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Dan - Week 7


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It's not the cbs viewers who are casting votes in the jury so i'm really not to worried about what they think. Dan will still win this game with or without the support of them. His speach to the jury will convince them to vote for him to win, i'm sure of that

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I see quite the opposite. I can't wait,lolol

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I hope Renny wakes up before Thursday and talks to Ollie and makes a deal with him and Ollie wins hoh to keep things going because this game has been so predictable you know who's going home days before eviction night leaving no suspense or real game play or real campaigning going on.

They said the pawn always goes home but last season Sharon was a pawn for so many weeks and she went home the last time because she was in the final 4 and they knew Sheila would not win the endurance.

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Ollie would def put up Dan and Mem...that would leave Renny and Keesha to vote with no coaching from Ollie. So if Renny votes to keep Dan and Keesha votes to keep Memphis and Ollie could vote out Dan.

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WOW WOW!! I have not posted here since the all star season, but I cannot hold myself back anymore , by the way I loved Jani. This is the first BB season that I have not had the feeds, but after the winter BB9 I did not care to watch the XXX videos again. It is really weird to read all the post about who you like and don't like because when you watch only the shows on CBS you have a different perspective about each HG. I've had an hard time not liking Memphis, mainly because of his looks. Ollie seems to be very likeable and honest, but I have had an bad taste in my mouth because of how he let his testoterine get the best of him and embarass himself and his family. I have just loved Renny, she is a beautiful women with an interesting personality, and she has a lot of heart and compassion, a little weird at times but age will do that to you. Jerry is just a crumpy old man who I understand since I am a geriactric nurse, and on a side note I did vote for him to receive a phone call because behind all that gruff exterior he does care about his family. Michelle is a tough competor who speaks how she feels which isn't so bad. Keesha is hard to comment on, I can see that she is somewhat all about herself, but I still see that she has a good heart, anyway she is in an alliance with Renny and Dan, so I can't say to many bad things about her.

Now to get to this post: Dan is my man...He has played this game so well to almost being evicted the first few weeks to now having an aliance with the stronger group. I don't usually like it when someone makes a deal and breaks it, but Ollie had to have arrived here from another planet to think that Dan would keep his word on such a stupid plan. Sorry Ollie, but you have been outplayed by the best. My only downside is that I do not see Dan making it to the final 2, much less the final four. He has had to play the game so hard that he is going to be the main target on Thursday's show. I have watched every BB and I know that it always goes back and forth to who is in control. Dan has probably played the game better than Will, but he has had to play harder and make no enemies where as Will was able to let everyone else do his dirty work.

If Dan was to pull off a miracle and make it to the final 2, the jury is going to be over runned with people he has lied to. But I am crossing both fingers and legs and hoping that he does make it past this double elimination. I know that some of you don't like Dan, and I respect that because I don't watch the live feeds, but even reading the post and watching the shows I would love to see, Dan, Renny, and Memphis in the final 3. Finally, I just watched both shows tonight after reading all the post about Dan and especially the Veto ceremony, and I have to comment that for me that was one of the best Veto ceremonies in the history of BB. So all you live feed watchers, like I used to be, try one season with only watching the aired shows and reading the post,you will be surprised how you feel about some of the HG....

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Very nice Odinsraven. I quite agree with your post. I don't have the feeds this year either and rely on this forum and the show to base my opinions of the HG.

I have already given props to Dan for his gameplay. I like him and how he's stirring it up. I just hope he can survive until the F2.

Please know (and I'm sure you do) that there are people on forums who will always be "haters". I usually just skim by their posts because I realize how they are - always looking for the negative (and that goes for all subjects - not just BB). It's one thing to state an opinion on how you feel or what you have observed, but to post derogatory comments just because you can, doesn't impress me much.

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Please know (and I'm sure you do) that there are people on forums who will always be "haters". I usually just skim by their posts because I realize how they are - always looking for the negative (and that goes for all subjects - not just BB). It's one thing to state an opinion on how you feel or what you have observed, but to post derogatory comments just because you can, doesn't impress me much.

I sooooo agree with you catwishes about the negative, deragatory comments!! I usually skip over those posts!!

I do have the feeds but haven't been able to watch them as much this season. I am a Dan FAN!! And I agree with your F3 Odin! Renny, Dan & Memphis!! Woooo hoooo!

Gooooooooooo Dan!

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D-Blo may be "smarter" than the remaining houseguests, but that's not a tremendous accomplishment. I get it that he wants to play dirty and come out looking clean, but can the guy be truthful just once? Maybe it's a Catholic thing, I don't know. (Just kidding Catholics).

When Ollie asked point blank, D-Blo should have said, "I am playing this for me, not for you. You would do the same thing and put up your biggest threat." But instead of being an honest human being, this sorry crap-weasel just continues to lie for no reason. He had the power, he HAD to nominate a replacement. He just keeps lying.

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a little weird at times but age will do that to you

Whoa, there, whoa!!

knees cracking as she sits down and posts reply

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Dan is doing something right. Michelle was telling Ollie that if he won hoh next to put up memphis and keesha, not dan. Memphis said in a DR that he trusts dan, even after dan put him on the block and even after dan told memphis that whoever believes him now deserves to go. Kudos to Dan!

Team Dan!!

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