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Eric Week 4 - America's Player

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The fear of the pain was the thing that kept me from doing it for so long. I have both ears pierced, but they were easy. And everyone told me that the nipples would hurt. I finally got the courage and had the hubby drive me (in case I was so woozy after that I couldn't drive (someone told me it was possible).

I laid down, they made the mark, they told me to breathe in 3 times and on the 3rd, he pierced. It burned for about 5 seconds, but not so bad that I was uncomfortable, and then the endorphin rush hit and I just was all tingly. Afterwards, it was sore for a day, then lesss the next then almost nothing on the 3rd and then it would repeat like that every 3 days for about a month. I think that is becuase you have to get liquid antibacterial soap and twist it every day so you are irritating it. But it wasn't anything that kept me awake at night or caused me to change my daily routine. It was sore and sensitive, but not enough to bother me.

A female friend of mine decided to get hers done after she saw mine and we went with her to get it done and it seemed to hurt more at first but she had less soreness afterwards (but she did say it went in 3 day cycles like mine).

As for any other piercings, I have thought about a PA a few times, but really don;t ever see that happening. You just don;t mess with that part of the body in that way :) also considered the tongue for many years, but a friend had to have part of his tongue removed after a bad infection from his piercing so that killed the interest


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Warning: The first part of this post will be off-topic, but I need to say something here:

I truly apologize for going off-topic, but I was here only briefly last night--long enough to see the "Jew-boy" post, and I wasn't able to respond then. Please bear with me for just a moment.

Arrowhead, I'm appalled.

Yes, of course it was derogatory and offensive--if for no other reason than Eric's Jewishness had nothing to do with your post.

I am Jewish by background, but I've long been an atheist. However, my family is all Jewish, and I was brought up in a Jewish tradition. I am highly insulted and outraged by what you said. Anyone reading that who is Jewish--religious or not--would take great offence. Having those words in a public forum is unacceptable--and yes, as much as the n-word is.

Fortunately, the mods agreed, and edited your original post to remove the derogatory words.

I truly wish you would apologize to those you offended. It doesn't matter if you intended to offend, or agree, but it's general practice when people have been offended by something you've said, to say you apologize to those you offended.

Heck, even the President of the United States does that...

Again, sorry this is off-topic, but I hope everyone will understand that I didn't have a chance to post a response last night, and I just had to say something, because I feel this so strongly.

I'm happy to get this post back now to the topic it was meant to be about--Eric as America's Player. (Hey, it wasn't I who changed the topic...) Yes, Eric is an odd duck, and I don't know what to make of his weird tics and gestures. No, he doesn't have Tourette's--I think he's just a gawky, awkward guy. He's trying to fit in, and be cool (by swearing, etc), but he doesn't know how--and it isn't working!!

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who called eric jew boy?brazil_gs_e0.gifbrazil_gs_e0.gifbrazil_gs_e0.gif

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move on for what . you just mention it.6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif

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I was just trying to say that I was really upset last night when I read the post, but I was tied up, and didn't get a chance to respond.

So I did first thing this morning.

But by "move on", I mean I think we better get back on topic, or we will displease some people!!

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who said it and we can move on?6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif

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i see it now lets move on 6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif

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I was just spelling tourettes - I didn't (nor did anyone else) really imply he has it.

As for those coming to Eric's defense..I don't think he needs it. Dorky; I don't know. He's from NYC and if he's a true NY'er I'm sure he knows the ropes. He works for a talent agency, he's not some sheltered guy, he deals with all types of personalities.

I think y'all underestimating him. There is a reason he was chosen to be AP, not because he needs guidance just because he has the nerve to go through with what we want him to do...

I still think this guy could go to the end if he was on his own, but by playing for us he may trip us somewhere.

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I REALLY wish Eric would take a stand and align himself with someone(s).

He is becoming very prominent in his position as a floater, and it's gonna hurt him.

He can remain A.P. while still playing the game. He's not JUST A.P.; he's a HG, a contestant, as well.

I think he's forgetting that.

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Isnt tourettes where the child usually doesnt live beyond 5 yrs old?? I could be wrong but it seems like I remember seeing a episode of Law and Order about it where the Mom killed the baby to save her from a horrible death later on.

I dont feel bad for Eric at all I think he has played well and kept himself off the radar while playing the game. If I was him I would have thrown the HOH too cause that would mess up his whole game.

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No, it's a neuro disorder, motor tics and sometimes prone to loud outbursts-usually cursing. Onset is childhood, but they live to adulthood. It's upsetting/disturbing to see someone with Tourette's even more disturbing if someone does not recognize the disorder.

Eric is just strange. He has no disorder other than the robotic one that BB producers have given him.

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I like Eric, he actually is one of the most normal people in the house. Indeed we all have issues to deal with it class and a very good sense of humor. I do agree he has to play his position in the house a little better, before somone reralizes what is going on.

Yath you go girl, any predudice is not cool with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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oops... i guess i am one of the ones that might have put the thought in there that Eric could have tourettes .... it really was just in humor..! it would explain a lot of his facial expressions and such... but do i really think he has it? noooooooooooooooo!

I do however really think he has ADHD! now that i do have experience in... and he does show classic signs of it. of course.. again... its only my opinion. i dont know him, never seen his medical records, never spoke to his family...

well, i am done here making eric look all Ticy tacy and all... cause he is not... its just the way he is!

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I don't think he does. I have worked with a tourettes syndrome employee for years and I don't see it in Eric. There are different degrees of it I know but I don't think Erick has it.

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