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Jeff not backdooring Russ this week will lead to his eviction. Russ WILL get rid of Jeff at the first opportunity and will not wait for the final 4. Getting rid of Russell now would allow Jeff to potentially dominate the upcoming competitions (the most important being the POV next week as he will most likely be on the block next week if anyone but Jordan wins HOH).

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Jeff not evicting Natalie might have already led to his eviction.

ITA!! Natalie is like one of those bugs she's so scared of, she's gonna sneak up and bite them in the ass. Kevin is her puppet so if Russell goes home this week and Michelle or Jordan don't get HOH then Jeff & Jordan are on the block together and one of them will go home.

I don't get why they have so much faith in Natalie. She hasn't done a thing FOR them and they've done everything TO her. Jesus....wake the f**k up!

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As best I can figure out the plan is to put russell up and vote him out if the POV is used...jeff is counting on everyone using the POV, unless russell wins it!!!

I just don't get the need to tell gnat and kevin all this especially at this point...WTF let them suffer a little if nothing else!!! They let jeff stew for the first 4 weeks!!!

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When kevin came to jeff with that story, jeff should have listened and commented immediately that he was going to tell russell what kevin said and guaged his reaction. The same applies to the crap that Michelle told him. Jeff listens too much and they all know it. Now is not the time in the game to be trusting anybody and taking one-sided stories to be truth.

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Me thinks jeff is a follower not a leader..not that there is anything wrong with that...

It just seems like when he was down and out he handled it pretty well, kept his cards pretty close to his vest.

Since he has had power he really hasn't known what to do with it, and became CHATTY CATHY to boot,just pull his string and sit back and listen to him talk!!!just sayin

Still a nice guy but not a very good BB player IMHO!

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I don't understand this Natalie and Kevin trust either.

The only thing I'm hoping for now is that neither Kevin nor Nat win the game. I just don't want any of Jesse's side to win. I actually don't understand why Russell would want Jeff out. HE has NO CHANCE of winning against Nat or Kevin (I guess he figures they won't win hoh and he'll be able to get them out).

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I think Russell only wants Jeff out because of last week and I really don't think they are thinking about who they can hope to win against in the final 2. If J/J make it I have no idea who would get it. But I doubt they will make it now that they have new best friends. I turned off my feeds I couldn't stand listening to J/J/N talking.

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There must be about 100 posts the last few days and I am sure they will keep coming about how stupid Jeff and Jordan are for trusting Natalie.

They don't know what we know. They have no idea she is behind so much of the crap. They only know they didn't trust her because she was with Jessie who they thought he was the mastermind. She has hid her part in any of the shady stuff very well. We know she is a nasty, sneaky person. I think J&J have not picked up on some clues that are in front of them and they are too trusting. What they do know is that Russell is shady and Michele is crazy.

They don't have a lot to work with.

I know everyone hates the rabid chihuahua and I do too. If Jeff and Jordan got to watch the feeds and see her crap then for sure they would know the "right" thing to do. If J&J get evicted soon then that is because they got played and that is the game of Big Brother.

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There must be about 100 posts the last few days and I am sure they will keep coming about how stupid Jeff and Jordan are for trusting Natalie.

They don't know what we know. They have no idea she is behind so much of the crap. They only know they didn't trust her because she was with Jessie who they thought he was the mastermind. She has hid her part in any of the shady stuff very well. We know she is a nasty, sneaky person. I think J&J have not picked up on some clues that are in front of them and they are too trusting. What they do know is that Russell is shady and Michele is crazy.

They don't have a lot to work with.

I know everyone hates the rabid chihuahua and I do too. If Jeff and Jordan got to watch the feeds and see her crap then for sure they would know the "right" thing to do. If J&J get evicted soon then that is because they got played and that is the game of Big Brother.

:clap: EXACTLY!!!!!!

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Sorry I have to dissagree to a certain extent... They saw gnat when casey got evicted... they saw her when ronnie left... They heard first hand what she thought of jeff for using the coup to oust jessie... they saw the ensuing jessie wake... They saw how she reacted to chima demise, uh the mic fell out of her hand,ect....... Jessie didn't control these actions, episodes,outbursts ect...

IMHO they don't need to know she was the mastermind behind jessie, her actions which they have seen, should CLUE them into the fact that she isn't the sweet little innocent creature they think she is now, since she is out from under jessies control! just sayin! ;):)

putting gnat aside their is no good excuse for jeff/and jordan running off at the mouth...telling everyone everything about what they are doing,or intend to do...giving up way to much info IMHO, which is another reason for the dissapointment in jeff and jordan,and the ensuing bashing at least that is my read, sorry !!!!

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I know everyone hates the rabid chihuahua and I do too. If Jeff and Jordan got to watch the feeds and see her crap then for sure they would know the "right" thing to do. If J&J get evicted soon then that is because they got played and that is the game of Big Brother.

Marty, I totally agree with everything you said, but I think this is where it comes into play the type of people J&J are compared to Natalie. They are honest...she is not.

I still think they should stop and think for a second. Every person in J&J's four person alliance has taken out one of Natalie's friends/allies. And Jeff was the one that took out the person closest to her. Jeff needs to think about how he would feel if Natalie had taken out Jordan, he would want revenge. It doesn't take watching the feeds to know that this game is about lies, no matter how innocent they sound.

He needs to think back to when Jesse would come up to him and say "hey man, me & Natalie have yours and Jordans backs". He knew then it was a lie...and he knows that Jesse & Natalie were attached at the hip.

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I don't for a second think that J&J think of her as sweet and innocent. I am just saying they don't have a lot to work with and they think she is and 18 year old that was just as crazy as all the others in the house. They have seen Russell go balistic on many occasions and they have seen Michele act really nutso.

Thier choices are a 18 year old girl (they think) that is first out in all the comps. They have Russell who has on many occations gone ballistic and is a very strong competitor and wants Jeff out. They have Kevin who does well in comps and they don't know where his head is at. They have Michele that has won some comps and is CRAZY.

I am just saying it could go so many ways in this game and they are just picking what they think is the weakest player.

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Thier choices are a 18 year old girl (they think) that is first out in all the comps. They have Russell who has on many occations gone ballistic and is a very strong competitor and wants Jeff out. They have Kevin who does well in comps and they don't know where his head is at. They have Michele that has won some comps and is CRAZY.

This is so true! It's kind of like they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I'm not sure if there is a "right" decision at this point. I do think they are doing the right thing with noms tonight. Put up K&N then if they can use the POV then go ahead and get rid of Russell. That way if Russell wins POV he's none the wiser. But ONLY if they don't blab to Michelle.

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I still don't think Russel would try to get Jeff out next week, I think he'd go after Kevin or Nat.

Kevin and Nat JUST discussed on feeds how the plan if they stay is to get out Jeff next week.

So you have ONE PERSON who MIGHT put him up and two people who will DEFINITELY put him up, one who is good in comps (Kevin) and the other who IS good at endurance no matter what anyone says, lest anyone forget Natalie won the first HoH with Russel hanging on that toilet seat.

If you watch the feeds you know Kevin and Natalie have REPEATEDLY said they would nominate Jeff if they won HoH. Probably a dozen times. Russel has said it only a couple times and they were "what ifs", not "I would definitely do it".

It's so sad that my least favorite person of the season, Natalie, is going to win because of Jeff's paranoia.

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I think Russell covered it well when he was talking about how hard it was being HoH when you have people in your ear constantly telling you one thing and then another and then other people tell you something different. And Marty is right, J&J haven't seen what we have seen with Nasty. Neither her or Kevin have been that bad in J&J's face. It's just hard to watch them floundering and going back and forth all the time.

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