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Mike "Boogie", Week 4


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I don't know. See I like Britney better. At least she's not entirely full of herself the way is. He thinks the sun rises and falls with him in that house.

Actually, I think Britney IS full of herself. Maybe not quite as bad as Boogie, but close. She is so clearly jealous of the other coaches and has issues with alpha females - i.e., Rachel, Janelle.

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Actually, I think Britney IS full of herself. Maybe not quite as bad as Boogie, but close. She is so clearly jealous of the other coaches and has issues with alpha females - i.e., Rachel, Janelle.

I have always thought this and more about Britney.

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As for Mike Boogie.....I wouldn't give that creep the time of day. He is an unattractive, seedy, obnoxious, know-it-all piece of chit. I have no clue why they brought him back. They might as well have hired a vermeer spade and dug a hole for Big Brother's burial. They need to face facts and those facts are that these people they keep bringing back are not frikken icons. Enough, already.

Take the money you are paying the oldies and the trash you seem obsessed with and find some decent people. Look for a new Dan. A new Will. A new Janelle. A new Jason. A new Maggie. A new Evil Dick and Danielle. A new Jeff. Entertain us. As far as I am concerned this BB14 chit is not getting it.

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Boogie has put all his "eggs in one basket" with Carrot top...but...he has remained loyal to him and I respect him for that...but was not amused by the DR copycat chilltown phone call re-creation with Boogie and Carrot top...those DR sessions with Dr Will and Boogie cannot be duplicated!

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As for Mike Boogie.....I wouldn't give that creep the time of day. He is an unattractive, seedy, obnoxious, know-it-all piece of chit. I have no clue why they brought him back. They might as well have hired a vermeer spade and dug a hole for Big Brother's burial. They need to face facts and those facts are that these people they keep bringing back are not frikken icons. Enough, already.

Take the money you are paying the oldies and the trash you seem obsessed with and find some decent people. Look for a new Dan. A new Will. A new Janelle. A new Jason. A new Maggie. A new Evil Dick and Danielle. A new Jeff. Entertain us. As far as I am concerned this BB14 chit is not getting it.

I whole-heartily agree. You can't make new fan favorites when you keep overshadowing them with old ones. The newbies can't really learn how to play the game because the vets are always there to tell them what their best move is. Of coarse, that's the best move for the vet and not the newbie.

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Finding out the entire house was pulling one over on him and Frank is eating him alive. He absolutely can't stand not knowing what's going on right under his nose and I love it! He may be in his 40's but he acts like a 10 year old. All he wanted to do this season was lay around, eat, sleep, eat, sleep some more, stir up trouble, eat, etc. etc. etc..... Now his "easy street" has been ripped out from underneath him and he can't deal with it. The possibility of $100,000 is down the tube and he knows he can't make it to the end to see the half million.

Go ahead Boogie, walk out the front door. I dare you. :lol:

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Boogie is to afraid of looking stupid to America. And he is looking real stupid. He needs a strong player to survive, like with Dr Will. That's why he is so in love with Frank. He is not smart enough to play this game by himself. Look at him, dressed like a 13 year old boy.

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First and foremost, I like Frank and think he is a good person. But to be honest, for Mike, I think he thinks Frank is his new "Will Kirby" and so he is going to any means to keep him. Dan wanted Mike to go with him and the other coaches to the end. But now Mike is trying to oust Janelle with a plan for final 6 with others. In my viewpoint, this is not a genius game play but an overaggressive maneauver to keep Frank and make enemies out of Janelle. I know this is harsh, but I think they need to get rid of Frank because this is screwing Mike's game play. He has to be free of Frank so he can stand on his own and play a smarter game without him.

Please Mike, WAKE UP! I doubt Frank has done the maneuvers that Will Kirby did and therefore is not a "Will".

If it's the right thing to do, I think they should keep Frank.

But for the sake of Mike's game, I really think they have to get rid of Frank for Mike to focus on his own game and not rely on Frank.

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I NEVER thought I would ever say this but IMO at least he's playing with more character than than Dan or Jan (maybe trying to change his image)i........they D/MB/J/B came into this "game" as "coaches".............it's obvious that they all had some indication they could become players in the game but Dan picked a "team" based on it and I believe MB never had that in mind.......funny, since the coach in real life never was really coaching, just plotting his own "game win" and BB kudos to him for that.......maybe it's just the teacher in me but BB or not, anyone who takes advantage of a relationship that starts out with one person pretending to have your best interest and ends up with them taking advantage of you for their own benefit can't be blamed on the producers of BB.

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I NEVER thought I would ever say this but IMO at least he's playing with more character than than Dan or Jan (maybe trying to change his image)i........they D/MB/J/B came into this "game" as "coaches".............it's obvious that they all had some indication they could become players in the game but Dan picked a "team" based on it and I believe MB never had that in mind.......funny, since the coach in real life never was really coaching, just plotting his own "game win" and BB kudos to him for that.......maybe it's just the teacher in me but BB or not, anyone who takes advantage of a relationship that starts out with one person pretending to have your best interest and ends up with them taking advantage of you for their own benefit can't be blamed on the producers of BB.

I find wisdom in these words, lvgal.

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Take Wil down and replace him with Mike, that way they will both have to fight it out to get the votes to stay. Stinky or Slimmy, which do you want in the house?

Oh my goodness, that is funny!

I still think it would be funnier to take Wil off and put Janelle up next to Boogie's boy and watch Boogie fight for those votes for Frank! Let him figure that one out without Dr. Will coaching him!

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They just saw Boogie blatantly tell them that he is done with Jenn and Ian, his former team members,

because Ian was kind enough to take the doghouse from Jenn instead of taking Jenn's trip. Boogie is very angry at Ian's kindness. Even not being coaches no one else has abandoned their players so

fast for nothing like Boogie. What a creep!

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Boog's screwed all the coaches with his big idea of getting Janelle out before the JH. If he and Frank would happen to make it to F2, it would be great to see Frank beat him because Boog will never beat any newbie. No coach will win without the votes. If a coach had at least 3 sure votes (from the other coaches), it wouldn't be that hard for those coaches to sway only one newbie. What a duma$$ Boog's being.

But, if he and Frank are successful with this, kudos. Are they really that skilled at convincing others they're trustworthy or are the others just that stupid?

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Last night I really could not get why Danielle, Shane or Brit were not at least questioning Boogie (to his face or behind his back) about his Ian comments.

It made no sense that Boogie would throw Ian under the bus for not being a ruthless money whore. Is that maybe a good thing in an alliance partner that is # 5 or 6 in your alliance.

I would think that one other way Boogie could have played it with the Avengers, would be to convince the others that Ian was young and gulliable and he could bring him into the group too. Someone needed to fly the avenger plane (can't remember that character's name but he was geeky and loyal). Why weren't Danielle and Shane a little bit tipped off on how quickly Mike disposed of Ian...

Hello, McFly...Boogie's the Anti Christ. Can you not see that he looses some of his demonic powers if he looses his evil Minion Frank. Can you not see that there have been 3 attempts for Frank to go yet he is still there if they do not act on it this week (Frank may seem a nice guy but this is a treal from the Devil and they should get that Frank is a menance to their game too). Dan needs to convince Danielle and Shane that getting rid of Frank and weakening Boogie is their best play for this week.

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Hello, McFly...Boogie's the Anti Christ. Can you not see that he looses some of his demonic powers if he looses his evil Minion Frank. Can you not see that there have been 3 attempts for Frank to go yet he is still there if they do not act on it this week (Frank may seem a nice guy but this is a treal from the Devil and they should get that Frank is a menance to their game too). Dan needs to convince Danielle and Shane that getting rid of Frank and weakening Boogie is their best play for this week.

I don't think he is able to convince them. I am not sure what Dan's motives are. It might be messing up his game plan or it might be that Dan really believes that Boogie is that evil and with Frank will run the show.

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I think Dan wants to get rid of Frank because then Boogie will have no one on his side and Dan will add him to his personal list of minions. Dan has listened to Jenn and Ian and knows that they are unhappy with the way they were treated by Boogie. Boogie threw away any loyalty they might have had. There is no way Boogie would work with Joe and I doubt Wil meets with Boogies standard for a partner. When Frank hits the door, Dan will tell Boogie that Dani wouldn't listen to him and pushed for Franks eviction. He was helpless to stop it. But.... let's make a deal. No one will ever suspect we are working together.

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