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Eric Week 4 - America's Player

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Thanks for straightening that out for me - makes all the difference.

Let me add, tho, that in that case ...

Didn't he learn his lesson last time? Has he done anything to protect himself when the vote is revealed tonight? Last time he let Nick take the fall. A few are now convinced that Nick was not the vote - yet haven't pushed the issue (at least I couldn't find anything in my catch-up readings).

So what happens tonight when there is another mysterious vote?

If I were he, I would be telling the group (or at least ONE person) that a sympathy vote might be in order - depending on how the tally is going to turn out. At least he should be supporting Dani in giving a sympathy vote.

Am I missing something or is Eric just waiting for an axe to fall? Seems to me he's going to have to fess up this week - to TWO votes.

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Some people have said being Americas player is not fair to Eric. I think Eric was only hired to be on the show to be Americas player. He would not have been on the show otherwise. I dont think he had a choice after they asked him to be the AP he couldnt go on the show as a regular HG knowing that another HG was the AP.

I hope they remind Eric that he is there to be our voice.

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... the only magic he would have to work is on Jess and that shouldn't be to hard since they are so close. The bottom line is he want Nick out and dosen't care what America wants.

I hope BB never does this AP again sooo stupid!.

The bottom line, IMO, is that Eric is being smart in doing what's best for him, because if he follows "America"'s advice blindly, he'll find himself walking out the door sooner than he would want to.

I agree about AP proving to be a stupid concept. "America" is trying to get it's own piece put in check or getting killed, in the game, to help other pieces get ahead...which kinda makes "America" a very bad player...and I hope BB does not do this to another HG, again LOL!

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UGH Eric America gave you the Kail name as most of us correctly assumed.

Did you fail us again? Come on dude you are my favorite player but you are also Americas player. You are our voice. You need to do your best to get your tasks accomplished for America. Thats why you are in the house. :)

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Eric let me down. He is still one of my 2 favorites but now Ive changed my absolute fave to crazy Zach. Zach has stayed true to Nick the whole way and the guy is growing on me.

OH wait Eric just said give him the Jen and Kail order once more and he guarantees Kail or Jen will be gone. That a boy Eric!!!!

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LOL when they show him who we want evicted have his name.

Oh man. I lost my water over that one. I would love to see his face.


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This guy is the biggest rat I've ever seen. Apologizing to Dan for going off on Jen because "it just had to be done?" That Jen crossed the line and someone had to say something? That Dan's "private live" is none of Jen's business?...

Why didn't he feel like saying something when Dick was badmouthing Kail's family? or every time Dick crosses the line with Jen and attacks Jen's "private life"?...

His "apologizing" to Dan for "having to defend her" was so transparently just to ensure she doesn't go after him...I've said before and I say it again... Eric is a weasel...

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There are no real men in the house.

They're all weak little children.

Honestly, most guys would never stand to see a man abuse Jen as much as Dick does.

Yet they all stay silent.

Its almost disgusting.

Actually, it IS disgusting.

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Guest jordansmom
Jen cannot say things about Danille's boyfriend makes me think he and the whole show is GAY!

Funny huh.... don't talk about my boyfriend but hey its cool if your called :censored::censored::censored::censored: .

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