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Christine Brecht (Week 9)


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Now that we know that Cody won HOH, the ideal scenario for me will be for Christine to realize that Cody was just playing her in the same way that Derrick was playing Victoria. They both zeroed in on who they perceived to be the stupidest women in the house and used them to advance themselves in the game. Skanky Christine will never be anything more than a server/barista in a coffee shop. Victoria has probably maxed out her potential too.

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She may be doing a lot more than sleeping in the hoh bed. Cody seems to be fulfilling her fantasies. 

He's so playing her.  She made him something out of paper (origami?) and he acted so touched by the gesture, "I'll save it forever, blah, blah."  Later, one of the guys found it and he said, "Oh, Christine gave me that..." and made it known he could care less.  Derek started riding him about fooling with a married woman, jokingly, and Cody said he didn't care basically.

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We'll she is safe. Cody and her plan to stay in touch after bb life. Sure her hubby is ecstatic for that info. Lol


Not to fear, cody's dad will nip any long-term friendships formed while in the throes of BB fever.  Christine better like hearing dionne sing "walk on by."

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Guest 6Borders

Does this remind anyone of the Drew/Diane (BB5) NoMance?  Neither were married but Diane was all over the place taking about how Drew's mom would pick them up at the airport after the show (I think they were both from Ohio) and on and on!!


Drew totally played her to the end, told everyone that the relationship was real during the jury question/answer period to get her vote.  Once he got her vote (otherwise Cowboy would have won) he kicked the relationship to the curb and then came out of the closet later!!


Christine is going to find out the same thing, that Cody won't give a fig about her after the votes, and I hope her pastor has a few "thou should not have's" for her.  Hubby would prob forgive her if she came home with even 50K.

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Christine's Game is such a joke. She's playing her self and her poor husband is taking all the bullets for it. What is her problem. Maybe she needs new glasses cause man, she is blind!

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I don't think she will find in her bible that its ok to say you hate someone especially someone who has done nothing to you.  I hope when she gets out her husband will not be waiting for her she gave Cody a foil heart yesterday.  I am done with them all. Big fail this season.

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Is it just me or has BB found the most nasty people they could this season?  It makes me sick to watch the 'cool kids' make fun of people like Nicole and Donny.  This two-faced stuff comes to easily to a lot of them that you have to wonder if they are playing a game or if that's how they really are.

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Is it just me or has BB found the most nasty people they could this season?  It makes me sick to watch the 'cool kids' make fun of people like Nicole and Donny.  This two-faced stuff comes to easily to a lot of them that you have to wonder if they are playing a game or if that's how they really are.

This group reflects a pretty wide segment of society in the 21st century. Look around, this sort of adolescent nonsense is everywhere. Where ever you go these days, you will find those that behave like this and those who support behavior like this. There's no getting away from it.


I would like to know where they found Victoria and Caleb... those two are 'broken' and should never have been cast.

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I really wish she would put that Bible down - such a hypocrite - I hope her husband has her bags packed for her when she gets home - would love to see her get blindsided -

I love your handle... 'graceomalley'. Grace was quite a woman... even better that she married an O'Flaherty because I have a strong O'Flaherty line in my genealogy...


From my earliest days, I wanted a daughter named Mary Margaret O'Brien. Unfortunately, two things stood in my way. 1) I never had a daughter... 2) My last name is NOT O'Brien.

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TripTrey - yes she was quite a woman!! - both of my parents were born in Ireland, so her story is one we heard when we were very little - I always thought her to be so brave - my Grandmother called her the Pirate Queen - O'Flaherty is a fine name!! - and while Grace is not my name, nor  O'Malley my last, I would use it from time to time - p.s. Mary Margaret O'Brien is indeed a beautiful name!

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Is it just me or has BB found the most nasty people they could this season?  It makes me sick to watch the 'cool kids' make fun of people like Nicole and Donny.  This two-faced stuff comes to easily to a lot of them that you have to wonder if they are playing a game or if that's how they really are.


Honestly this season has had the least nasty of any season since season 2. I drove me crazy up to about day 36 or so they were all still hugging and kissing and spreading around the I love you stuff. It was nauseating how nice they all were. I think for entertainment purposes we are seeing some nasty talk. I am thinking production might have told them the are all acting too nice and everyone was bored.


Look back at other seasons and there was some really nasty people. :death:

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Honestly this season has had the least nasty of any season since season 2. I drove me crazy up to about day 36 or so they were all still hugging and kissing and spreading around the I love you stuff. It was nauseating how nice they all were. I think for entertainment purposes we are seeing some nasty talk. I am thinking production might have told them the are all acting too nice and everyone was bored.


Look back at other seasons and there was some really nasty people. :death:

ITA. I don't see how people can call the players of this season nasty considering, last years cast should still be fresh in fans minds. Maybe I just dreamed that Amanda, Aaryn, Gina Marie and Andy was in the house, recently. This crew has been more than tame if you ask me.  

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They seemed to cast a tamer bunch this season plus the duel HOH made everyone on alert that if they weren't nice and suck ups they would be on the block.


Nice to see some claws come out and I hope when the last 5 turn on each other we see some major squirming.

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ITA. I don't see how people can call the players of this season nasty considering, last years cast should still be fresh in fans minds. Maybe I just dreamed that Amanda, Aaryn, Gina Marie and Andy was in the house, recently. This crew has been more than tame if you ask me.  


Agree. Haven't heard anyone describing in detail the rape/murder of another HGs. But there was that one time when Zack went for the Froot Loop Dingus slam. Shocking! :eek:

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Marty : " Nice to see some claws come out and I hope when the last 5 turn on each other we see some major squirming."


Marty we could have seen some of that this week if Nicole or Donny had won HOH.


This week the 'ones' in charge are just having another comfy week in the BB House.

(and  ...  HOW DARE Donny or Nicole try to form any kind of alliance - or try to sway anyone's opinions... sheesh :nono: )

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