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About lvgal

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  1. IMO, Candice is the only "winner" in this game of fools. and GM & Aaryn have proved it.
  2. just for the fun of it, I hope that Spencer beats Andy and takes him down off that lofty shelf Amanda put him on.
  3. Candice was so happy to get out of this den of fools, she threw the comp when they gave her a chance to reenter......kudos, girl!
  4. I am going to be perfectly honest with you......I don't get it either! and, wow, there is a "racist vote" for BB....I really do have to catch up.....and GM has plotted & planned to go after it?
  5. Allison is gone....so who will the posters blame next year when things don't go their way? Forums made BB what it is....a summer reality show with high ratings because it's up against....NOTHING. Love that this bunch of crazies got real ppl. talking about real issues.
  6. LOL....intelligent people trying to psycho analyze dysfunctional BB Hgs is much more entertaining than the actual show! Anyone who can get "into the mind" of GM, Spencer or Andy....I say kudos!! Not a place I would ever think of going and IMO these HGs are mindless ppl. because there's no "there, there". What annoys me is the posters who believe, like McCrae, they are such great "gamers" and refuse to see BB for what it is....a summer reality show, put on when there's nothing else to watch....obviously a money maker based on all those BB fans...but, they refuse to understand that it's as fun and entertaining to read and watch them as it is to watch the HGs:)
  7. Probably lots of ppl. like me out there......cut my feeds because it watching this group was worse than the boredom which takes over this time of year when NOTHING worth watching is on TV.....why do they schedule this show at this time? Because in a few weeks, when the good shows come back, NO ONE but BB diehards would bother to tune in. If Andy wins, well actually when any of the 3 left win, BB will have hit another low point. PS.....don't confuse posters with followers.....first time I bothered to watch my DVR recordings and have some time to kill.
  8. Every time I hear anyone talk about him like he is a real BB gamer, I want to gag. Watching BB on your mamma'a couch does not make you a gamer......I don't care what he did B4 he got there, he gave up on the game the first week when Amanda offered him her p****. Grossed me out every time he/they appeared on camera....coulda, shoulda, woulda.....his "followers" must be bigger losers than him.
  9. I stopped watching the feeds, cancelled them after Elissa left but DVR'd the shows......glad Mcstupid is gone,done in by McRat........would never want to be within 10 ft. of GM in real life but in this group of misfits....better her than them.
  10. 4 wimpy boys left to outsmart each other......LMAO.....maybe GM will get out her whip and beat them all.
  11. Worst thing for McCrae............he sent Elissa after Amanda.......they'll be sitting by the JH pool every day and El will be going on & on about how she has everything she ever wanted, due to the fact that she married an older man who supports her and is macho enough to defend her.......Amanda will discard him like a broken toy, unless he wins BB........then, I give her 6 months to control the money and dump him.
  12. Amanda did not KNOW Andy voted her out on her own.......SHE BELIEVED HE VOTED TO KEEP HER.......UNTIL Julie showed her the tape he made telling her..........and because of that ANDY will lose 2 jury votes.
  13. Well, obviously PRODUCTION is sitting this one out because other than frat boys who will care what happens after this? Who would be watching these 4 stinky boys "fight it out"?.... of course the "dumb & dumber" fans might tune in for kicks. I'm thinking Dr. Will, Dan, Jordan and many of the other BB winners are cringing knowing they will always be tied to any one of these losers as a group off "BB winners".
  14. Amanda thought Elissa voted her out & trusted Andy to the end. Elissa thought McCrae voted Amanda out because Andy "looked so shocked". McCrae believes Andy because he is certain everyone loves him. I'm wondering if their combined IQs total more than 100.
  15. That would be fine with me.....go Judd!



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