for the people that claim they dont lie (Dick, Amber, Jen).

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After Dan backboors Jen, Will Dan have Jens vote in the jury???

does it matter since d&d will be final two

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Depends who Dani is in F2 with. It is a good strategic move for Daniele to get rid of Jen. Jen has had her HOH and a couple POV's.

It's LIKE time for LIKE Jen to leave.

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I think the slop and "fat" comments are getting to Jen.

I also think that because Dani and Amber are so much better at throwing pity parties, Jen feel unappreciated.

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I can't believe how little game play Jen has been involved in lately and the fact that she's not been on the edited TV coverage speaks of her entertainment value.

Zach is having more of an impact. I was rooting for her earlier but lately she's been really disappointing.

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