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when you in love thats what happen.

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Will is unbelieveable. I find myself hoping he goes all the way. At this point, he is playing harder than anyone. And his strategy, no matter how evil it may seem, is perfect.


I love Janelle, and root for her as the underdog, but seriously, is Will the ONLY one really playing this game or what? I love all teh Janie haters that say, Ohhh, look how Will manipulates Janie. Newsflash, Will has manipulted every single ONE of the hamsters.


thats true


Janie lover here, but now it's only because she is such a bad ass in competitions. I have given up on her in the strategy department cuz she ain't got it there and she doesn't have much mental support (from that boob named Howie. Still like him, though!). I still root for her because all the other hamsters *claim* to be so much against her. However, that damn CT is growing on me every day. If they keep going like this, they BOTH deserve to be in final 2. I would also say Dani, but her strategy is too transparent. She does what she says she will do. Booger and Will are completely confusing everyone inside AND outside the house, doing it well and, frankly, I think that is how to play the game. More power to 'em.

Sorry, Janelle.


Don't worry she'll be snapped back into reality when Marjudas gets evicted this Thursday. As soon as she's done wiping all the egg off her face maybe she'll get down to business...well if it's not too late.


Here's a minority opinion:

I used to think that Will was the best player in BB history, but I've changed my opinion.

Y'see, Will has no skills. He's just a good liar. Probably the best liar in BB history. That doesn't make him the best player. He's won absolutely nothing and has thrown most of the competitions.

How does that equal "Best Player"?

Neither can Janelle be considered the Best Player. She's way too gullible and trusting. She could be, though, the best Competitor in BB history.

I'm trying to think of a person who was a perfect combination of both manipulation and competitive skills. If I had the energy, I'd start a thread on it. Who was "The Perfect Storm?"


maggie the best player imho




5. who cares about 5


After watching the show tonight and seeing that POV competition, how can she and Howie still trust any of those guys? It was so obvious that James and Will gave it to Dani. I can't wait for Dani to claim she won things when she had to. Both the HOH and POV were given to her!!


I don't see how Howie still trusts her!

she told him to hinder Diane instead of CT (which was her alliance's plan), he did, then she lied to her alliance about it. she would have gotten away with it too if Howie hadn't actually called her out (which gets James all worked up and creates what happened in THIS veto comp).

then, she sends poor Howie out to take gernades from the other HG's with that "spool of lies" thing. that was so dumb, even HE didn't believe it.

then, he gets booted from the HOH room for the orgy shower. Damn! toss the poor guy a bone Janelle. Howie would have been happy just to WATCH that...lmao!!!


I thought Will did a good job of how to play the veto situation. "I just wanted to make sure Marcellas didn't get it first, but yeah, what the hell was with James?"


I can't WAIT to see how Will and James are going to explain themselves after Marcellas gets evicted on Thursday?!? I've heard Will tossing some ideas around already, like that Marcellas was claiming he was going to come after Janelle next week but that Erika was heard wanting Chilltown out, but what they heck is James going to say though? :huh:


They're doing it now. They're telling Janelle how fake Marcellas is and how he said he'll evict her if he gets HOH next week. Will's already planted the seed that Marcellas will nominate Janelle and himself if he gets HOH, he can very easily say that he felt he made the best move for The Perfect Storm by kicking him out. Plus, unless Howie wins HOH, Janelle will probably have no choice but to forgive Will as she'll need him for survival.

Could it just be that Will really is the ULTIMATE BB player???

Yes, he is and continues to prove it. When this is all over, at least Janelle can console herself with the fact that she was played by the best.


Pathetic methos.

That honestly sounds so said.

She thinks she is playing him and I would love to see

Will make head of household and vote her out. All this flaunting sexuality

and faking like you like people messes up the show.


It's weird with Janelle. I feel like her intelligence level depends on the person she's speaking with. When she would have private chats with Kaysar she seemed highly intelligent. When she talks with Howie she sounds so naive. "What if Chilltown hasn't been totally with us this whole time Howie?" No, who would have thought of that possibility....?


What I really like about Janelle is that she plays to win, usually. When she let Booger win the POV was not a favorite moment of mine. But at least she gets out there and plays HOH and POV and Food comps without throwing them. She knows everyone is out to get her and the only way to stay in is to win, for her. Obviously Will & Booger are different stories. So far they are getting by on their lies and charisma. They weren't the target immediately entering the house, Janelle was, and she knew it.


Ok, I think its time to declare it official.

Janelle is the new Nicole.

I started watching this season with Will being my favorite, but knowing he didnt have a chance to win with everyone knowing how good of a player he was. Both Kayser and Janelle were good players, and would see though his crap right away. I was hoping that maybe Janelle and Will would team up together. However, they let him go through week 1, then week 2, then week 3, etc.. Suddenly, i've come to realize that Will actually has a good chance of winning the whole thing. Will's done to Janelle what he did to Nicole in season two

1) Confused her to the point that she'll do what he wants

2) Gets her to do his dirty work, without her thinking she is.

3) Then makes her look bad to the other people without directly trashing her.

I think I'll call her Janole from now on :>

However, I will say that the toughest part for Will still lies ahead, he has to survice the week when him and boogie are put up together. Either that or get rid of boogie in a seperate week without him being on the block. Him teaming up with James / Danielle was just brilliant, but I fear that will also be his ultiminate demise.



I still say it's Janelles massive crush on Will that is making her play so blindly,but did Janelle ever really have a chance? I don't think so,to many people hate her because she is such a threat...or was


The first two weeks of the show I posted "any week when Will is not nominated is a wasted HOH." After that I gave up.

I love Janelle to death, but there are a lot of similarities between Janelle and Nicole from season 2. If they're the last two in the house, though, I doubt that Janie would threaten to stab Will with a kitchen knife while he was asleep like Nicole did. :D


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