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Ollie - Week 7


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I look at BB as I do any game like Hockey and Basketball in every game the players react different when they think they may lose. The only difference in Ollie's behavior over a pro hockey or basketball player is Ollie did not do anything to harm anyone but the pro hockey and basketball players actually fist fight when they get pissed off.

I say make Ollie pay for anything he broke, if he hit someone or threw something and it hit someone I could see more drastic measures taken but otherwise it's a game and you never know how someone will react when something happens. I think throwing things on the hg's is worse then Ollie yelling and throwing things around when no one is in harms way. When you throw even a glass of water on someone it can be considered assault to some people.

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At the risk of raising the ire of other posters, I will say again that I will be totally surprised if "anything" happens to Ollie for his antics.

No ire, but if previous hg such as Dick and James who actually threw something at hgs and didn't get penalty noms then why should he? I'm not saying what he did was right, but how can there be an outcry for a penalty when others have done worse and received nothing from BB and kudos from posters?

Of course, HOllie is so hated and that is probably the difference.

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I was a Dick fan and I loved when he dumped tea on Jen but I was sure he'd be punished for it. Of course, he wasn't. Maybe the difference is anger. Dick never did anything out of anger that I can remember. Maybe bb would have looked at it differently had he threw tea in her face while screaming in anger instead of calmly dumping it on her head. I sure would have.

I agree that I don't see Ollie being punished for his antics though. I wish he were going to be but I seriously doubt it.

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wasnt tea dump on jen because he was angry jen was calling dani out

i guess i see bb differently

when i dont play favs

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wasnt tea dump on jen because he was angry jen was calling dani out

That's exactly right. He was angry and everything he did was out of anger and because things weren't going according to his plan. It's like saying HOllie dumped the planter over for fun too?

I don't play favs either and will call out any hg for their actions if I like them or not.

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I agree with you KY... ED was one of my favorites and I don't think it was out of anger too much. I just think it was Dick being a dick. I don't think it was because things weren't going his way heck he and his daughter were final two and he won the game. It is probably a matter of perception as you say. My wishing that Ollie got the ol boot or some discipline is probably amplified by the fact that I can't stand the lil loser... no probably about it... it is definitely amplified because of my lack of like of the jerk.

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I do remember the pot banging incident. He was on the block with his daughter and he wanted to piss the houseguests off so much that they would have no choice but to evict him so he could give his daughter a chance to win. He got really close to them and the DR told him that he had to stay a certain distance away. He never had an intention to hit them. He wanted to wake them up early and in that way so they would be razzled for the POV competition that day. After Ed won the POV competition, he apologized to everybody and explained why he had done it. Then he proceeded to take his daughter (not himself) off the block.

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And no, I do not see Dick's antics to save his daughter's game in the same light that I see Ollie's actions. I did not hate Ollie before this game. I thought he was stupid for believing the lies, thought he had done nothing in the game except boink April and hide behind her skirts... but didn't HATE him. If he had switched things up and tried to make deals with some of the houseguests, rather than going nutso, I would have been glad to see him stepping up his game. He SHOULD have said to Dan on the ropes... let's hook up as an alliance. But instead, he just wanted the power and more power and couldn't see that he was getting played. When something is too good to be true, it usually is. Jerry tried to warn him. Even Michelle tried to warn him. He did not listen because he was too full of his own glory to pay attention to what was painfully obvious.

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I don't think it was power but more Dan playing up seeing Monica so he offered Ollie hoh power to drop. Ollie was stupid for trusting Dan but Dan acted like his word was something he didn't give lightly so Ollie dropped so he could play hoh the following week.

Dan afraid of the reaction from Ollie didn't tell Ollie the pov part was off and he couldn't put up Renny or Keesha instead plays a stupid pov game and until the meeting told Ollie it was all good then screws him. Anyone you do that to would not walk up to you and shake your hand saying good move you got me that was a nice play. When you go out of your way to make a person look like a fool (even if they are one already) beware of what of what you may be asking for in return.

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Ollie just realized he looked like a fool because he was confident and strutting around the house like the King and announcing that he had the POWER.

Remember the only King is Elvis.

Truthfully, I'd be pissed off. I might possibly kick a tire if there was one. I don't think he gave a rats ass about Michelle and I know he is only nice to Jerry because no one else is in his corner. I think clinging to the sinking wrinkly ass of the S.S. Jerritol with Admiral Mentalcase is not the best strategy.

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Ollie's a mama's boy. He's probably so use to his mama always telling him what to do so he did what comes natural to him, first he became Ape woman's boy and then he became Manchelle's boy and because she's leaving, he was forced to become Jeritol's boy as a default. At one point, he tried to become Renny's boy until Dan messed that up. hee hee.

The first time ever in his life he actually felt that he had any kind of power and was stripped of it as he referrs to it as losing his manhood, he totally went over the deep end! Unfortunately, it was for all to see. LOL!

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I think there were a cpl people who when they were had by another in a good play they did say "wow, got me good,lol" but Ollie somehow thinks this is all tied up in his manhood, which is just down right childish, which I think Ollie is, if he has only had 1 gf and that is april, well that would lead me to believe he really is behind in the emotional growth level for his age and should not even be there, he cannot handle it

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Really weird... right now everyone is sitting down at the table and eating dinner and talking... everyone except Ollie. Ollie is sitting in the spa room, with his sunglasses and his dorky hat on and he is pouting.... very weird! I think he needs his binkie...

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This is off topic and I will end it here, but does anyone remember the Pot Banging incident-that happened because Dick was having a bad week and things were not going his way.

Yes, I do, Ginger. Also that year, Nick poured water over Jen as well as ED with the Tea. And Ollie just had a huge madfit. No HG was physically attacked.

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