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Amanda - Week 5 MVP Nominee

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It was less funny Amanda, and more about making her look like a strong competitor, even in defeat. And the whole reason they showed the little clip of Elyssa jogging around outside, while M&A were in the hammock, and Elyssa said she thought Andy was MVP, was to show Amanda's line to McCrae after she jogged away that it definitely wasn't him.

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What time was that so I can do a flashback?

Speaking of Amanda of course CBS makes sweet Amanda looks like a sweetie and the funny girl in the DR.

The producers tried really hard tonight to make good edits of Amanda. Trying to make America like her. But our minds are set. The producers tonight tried to make her look good and threw Helen under the bus. Trying for us to perhaps vote for Helen and not Amanda if by chance they give us MPV vote tomorrow. But I doubt they will because they may not wanna risk the chance that we will put their prize girl on the block tomorrow.

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Agree about Helen's edit.

She just might be voted on the block by America .... IF they still do it this coming week.

The producers made Helen look back tonight just to take the heat off of Amanda. But I'm still voting her Amanda tomorrow if they give us the chance

Naw she still got good edits. But Helen, they torpedo her! Wow!

they are trying to take the heat off of Amanda. so we could vote for Helen instead of Amanda. They are trying to influence us to like Amanda. Won't happen

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The producers made Helen look back tonight just to take the heat off of Amanda. But I'm still voting her Amanda tomorrow if they give us the chance

they are trying to take the heat off of Amanda. so we could vote for Helen instead of Amanda. They are trying to influence us to like Amanda. Won't happen

Yeah I know! I figure that out! The game to be rigged for Amanda!
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Amanda confronts Judd and demands to know what he was talking about with Candice and Howard.

Please America put her back up on the block!!

I will if given the chance tonight. We know if we are not given the chance, it is true that the game is being rigged for her to win.

McManda talking about technique in the upcoming endurance comp. She is talking about "the chubby black girl" I think she mean Kahlia.

she should have started off the conversation with me, the loud mouth jew is going to talk about the chubby black girl

Where did BB get this bunch of people from? They are the worst

Amanda is packing - I hope the bag STAYS packed.


I Hope she and he packed bags leaves tonight as well.

The shows are edited for the TV viewers only since they know that the feed watchers won't be fooled by their editing.

True. That is why they tried to make Amanda look good by their edit last night. Did you see how much air time they gave her?

They can try all they want. But we know the truth about this chick

It was less funny Amanda, and more about making her look like a strong competitor, even in defeat. And the whole reason they showed the little clip of Elyssa jogging around outside, while M&A were in the hammock, and Elyssa said she thought Andy was MVP, was to show Amanda's line to McCrae after she jogged away that it definitely wasn't him.

I think the reason why they did that was because they know that Elissa has a big fan base because of her sister. So by showing her being all nice and friendly with McManda, they are trying to influence her fan base to live Amanda. But that won't happen.

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this video needs to get out to as many people as possible...

She is really very very ugly on the inside. She'll probably win, and I don't really care because it doesn't impact me in any way. The only good thing about her winning is that it'll mean that Helen won't win. I can no longer stand either one of them.

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Guest 6Borders

I doubt she really is in Real Estate unless she is independent and owns her own agency or any agency she works for would have publicly dropped her by now, same as GM and Aaryn's did...oh wait, I must have had a lapse...Amanda is a Grodner employee on the 500K Summer salary plan!

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this video needs to get out to as many people as possible...

Yeah it's pretty standard behavior for these people but this type of behavior goes on everyday in America.

The sad thing is that non-whites have to actually be in the workplace and in learning institutions with these people.

Let's savor this view inside their true nature while we can because this will be the last time that HG's are honest and open about how they truly feel inside.

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Yeppers, Amanda or Helen should win this game. If everyone else is going to sit there and let these two run the house then they all deserve to get evicted.

Ony the strong survive. :rockon:

ITA. Nothing worse in my book than pacifists and whiners.

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The game is not over yet. At this point, amanda and helen seem to be the most skilled at playing big brother 15, for sure. I don't like either of them and it wouldn't bother me a bit to see them evicted tonight - both of them; sorry if that would make you lose interest, Rose. :) I could quit watching - at this point - if I got to see them walk the plank. That'd be great. Alack, alas.

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Yeppers, Amanda or Helen should win this game. If everyone else is going to sit there and let these two run the house then they all deserve to get evicted.

Ony the strong survive. :rockon:

If this was all about the strong surviving then Nick & Jeremy wouldn't have gotten evicted.

After they kick Howard out this week there will be 7 women and a gay-gay (8) with only 3 males left (Spence' McRea & Judd).

...now Amanda/Helen are planning on targeting Spencer and Judd if they make HOH.....

The people that refuse to be manipulated will be eliminated.

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Yeppers, Amanda or Helen should win this game. If everyone else is going to sit there and let these two run the house then they all deserve to get evicted.

Ony the strong survive. :rockon:

I agree with this.

Attempting to run the house could put a huge target on your back, yet they took the chance-the only ones that have.

For those who like to blame Aaryn for the votes, must remember those were Helen's votes not hers, but I also believe if she wasn't in debt this week to Helen Elissa would have been sitting in a chair too.

If this was all about the strong surviving then Nick & Jeremy wouldn't have gotten evicted.

After they kick Howard out this week there will be 7 women and a gay-gay (8) with only 3 males left (Spence' McRea & Judd).

...now Amanda/Helen are planning on targeting Spencer and Judd if they make HOH.....

The people that refuse to be manipulated will be eliminated.

"gay-gay" - proves my point how deragatory remarks only count when made against certain people.

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