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Dan - Week 11 - Winner!


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well I thought about that when I wrote down Boogies name,lolol

though not being a Boogie is a good thing, I think ...!

but left it in anyway cause he to me is faarrr more memorable than Memphis.

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Believe me they will fade into the sunset pretty quickly after the finale, they are no Will or Boogie.

Will will always be a BB legend...however, the thing I most remember Boogie for is 'the jack-shack'! ...probably not what someone would want to be remembered for though...;)

As for Dan...to me he'll be remembered as one of the great BB players too. Memphis...probably more forgettable on his own, but his association with Dan and their Renegades alliance, like Will and Boogie...will not be forgotten.



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I believe that the Jack shack was Howies residence, just sayin, boogie is not the nicest person, but certainly outshines both Dan and Memphis

I think even the name renegades is lame, now "Chilltown?' that was a cool name and will always be remembered, I think that their fan base is much smaller and will fade fast , just my opinion thi,lol

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Dan is one of the best players in this game. Perhaps second only to Dr Delicious.

I did not like Dan at all pre-showm but week 1 changed my mind. I am beyond happy that the renegades are F2. It's a pefect end to a great season!!!!

Choo choo!!

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friendsheep,lol and friendship name, I soo agree, was better then renegade?? neither one of those silly boys are a renegade. cavrones? maybe,lolol

by the way erin, love your new avi. great pic.

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OK! We've got Dan lovers and haters. But to feel that we REALLY know any of these houseguests is presumptuous! If you'd like to review some of the cast introductions that CBS did prior to the beginning of the show, I'm including some links for you to view.

I'm going to start off with the Chenbot interviewing Allison Grodner! I think this interview indicates where production was looking for this show to go. AG obviously had a direction that she wanted this show to go. You'll see her emphasis on Dan's Conservative nature followed immediately by "The Wildly Liberal" Libra! Judge for yourself! Oh! And don't forget to notice Allison's hair! May be why she selected Michelle :animated_bouncy:

Next up is another CBS set piece with the Chenbot introducing the HG's. This is the one that quotes Dan and his move from the country is Hillary elected. That's followed by Chenbot saying she expects Dan to have trouble getting along with MOST of the women!!!!!! You'll also hear her introduce Ollie who "Recently lost his virginity and is making up for lost time"!

Last up is a 60" commercial that CBS did on Dan & Renny that was meant to establish their "Characters"!

Meet Dan & Renny

So enjoy! I know I'm not going to change anybody's feelings here . . . . . not lookin' to! Just keep in mind that this show really is an entertainment production! :)

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Misha and that is what I love about you, you have a great sense of humor, you always know how to put things and I enjoy reading your posts, I will never be a dan or memphis fan but I still will always read what you have to say and know that you are not being one bit vindictive, I appericate that!!!!

P.S. and I am gonna look at the clips cause it will be fun to look back, thanks

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I believe that the Jack shack was Howies residence, just sayin, boogie is not the nicest person,...

I believe Boogie took up residence there as well. I vividly remember being disgusted at the time...

enjoy...err...watch at your own risk...

make sure you have the sound on around 6 1/2 minutes into it if you want to be thoroughly disgusted... :grin2:

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well, wow, Grodner was sure wrong on her spin wasn't she??? Jesse? what a tool

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OMG, I had forgotten about Boogie, gross and I also had forgotton how small that Jack shack was, yikes,lolol

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I think everyone else is blinded by the white light coming off his legs
When you're right your right! :lol: At least the green toned swim trunks dampen the shine of his legs. :eek:

Thanks for the link Marty. :D Perfect song!!!

I may be alone but, I love the name Renegades and their shenanigans when something they've planned works out. :gunsmilie:

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Well, I won't be saying anything positive about Dan anymore in this thread. I've been cured of expressing my opinion. I know how it feels to be in the minority on this board as I was one of the few James fans last season so I don't want anyone else to feel the way that I did because of positive Dan comments.

Sadly, I can't wait for it all to be over now. :running:

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Last up is a 60" commercial that CBS did on Dan & Renny that was meant to establish their "Characters"!

Wow, so what he said is " The good thing about being Catholic is you can do all these things, ( lie, cheat, backstab) and then go to confession and it's like it never happened; laugh laugh.

WOW, that's who I want teaching my children. Un fking real, he's a teacher? Hey kids go rob, steal, commit whatever larceny you want, and when you're done come to confession and it will all be A- O- K. Like ya know, it never even happened. FOLKS we have a winner here!

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I teach at a Catholic school and can speak honestly when I say you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. But how someone chooses to live their PERSONAL lives (in this case it was Dan playing a game...I don't see him as any of these things in real life) doesn't reflect the love and knowledge they bring to the classroom or to your children.

Many of my co-workers don't live the most righteous lives and Lord knows I've made my fair share of mistakes and still am not perfect, but these are some of the best teachers I have ever met. In fact, just last week the Librarian at the school I teach at said she would love for her daughter to have a teacher like me because I'm so gentle with them. Coming from a parent who has witnessed my abilities, but has also partied with me, this speaks volumes.

I don't think it's fair to compare the two at all. Who we are at work, and how we are, is most often always different than who we are at home. If my principal is a bitch, I'll bite my tongue, suck it up, and vent when I come home. In real life if someone was a bitch, I'd tell them straight out. Many ppl go through the same thing when it comes to their bosses.

As for speaking your mind and going against the crowd Big, all the more power to you. You should never feel that you're not free to do so on these boards. This comes from me...the one who was against the Libra bashing but still spoke my mind. People may not always agree with you, but there's a beauty in being able to discuss it as adults and disagree in a peaceful manner. Sorry if you're feeling left out because of all the Dan love, but for what it's worth, not many loved him from the start. I'm sure there are others who dislike him who are just nervous about saying it. I'm a Dan fan but welcome your insight.

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When he is promoting a school he works at then he himself is putting his real life and work life out there. He could of NOT worn the shirts, had anyone from his school be shown on the show or clips. HE chose to do so. And how can you say you don't see any of these things in his REAL life, is he not playing on TV show in real life? If you mean his real life, we haven't seen him at home, or with his GF or at work so this is his REAL LIFE. And if you want to say that work and personal life don't mean a thing, then I beg to differ. I can't go speeding around town, go rob store, and say you know what; I am a Police Officer so i'll just get out of it. Bullshit. How you conduct yourself outside of your job counts. He could of very easily chosen to not say his school name, chose not to say he is catholic, then go on to joke about it's OK because he'll just go to confession. HE IS A TEACHER AND HIS STUDENTS ARE WATCHING THIS. Game or no game, I am talking about morals and religion 2 of which he has none of. You don't disrespect your religion for money. And if you had morals you would try your best not to go against your religion thinking that hey, i'll just go to confession and everything will be fine. If you don't want to be called out for something that is dear to you then don't put it out there. That was his nitch, the Catholic School Teacher and his words about " just going to confession".

Oh yeah, and if what he's doing is fine, why is there a Petition to save his job? And he himself has even said he hopes he still has his job?

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I do believe that if he didn't want the religion thrown up to his face then he shouldn't have referenced it, but honestly "Save his job" for what? Granted, I'm not a fan of his, but I don't think he did anything that put him in an awkward position in "real" life.

There are people that take reality stars way too serious and need to get a life. This statement goes for those who like and those who dislike. Condemning someone for Dan's actions (none that I know of-he was never mean spirited) is just as bad as the hg worship crap too. Geesh, it's a tv show, get over it.


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Sorry if you're feeling left out because of all the Dan love, but for what it's worth, not many loved him from the start.

Very true Elle. That's one of the reasons I posted the intro videos a few posts ago. Those were the characters we were supposed to be buying into. I think Allison Grodner's expectations were not what we saw played out!

I initially thought I'd not like Dan, based on the video presentations. He got my attention in the 9-1 vote to evict Brian. Then, as I watched his gameplay, I really learned to like him.

I've made my fair share of mistakes and still am not perfect

But such a perfect Tush Elle :hahohi:

I am talking about morals and religion 2 of which he has none of. You don't disrespect your religion for money.

I'm sorry Sam! I really do respect your opinion, and I really do look forward to your posts. Even when they don't reflect my feelings. I think everyone else has made more of an issue of his religion in the house than he has! Lord knows we've had our share of bible thumpers in the house throughout the years.

I've just never lost sight of the fact that this whole Big Brother thing is truly a social experiment of throwing a bunch of diverse personalities together, remove all external stimulae, and sit back and wait for the fireworks! I believe it's largely manipulated by production to make it more entertaining for the public!

So don't give up on the show, and please don't give up on us Mortyites! It's our individual opinions that make this such a nice place to visit! :)

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There are people that take reality stars way too serious and need to get a life. This statement goes for those who like and those who dislike. Condemning someone for Dan's actions (none that I know of-he was never mean spirited) is just as bad as the hg worship crap too. Geesh, it's a tv show, get over it.

Hey high and mighty. Elle and I were actually having a discussion not a battle. We all know you just love to chime in give your whole whopping 2 cents and all. But this time, it wasn't needed. It's a TV Show get over it????? Hmmmm, there are sites devoted to this show including the one we are typing on, so should those not exist either, do THEY need to get over it? Don't sit here and act all high and mighty when we are doing what these boards or for. GIVING YOUR OPINION.

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