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Dick Week 3 - H O H


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How ironic that I like Dick more now than I did before. I can understand his paranoia about having that particular group of people in the HoH room. No other HG, not even Danielle, has as much stress in the house that Dick does. He said it best. Danielle could care less if she ever sees her father again but he actually cares and it kills him that she doesn't want much, if anything, to do with him.

On top of that he has already been evicted once with a small portion of the house campaigning heavily against him and of course, it's his HoH week.

No one else in the house has his stress level right now so I can see how Zach, Nick and Jen, those particular people in his room, would set him off (one of which, Nick, he's worried is using his daughter, yet MORE stress he has to worry about).

I hate what Dick said to Jen and I still haven't forgotten that, but I'm starting to understand Dick and what he is going through. Thus, I'm starting to like him more. At least he's REAL, unlike so many of these other idiots in the house.

Jen and Dick to final 2 please.

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Today I think Dick is a real DICK!! Sometimes I like him and other times he really bugs me - he wants to tell everyone what to do and how to feel. He needs to shut up and listen once in a while instead of always running off at the mouth.

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I am at the point in the game where I don't really have any true favorites, I have some houseguests that I really can't stand and some that are OK. I think the house is getting ready to fracture big time and I think if Dick does not get rid of Kail then she will team up with Amber, Dustin, Jen, Jameka and maybe Daniele to get Dick out.

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i see what Xal sees... :o

i think paranoia hits hard in the BB house... specially when its someone like Dick. the thing about Dick is, even he knows that he can be a dick and he will admit it and and say he is sorry... a true dick wouldnt do that. it sucks to have ADHD, him and Eric really should sit and talk and see what meds work best and maybe BB could help them out. ;)

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If Dick and Eric ever sat down and had a true heart to heart, the conversation would probably go on for 14 straight days and the earth would shift gravitational polls, at which point our sun would supernova. This would cause a chain reaction in the space-time continuum creating 40 trillion simultaneous black holes which, in turn, would engulf all of existence, ending all life as we know it in the multiverse.

Well, not everything. Amber would still be in some tiny pocket of flux, crying.

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I think you learn a lot about a person (not just Dick--every houseguest) when they are HOH. Unfortunately, Dick has turned into a really paranoid egomaniac during his reign, and he had an EASY week. All he had to do was put up Jen and Kail--no one would have blamed him for it, and then replace Jen with Mike or Zach. I don't want to see Mike go, but that's all he had to do. Easy peasy. But he couldn't let it be easy for himself. He had to try to micromanage everyone around him. Bad, bad idea.

I believe Dani when she tells Amber that Dick used to get in her face and scream until he was spitting in her face. I believe her when she says that she and her brother had to hide from him. I don't even particularly like Daniele. But I believe her. And so, I think it is ridiculous for Dick to try to mend such a complicated relationship on a reality t.v. show that is being broadcast across two nations. The smartest thing he ever said to her is that he will stop with the personal stuff, and he wants to go to counseling when the show is over. I hope he keeps both promises. I will have more respect for him, then.

I've tried really hard in my transcriptions to be sure that I don't put my own feelings about Dick (and my own childhood and his resemblance to my Dad in some ways) into my transcriptions. I just try to keep all personal comments about him out of my work for Morty, and keep my personal comments here on the board. But I will say, from personal experience, that it takes a lot more than tears and good intentions to mend genuine fear and hurt from childhood, and he shouldn't be trying in such a public way. Yes, I know this is what BB wanted, and SHAME ON THEM. To me, this is much worse than the Nakomis/Cowboy mess, because Dick and Dani have a past together and it is complicated, and Dick has admitted that he was screened extra-carefully due to his violence and temper. Bad idea to put them together for our entertainment. It makes me sick inside to watch it. It doesn't matter how much he tries--He cannot heal that breach within the time given to him at the house, and what little good he does is swept away every time he gets on Dani's case or tells others how lazy she is (even if it is true), etc. She will see those tapes in the future. No matter what, no matter how bad Dani might come off and how much I might dislike her personality sometimes, the adult is always wrong, because they were the one in charge in the past. She is only 20 years old. He needs to back off.

(This message is brought to you after a year and a half of therapy, and my father passing away when I was 26 and pregnant with my child. I am thankful that two years before that, I had it out with my Dad and cleared some stuff up, but nothing can completely heal that hurt, and I was allowed to approach him in my own time. Shame on BB.)

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Dick is becoming brutally paranoid, which is going to be his downfall. I find it extremely interesting that he and Jen were talking about joining together last night.... the houseguests would have no idea! I still like him, but he's just gotta chill (like him more than Daniele!)

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Maybe she'll never go Marty. Maybe she'll win! She could be one of those cockroach type house guests that could survive a nuclear holocaust and still crawl around the house, weeping in copious amounts.

I'm going to try some reverse psychology.

Go Amber! Please win! You're the greatest! Amber Amber Amber!

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^^^ Catniptoy...very good post. You've said a lot that I've been thinking and trying to say as well.

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I just realized who Amber reminds me of. If you've ever seen that cute animated movie Madagascar, she reminds me of that little lemur who cries all the time for no reason.

Just sayin'!

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I think everyone in the house has been blinded to Dani and the shields she has around her. She is in the best position in the house, so far. She's one of a pair, but her "partner" in the pair is the one with the target (so she's like Dustin in that respect, as Joe was the target). She's got a guy crazy about her, and she seems to be able to make him get over his hurt and anger against her by putting her head on his shoulder. And she's got her own father in the house and he'll work to keep her there.

I will disagree with Dick about one thing. He has said that Dani being in the house has screwed up his game. I think it has been one of the only things keeping him in the house. People like Dani (for whatever reason) and they feel bad for Dick because of the posiiton they were put in by BB. They feel bad for Dick when he shows his emotional side about Dani, and he nearly cries in front of them. This is good for Dick, and it wouldn't have been possible if Dani hadn't been there. So, in my opinion, Dick's game would have been far worse without Dani there, and he wouldn't have any sympathy from the other houseguests. He'd probably be gone last week, if not for her.

Edited to add: Thanks, ImIn!!!!

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Several have mentioned that BB put Daniele and Dick in this situation. They put themselves in this situation. Firstly, one of them put the other name on their application as being an "enemy". I don't know who put who but they did so voluntarily. Secondly, they agreed and signed on the dotted line. Thirdly, I feel its a volatile situation for both of them and I fault them for agreeing to be on, all of shows BB who we all know will exploit the situation for the sake of a good tv show. They may have well signed up to be on the Jerry Springer show.

Apparently, this is a way of life for them and they are an average disfunctional family who actually don't mind airing their laundry on national tv. I feel sorry for both of them because neither one of them knows any better.

Just my opinion.

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well, they both signed up and auditioned for the show.. in fact, they were at the same Casting Call and saw each other. they also signed up together for BB6 and almost made it for that season... they were very close to being houseguest that year.

sooooooooooooooo, they probably both listed each other as enemies. it was all a set up from the getgo. (yes, i am still sticking to my original thoughts)

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In their case, I'm not so sure--Didn't Dick say that he saw Dani at the audition, and he then told the interviewer about seeing her, and about how they are father/daughter and haven't talked? I'm not sure they actually put each other down as enemies. I'm thinking maybe BB saw the opportunity for drama which fell into their lap at that moment, and expanded the "enemies" theme to "people with unfinished business."

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I vote for Dick. Only truelly colorful BB8 character I like. His blaise daughter was completely unresponsive to his telling her she could talk to him anytime and that he loves her. Dani's DULL. *yawn* :sleepy:

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