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Daniele Week 6


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If not your dad.. it's you sweetie... buh-bye :)

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I wanna go home. I just hate this... I don't like these people. I don't like it here... I WANNA GO HOOOOOMMMMEEEEE!!!

These are the sounds of a child - one who has not yet learned the 'stuff' of handling the hills and valleys.

I feel badly for her. A slap in the face is never easy.

She could use a few lessons from Jen.

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She's so manic. She was so high and mighty all this week when she was HOH, and "knew" she had the power. Now she's curled up in the fetal position crying like a little baby. I'm sorry, I can't feel sorry for her. Maybe if she and her dad weren't so "into themselves" it might be different. It's simple karma... you get back what you send out. They thought it was fun to make Eric squirm...

It sucks when people don't like you, and use you... yet thats exactly how they treated these others, and she just got that lesson handed to her on a silver platter.


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I don't understand Danielle. Maybe she is just in the moment. But isn't she the one who auditioned for BB before with her Dad? Hasn't she said she watched past seasons? How can she not know that BB is about lying, back-stabbing and pure evilness?!?!?! All I can say is that you reap what you sow. What was it that Dick said to Eric the other day...something about him getting what he deserves...hmmm...shoe on other foot...At least this makes for great TV!Danielle's best game move right now is to be quit and friendly to everyone. Let Dick sink himself and maybe Jen or Zach too. Zach's and Jen's best moves is to lay low. How will it go? How WILL it go...hmm...

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She's so manic. She was so high and mighty all this week when she was HOH, and "knew" she had the power. Now she's curled up in the fetal position crying like a little baby. I'm sorry, I can't feel sorry for her. Maybe if she and her dad weren't so "into themselves" it might be different. It's simple karma... you get back what you send out. They thought it was fun to make Eric squirm...

mikeydude.. did you even watch anything this week? she was the most huble winner in the group! she didnt let the power get to her 1 time. she even let the lil scumbag eric use her HOH to cry cause he thought he was going home! maybe you should get the feeds or something before you start talking about stuff you dont know about.

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Dear Daniele

Stay strong this week. Once your dad is gone you can blossom and become your own person and show the house that YOU are not the bad one (although I will let you know, as soon as you get out you need to go to Walmart.....they are having a sale on spines.....you could use one)


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daniele is great! she is a kick-ass-player. and the smartest one in the hosue too.

she will win POV and save herself.

she will do fine without her dad too! but she needs him there... either way she is good for a good couple more weeks!


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You're right King... I've never seen the show before tonight. I've formed all my opinions from what I've read on the message boards here. Thanks for caring enough to straighten me out...

And her incessant playing with her hair. That is almost as anoying as her whining.

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Ummmm, King, I know you love her, but if you really wanted to be honest, you would have to admit that by watching the feeds, she was not just NOT humble, but she also did not actually have HoH. She let her DAD make the decisions. Granted she did tell him to back down a few times, but she basically gave her week away and will probably suffer the consequences. If she had really been smart, she would have seperated herself fom her "estranged" dad early on and told him to F off while she was HoH. She should have put him up against Kail and he would have been gone and she would be a hero in the house.


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your welcome! :D man, im jsut so worked up! i just cant have my daniele go home!but lets see this,if her and her dad are nominated she WILL WIN.cause lets see this

players for POV dickdanielejessica----dick would choose zach,daniele would be left to choose jennand jessica would choose ericshe can easily beat dick and jessica, if zach won he would save daniele probably.jenn might save somebody, but probably wouldnt even tryand eric would want to win, cause america would have him save daniele and it would blow his cover.

i dont know why on earth would she put up her dad? that would be the worst move ever!he is the only person who has her back 100% it doesnt make since for her to do it.

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You guys remember the Howie/Janelle thing?

They didn't play to win, they played for each other... it didn't work too well.

Thats the same mistake D&D are making this season.

But thats just my opinion, and I don't watch the show...

Never mind... carry on!

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Daniele is talking to her Dad. If you can't show you'r true feelings in front of your own Dad who can you? I have yet to see her breakdown in front of ANYONE but Dick. If I was in that house going through the stresses that house puts you through, seeing my Dad would make me cry too and I'm no 20 year old. I think she's done a pretty dam good job of being mature with the other HG. She was the most humble HOH yet this season. She respected Eric's uneasiness and gave him a place to be alone and talk to the other HG, all for no other reason than to be nice.

This week she proved to me she is worthy of being in that house. She is smart and very competitive.

eta: Daniele ran her own HOH. Dick wasn't even sold on putting Eric up and Daniele told him it was her decision and she was going to make it. Period.

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