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About squirrel

  • Birthday June 26

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  • Location
    Maple Ridge B.C.
  • Interests
    squirrels<br />big brother

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Have you always lived in Maple Ridge?

  2. No problem,done!sorry i didnt reply sooner,TC!

  3. i voted for josh crow.. just cause i like the name... and well... squirrel said to!

  4. you guys are all nuts :lol

  5. I thought I observed you were in chat so I went there and you were gone.

    How did your Walk to Fight Diabetes go?

    Hope it went well :)

  6. please do not bait or flame others. Go Janelle :lol

  7. sup bro

    long time dont see lol

  8. Hey Mortys, Maybe tell everyone to sign up to tvfanforums.net during the next eight months by posting a link/message on the BB front page so others can get in here next year to read the spoilers. If it's just html, it won't be much bandwidth at all. I dunno, just warn them first before it happens.
  9. Howie scored "MAJOR" points tonight even though he was evicted. I'm glad I took him
  10. After Tuesday's show, I had 1650 and was tied for 95th spot. Now I have 1790 but CBS hasn't updated the leaderboard section of the league. Is anyone here doing well in the CBS fantasy league this year? http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/f...eaderboard1.php http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/f...eaderboard2.php http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/f...eaderboard3.php http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/f...eaderboard4.php
  11. Fish on all four after having Holly from BB5 in the backyard helping set up the POV challenge. Apparently she is hosting it. (I thought her voice left my head permanently a year ago
  12. There has been three new rules added. 1. no touching the glass 2. no squatting 3. you can't have your eyes closed for longer than 3 seconds -- Now at 13 hours --



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