BuxomBlonde Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 However, I will say that the toughest part for Will still lies ahead, he has to survice the week when him and boogie are put up together. Either that or get rid of boogie in a seperate week without him being on the block. Him teaming up with James / Danielle was just brilliant, but I fear that will also be his ultiminate demise. svirf If Mike really did win the Coup power like everyone is saying, then that would be the answer to Willl's prayers for that scenario. I'm thinking that if Janelle and Howie finally realize Chilltown was playing them after Marci goes out tomorrow, whichever of them survives the next eviction could nominate them if lucky enough to win that HoH, whose nominations would be up for that third and final eviction the Coup is available to be used. In which case, if Howie/Janelle have nominated BOTH Mike and Will, Mike would be able to save them both and most likely put up the remaining Sov (not counting James as a Sov anymore) and a pawn, to get the remaining houseguests to vote them out. Coup complete. (I'm not saying it will go down like that, just saying it's one of the many possibilities.)
Big Brother Freak Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 That was hilarious when Janelle fell off the hammock. She thought Will did it on purpose. He rubbed her leg after that, just wondering if anyone else caught that. I think he likes her a little bit because she has that Bad Girl image (especially when alcohol is involved) and I think he kinda enjoys it.
Sharonda99 Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Janelle falling was funny...of course it could have been any of them and I would have thought it was funny!
chichi Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 I think she is a superior player, but she has fallen for Will and isn't thinking clearly. Shake it off baby! Where did the "Mommy Mommy, I want a Janie Doll" come from?
chichi Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Maybe not Thats why the words "I think" were included in the sentence.
cujokay Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 I was a huge fan of Janelle's last year and don't hate her this year, BUT last year she dumped her boyfriend in the DR so she could mess around with Michael, and we all know how well THAT turned out. This year, although she claims to be dating this wonderful guy two months' prior to entering the house, she's mad flirting with Will, giving him kisses, asking him to sleep with her, etc. What is wrong with this woman? I don't understand why she can't live for three months without dumping or disrespecting her boyfriend. What is up with that?! It makes her look pathetic and cheap. Perhaps if she had kept he mind on her game and not Dr. Delicious, she wouldn't be in her current position. The Janie I knew from last year wouldn not have fallen for half the BS she's fallen for this year. After Michael left the house early last year, Janie was able to focus on the game. She should have kept her head in the games instead of up Will's butt. It's actually painful to watch.
ElleNaturelle Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 I love Janelle, I really do, but there's no way you can compare her to Nicole (whom I love even more). Will is only doing to Janelle what he's done to EVERYONE. What made Nicole stand out was her b*tchiness and near insanity. Season 2 was the best season ever, and it's because of Nicole and Will's relationship... one that just can't be matched, not even in allstars. Man, it was so great to see her at the food and pov comp. I LOVE YOU NICOLE!!!!
chichi Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Janelle seems to be more calm than Nicole, didn't she (Nicole) have serious anger issues?
GingerSnaps Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 I liked/like Nicole...I liked her even more when she called Will, Wilma.
GoJaney Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Nichole looked great, by the way... Janey's missing the big picture here... I think in part because of Will and because of James. She's not stupid for trusting them.... she just WANTS too badly to trust them... that's what's putting her in jeopardy. And Howie. She is like Nichole in that Will's manipulating her, but unlike Nichole in that she actually likes him
GingerSnaps Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Quote: Nichole looked great, by the way... Janey's missing the big picture here... I think in part because of Will and because of James. She's not stupid for trusting them.... she just WANTS too badly to trust them... that's what's putting her in jeopardy. And Howie. She is like Nichole in that Will's manipulating her, but unlike Nichole in that she actually likes him Agreed...Also, Janelle has no choice but to trust someone. It is just her and Howie...the odds are not good!
GoJaney Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 I know, Ginger... I bet money she could turn Will if she reasons with him though... I mean, think about it... the whole house (and thereby the jury) hate her... who would you rather be up against in the final 2? Janey or Danielle? Janey, a cocktail waitress that everyone dislikes for some ungodly reason. Danielle, a mother "family woman" who has been spinning her "spool of lies" about how robbed she was in her season. Uh, Dani would be a tough person to vote against.
word_girl Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 A bit off-topic, but GoJaney, this is the second post I've read in just the last few minutes that used "spool of lies" in a sentence! As with using "furniture" as a general insult, it will be amazing to see "spool of lies" also sweep the nation....maybe even the globe.
Tarman12 Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 That's Janie's cocktail waitress training. Never spilled a drop.
cujokay Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 Janelle was EVERYONE's target when she walked out the door. I think she could have played a much smarter game. She let both Diane and Marcellas feel they were safe from nomination, then turned around and nominated them. She has no chance of winning this thing because she's created too many enemies. The best she can hope for is second place and with everyone gunning for her, with the exception of Howie, her odds don't look that good.
uvp Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 she pissing folks off similiar to how allison did in her season not smart
SCRebel Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 Good point by uv. At this very stage in the game, Janelle would probably lose a jury vote against anybody. She needs to work on swaying it so that she has a bit more favor with people as they leave.
fizzle Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 i dont think the players would put janelle in the same catagory as Alison. they hated alison for the nasty person she is. although they have said some mean things about janelle... they have all said that she is a one bad ass player. when they talk about her gameplay its usually very positive (although she makes stupid choices, she is very good at comps). alison was never a favorite of most fans... janelle was/is.
laydeebee Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 I hate to point out the obvious, but technically Janie meant they were safe and if you think about it, it was James who told Diane. Unfortunately because of POV & CT she has been pressured to change her mind. None of it was done intentionally, it just turned out that way. But, she will definitely take the fall for all of it, CT has made sure of that.
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