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Kathy - Week 3 (Nominee)


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Name: Kathy Hillis

Age: 40

Current Residence: Texarkana, AR

Occupation: Deputy Sheriff - Sergeant

Gossipy as the original... Maggie must be proud.

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no way she leaves this week

kathy will be around awhile

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If she's nominated alongside Andrew, I believe she'll go. I'm not sure what to think of her, except that if they don't get her out of there soon she will get to f2 and they'll be kicking themselves!

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Why would she go before Andrew? Why would she go at all? Kathy would be the perfect F2. She can't finish a meal without a mid-meal nap. No offense to Kathy's family and friends but I am still in shock that this woman carries a pistol.

It would be wild to see kathy come alive and start winning all the comps. You never know.

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animated_rotfl.gifanimated_rotfl.gifanimated_rotfl.gifanimated_rotfl.gifslimcruz, hilarious about carrying the pistol
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Why would you waste an opportunity to get out a strong player? If Matt takes out Kathy then IMO he is an idiot. Everyone likes to bash kathy for not playing the game but I would like to know what exactly has Enzo, lane, haydon, Kirsten, Brittany and Andrew done in this game?

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Everyone likes to bash kathy for not playing the game but I would like to know what exactly has Enzo, lane, haydon, Kirsten, Brittany and Andrew done in this game?

Held on to the slippery wiener to get across the first HOH comp, and not lay down in caramel and give up.

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Held on to the slippery wiener to get across the first HOH comp, and not lay down in caramel and give up.

HOLY CRAP...I almost spit out my diet coke when I read this...HILARIOUS!!

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Held on to the slippery wiener to get across the first HOH comp, and not lay down in caramel and give up.

And then, my mind went to her (what seemed like thousands) attempts to get on said slippery wiener... :hahohi:

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I really thought she was gonna be a player. She has the background, the training and not using any of it. I thought all cops were held to a higher standard of physical fitness, but guess not. The city she is from might want to take a closer look at who they allow to protect them from bad guys. I would not want her having my back ! !

Where is Deputy Doo Little? Is she still in the house?

can't take credit for the name. a friend named her that.

Too funny--great name for her. :giggle:

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My whole point is yes Kathy is a weak player so why waste a nomination on her when you have stronger players in the house? She is not going to win anything and IMO the brigade is not doing anything they are too busy trying to keep their alliance a big secret. If I'm playing in this house of idiots I would ask myself why has no one targeted Enzo or lane? They are potentially strong players. IMO Kathy is not the only hg that is not strongly playing the game.

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Why would you waste an opportunity to get out a strong player? If Matt takes out Kathy then IMO he is an idiot. Everyone likes to bash kathy for not playing the game but I would like to know what exactly has Enzo, lane, haydon, Kirsten, Brittany and Andrew done in this game?

Kathy is not his target...he only said she is for appearances. He wants Brendon out this week and if he can't get Brendon out, he'll get Andrew or Rachel. Andrew made it obvious he is aligned with Brenchel when he did the big happy dance when Rachel won HoH...plus he's made it known he wants Matt out.

The reason he is not putting Brendon and Rachel on the block to begin with is because he made a deal with Ragan not to put them up when they were the last 2 on the surf boards. The deal allowed for Matt to backdoor Brendon though. Matt doesn't want to tick of his ally, Ragan.

The plan is that any of the Hg's get POV...they use it and Brendon goes up. Worst case scenario is Brendon or Rachel win POV they won't use it and Andrew gets evicted...which still benefits Matt.

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Kathy is not his target...he only said she is for appearances. He wants Brendon out this week and if he can't get Brendon out, he'll get Andrew or Rachel. Andrew made it obvious he is aligned with Brenchel when he did the big happy dance when Rachel won HoH...plus he's made it known he wants Matt out.

The reason he is not putting Brendon and Rachel on the block to begin with is because he made a deal with Ragan not to put them up when they were the last 2 on the surf boards. The deal allowed for Matt to backdoor Brendon though. Matt doesn't want to tick of his ally, Ragan.

The plan is that any of the Hg's get POV...they use it and Brendon goes up. Worst case scenario is Brendon or Rachel win POV they won't use it and Andrew gets evicted...which still benefits Matt.

The only thing I see differently is that though Andrew did the happy dance I really don't think it was because he was in an alliance with Brendon and Rachel but only because he felt he was safe for the week. I know the hg saw it this way, but if they'd actually talk to him sometime he would have told them because that is what he told us.

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Not technically an alliance...but it was perceived that way. Andrew and Brendon are playing as a team though. I don't think Rachel grasps yet how much Brendon trusts Andrew...how they share info. They always have quick hush hush meetings and then run in opposite directions.

Kathy was up in HoH all last week and got close to Rachel, she has also been talking a lot with Andrew too. Matt sees what is going on...knows/perceives the 4 are in cahoots and that 1 needs to go...preferably a big 1...

I'll be completely shocked if Matt puts anyone else up but Kathy and Andrew.

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kathy is going to be there a long timeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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