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Daniele Week 6


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Please I don't think for one second Dustin "sincerely" apologized to her. He has ulterior motives. It's Dustin...he always does.

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Daniele is so fake! Teaming up with Zach and Jen...she's said she hates them both and has trashed them both...even Jen in her blog. She's using them...she's fake.

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yeah...when you're scrambling to save your butt....amazing who you'll have to lower yourself to team up with.

Now don't get me wrong...I like Jen...and really have no opinion of Zach....but I've never trashed them ...she has.

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...Dustin left Dani and went right in the house and trashed Daniele. He is such a jerk.

...and Daniele stayed in the Back yard and trashed Dustin, (and the rest) first with Zach, then with Dick...Oh, Dan also asked Zach what were the chances that Jen (who Dan promised yesterday to "have her back" from here on) would be put up against either D/D and then they (Zach, Dick, and Dan) could work it so that the house would vote Jen out instead of either D/D...

Yeah, Dustin is a jerk, and Daniele is...precious...(great, now I'm the one who just threw up in my mouth...but just a little, LOL)

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This girl makes me so sick I had to see a doctor. WHINNY horse faced brat. I hope the HGs kick her to the curb now and let dick stay a week to mess with Jen some more/ She has more ability in the compitions where dick is a footnote

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i hope she goes home as well, but I must say I've never in real life encountered folks like the ones they get in BB, who say such foul and hateful things about people. Gossip, rumour and catty comments, but nothing like this. I realize it's necessary to be phony and be cordial to people you don't like, whether it's in the real world or this game, but the extremes seem way beyond anything I've encoutered. So in this game I end up picking favouritees and rooting for people but really most are guilty of distasteful behaviour. I just happen to find Daniele's princess behaviour gets on my nerves enough to want her out before some of the other rotten characters.

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Dustin went out to talk with her...he sincerely apologized for talking trash about her and calling her names...extending an olive branch to have her join with all socially...she basically gave him her typical icy responses. I'm fine...I'm over it...It's a game...I don't care...blah, blah blah...well if that's the case Dani...why'd you spend the last day crying...trashing everyone...saying how much you hate everyone. She never apologized to him for calling him names. After Dustin left...she said "I just threw up a little in my mouth."

dustin wasnt sincere about it. he trashed her before it and after it.

and i am not saying daniele is a princess.. but at least she doesnt kiss his butt and act all sincere like him and then do the opposite. like you said, she was her "typical icy self" and said "i'm fine.. i'm over it... it's a game... i dont care... "

eh.. i am not such a daniele fan, she whines and her voice gives me a headache. but i dislike the rest so much that i will take her over them any day.

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exactly...he's doing this so they'll vote him out instead of his darling precious daughter...I hope it backfires on him. :naughty:

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If they put up with this long they could put up with him another week...they'll go after Dani.

Honestly, I think he has diarrahea of the mouth and can't help himself...he's saying crap to hear himself talk ----he is a bigger attention seeker than Amber will ever be. He's not thinking game play he's thinking humiliate, humiliate and humiliate..he's looking like the ass he really is. Bravo, Dick.

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Dani's gonna be safe after what Dick is doing right now

The more Dick pisses them off the more they will want to hurt him, everybody realizes the best way to do that is to take it out on his daughter. I think she may be the one going to isolation this week.

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While I don't even know what to say about his rants, this at least proves he wants Dani to stay. He's doing everything he can to assure his eviction.

As far as the others keeping him in, they will NOT do it. They do not have the backbone, nor the intelligence. If any of them had any sense they wouldn't have even put Dick up. Why in the world would they want to be against anyone at the end except for Dick? Taking Dick to the end means the $500.000 on a silver platter. Idiots

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I hope Dani wipes her hands clean of her father once this is over. I would be more than mortified if my father acted that way, no matter what the relationship is. Of course her not saying anything and laughing with Zach also shows the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Daniele please don't associate with that pyschopath anymore, he'll make your life a living hell.

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Danile had better speak up about Dick's behavior. If she and ANYONE are in the final 2, the entire jury will hold her accountable for Dick's actions. Can you imagine Dustin's questions? "So Daniele, why should I give you my vote when you did nothing to stop your father from needlessly attacking people?"

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I hope she would say, "It's not my JOB to keep my father under control. If you want to blame me for his actions then that is your issue not mine."

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She does tell him when to stop and usually in private. The only things I've seen her encourage are pranks or jabs she doesn't think are hurtful.

People using it against her is so stupid. She had a good point with asking Dustin how he'd feel if he was held responsible for everything Amber did.

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