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Eric Week 4 - America's Player

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I really would have liked to see this guy play on his own... America is just going to screw it up for him... It's too bad because Eric gets this game and knows how to play it.... I say he should get like three passes to override when america votes with emotions instead of brains...

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I agree completely. I didn't realize at first that he had no choice about who he wanted to vote out. I thought he could decide on his own, but it sounds like anything he can fully control (his vote, who he puts on the block) is controlled by America. That sucks for him. He's pulled off everything really well, though.

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I'm glad America might screw it up..tonight I voted for Jessica..for that reason.

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I do think Julie was hinting at his next assignment. I have no doubt in my mind that America will vote one of the guys as his love interest. No one would let him off easy by letting him try to get romantic with a gender he's attracted to. :animated_rotfl:

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Staying up late and listening to the LNC re whom should Dustin put up for the noms for this week. Is it just me - but I am having big problems with Eric's strategy re how he is deliberately pinning the choices we impose on Eric to Nick to get Nick out. We all know that with the two person vote for Kail... - We all know that eric had to vote out per America's choice.... I don't have a problem with having fun with the America's choice. I do have a strong problem when a player acts unethically to lie about another person for personal gain. I do have sympathy for Poor eric - he had to do the vandalism against Jen, he had to vote contrary to the majority leaning of K. On a personal note - I do not want my participation to be misused by Eric to push himself in the game. Lying about Nick when we all know that he neither did the mustard, nor the vote for Kail....

Besides now he is pushing Nick, when my guess is America's choice now is either Zach or K for the noms.... (Sleepless on the big brother site.)

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Would it be okay if Nickwent home because everybody believes he voted for Kail to go? Is it okay for BB and AP to eliminate someone based on their 'programmed' deceptions?

I can't decide and am thinking maybe it depends on how much I like the AP or the person being duped.

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I'm still wondering..did BB give Eric any choice as to whether he wanted to be America's Player, or did he have to do it in order to be part of the game?

I certainly can't imagine anyone going along with that willingly.

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I was so happy that Eric threw it. I think he was waiting to throw it until he felt safe. When Danielle went he threw it. It would have been a dumb move to win HoH with America choosing the players. America probably would have picked like Jessica and Amber or something like that and would get him screwed in the game.

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Would it be okay if Nickwent home because everybody believes he voted for Kail to go? Is it okay for BB and AP to eliminate someone based on their 'programmed' deceptions?

YES! This is part of the game, and it wouldn't have had to take an "America's choice" thing for this to happen. Any player can vote to eliminate whichever nominee they want -- they don't have to tell afterwards how they voted (they could do it for strategy purposes to mess with everybody's thinking) -- and the rest of the house can go nuts trying to figure out who did it.

If the house wrongly concludes it was one person in particular (Nick in this case), then so what? This scenario could happen WITHOUT the America's Choice coming in to play.

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but I am having big problems with Eric's strategy re how he is deliberately pinning the choices we impose on Eric to Nick to get Nick out. We all know that with the two person vote for Kail... - We all know that eric had to vote out per America's choice.... I don't have a problem with having fun with the America's choice. I do have a strong problem when a player acts unethically to lie

i agree with carmen that this deception (others call it lying :animated_bouncy: ) IS part of the BB game

immediately after mike left through the front door, dick was 'calling out' jen that she had just voted kail out.....they could have easily kept on believing it was jen's vote but they decided they know everything and had irreputable proof that it was nick's vote :rolleyes:

any little thing effect people in there because other than boredom the only thing to do is worry about what everyone else in there is saying and doing...for instance when eric put mustard on jen's shirt she had a pretty boring reaction if you ask me, but now dustin is using 'mustardgate' against her saying that she imposes drama upon herself every day and things MUST be about her

i kinda like the americas player idea, until this week i did think he had a CHOICE whether to go along with each vote though, so now knowing he cant make his own decision i dont like it as much (i thought he was going with the assignments as a good natured player)...but its still ok by me, its better than the X factor

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Eric said he would punch Zach in the face if he said anything about the girls . I would love to see that. Trouble is it would be one punch because Eric would be killed by Zach and Zach would not hold back because he did not start it.

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[i really would have liked to see this guy play on his own... America is just going to screw it up for him... It's too bad because Eric gets this game and knows how to play it.... I say he should get like three passes to override when america votes with emotions instead of brains...]

Flipside: Eric is having a pretty good grinning time. Got some showman in him.

Jew Boy (name) = tacky. Not cool.

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Yeah, really.

Of course, god forbid someone should say something about race or homosexuals...but certain religions- is always open season.

Eric is a nice guy, the only thing that bugs me is that he is not playing for himself and it effects the game in a way that it shouldn't. Everyone in the house should have a fair chance at winning.

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Ummmm Judaism is a religion but also a race. JMO but one can call their "friends" whatever they want but I think calling a stranger Jewboy is def deragatory...and weird.

OK, about poor Eric. Thats what I wanna call him, PE. He is a big fan, actually gets in the house and then they dump "you are america's player" on him. I think they choose him because of his BB knowledge, but they should have given acting tests to determine who would be AP, IMO. See, PE is way too tic-y as far as I am concerned. When mustardgate happened, he was cool, he was cool and then Dustin said "it was storage room mustard" and EP was like "$hit" (not aloud, his facial expressions). And then on Thursday when Julie asked Jen about it, he was def squirmy but when she directly asked him the next question, he was like "$hit" again on his facial expression. He's really gotta control his face and that fingernail/cuticle biting/tearing habit he has.

So, I keep thinking what if I had made it in the house and was AP....it would suck!!! He's not completed, what 3 tasks so far and the last one made real waves in the house. I have no problem with lying, manipulating, etc...as long as there is no hands on the bible swearing, I am cool. And thats under normal circumstances, add in the fact that we made him vote weird, man he's gotta come up with something. Plus it makes a new target that is not him. PE is smart and a great player. However far he gets it will be in spite of being AP, not because of.


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Arrowhead said: We call a friend that and he is Jewish I am not PC .I have nothing aganist Eric he seems like a nice guy though I cannot stand the nipple rings !

As a Jew I am offended by those remarks. If you really do have a "friend" that you call "Jew Boy" then shame on him for allowing that. Being PC has nothing to do with it. It's just wrong. :lipsrsealed2:

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