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i think janelle and howie are figuring out more then people think, she is going to tell james today to vote out erika. her and howie have talked, and they don't trust chilltown right now, but they are worried about danielle. james and danielle where talking about possibly keeping marcellas, because keeping erika benefits chilltown too much.

james brought up earlier tonight, that maybe the bb6ers should join the floaters, and janelle wouldn't go for that, because she is so worried what danielle will do. then james brought up going against chilltown, then james decided not to, because he claims janelle doesn't like other women, which is completely not true.

she has said numerous times she likes erika, she even thought about getting rid of george this week, and keeping her, will of course wouldn't go for that. why chilltown wants to keep george, i have no idea. she just thinks that erika is a great hoh competitior, and is convinced marcellas totally sucks at hohs and is no threat.

i would also like to point out that her secret partner last year was a women, and that she was aligned with rachel/sarah. she also became friends with ivette after the show.

i really hope james talks to howie about this, and danielle/janelle/james/howie can all make a new alliance of some kind, get rid of chilltown, then the other 2 players left in the game, and that would be the final four.

that would be a much better final four to me, then will/boogie's plan of a chilltown/danielle/janelle final four. i don't want to see danielle/janelle fight all the way to the end, that just seems really cruel, plus danielle has kids.

even james has seemed symathetic to janelle, how she has been used by will. he pointed out to her how boogie/will are treating women isn't very respectful, and she sure seems to slowly not buying wills crap, at least when she talks to howie she isn't.

i really hope james/danielle use their brains and figure out what chilltown is doing, go to howie/janelle (might be better to talk to howie first), with enough proof they can get them on their side, and get rid of chilltown.

danielle has honestly acted like she wanted a new deal with the bb6ers for a while, but the problem is janelle thinks that danielle only is trying to get like a week of safety, not make a possible whole new alliance. i think that is what danielle needs to make clear this is a new alliance to the end of the game, not some week of safety, which would probably be best presented to howie first with james there, and they need to be convincing about how chilltown is stabbing everyone in the back, which they are.

the marcellas excuse is somewhat believable, because you don't want the person, who might be a replacement nominee to get it, and take someone off the block, even that that was will's usual crap.

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janelle thinks she may not make it to the end, but she is going to keep trying, one thing i like about her is, she won't quit, and she is loyal to a fault, whether it is right or wrong.

she should have gotten into a better alliance, or at this point after james's betrayal, listened more to james, like she was in week 2. kaysar really did make stupid nominations in week 2, and he came up with that whole weird operation oracle plan (make the floaters feel safe, based on some book he read), and he got janelle to go along with it, even though she didn't agree at first.

i have lost a little bit of respect for kaysar, because there where a lot of times, he should have stood up for her, and he didn't, when she was getting blamed for things he did, or things he told her that would be the best thing to do. after janelle talked to marcellas in week 4 (diane eviction week), janelle did want to get rid of chicken george that week to make everybody happy, but kaysar talked down to her, telling her it was stupid.

kaysar really should have stood up for janelle, more after that and say, janelle did want to keep diane, but i advised her against it, which is true. she wasn't nominated at first, because janelle was worried about danielle, because kaysar told her that she was coming after her (not counting marcellas's paranoia which lasted longer then week 1, inspite of what he says). after the veto was used, janelle talked to kaysar about putting up george, and he wouldn't let her. it bothers me when danielle asked kaysar about this, he didn't show more support for janelle, and take some responsibility and say i advised her to do this.

howie is basically riding all of the bb6ers coattails this entire time. you do have to give him some credit, because he hasn't had any trouble seeing through will a lot of the time, when janelle hasn't. it is kind of funny, that howie was the one in the diary room, talking about how good looking will was, and now he is mad that janelle thinks he is cute, though i do think janelle is pretending somewhat with will herself.

james/danielle seemed to be figuring what was going on with chilltown playing all sides last night, and they talked about going against chilltown, but james said janelle wouldn't take a deal. i am holding out hope that danielle/james & janelle/howie see more of what is going on, and james/danielle will go to howie first, convince him that aligning together is the right thing, because howie is the one person in that house janelle trusts right now 100 percent, and howie could probably convince janelle, and hopefully they will all get their brains and align against chilltown.

janelle might not be a master stradgeist, i am just suprised more people don't want to align with her, because she is loyal and she wins the hohs, which keep her and her alliance safe.

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I think that is a great idea. I don't know if you know this, but Dani went up to the HOH 2 days ago to speak with H & J, however, they were sleeping and didn't even stir when the doorbell rang. Dani has not gone up to the HOH since. She might be thinking they didn't answer the door on purpose, who knows. What I do know is, I wish the conversation would have taken place. I really would liked to have known what Dani was going to tell them.

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the reason janelle gives the benefit of the doubt to james, i think more then kaysar/howie would is, not only are they both friends with kaysar outside of the house, but from my understanding her and james are both friends with ivette outside of the house, well of course she is also friends with james outside of the house.

i think in that case, it makes it even harder for her to want to go against james, because she is not only thinking about kaysar, but i am sure, ivette, and sarah as well.

i understand this is a game, but that is why i can't understand james's level of trash talk

this is why janelle is partly wanting danielle out of the house so bad, because she does desperately want to keep james in the alliance. james would gladly join back with bb6, if he could bring danielle along. james and danielle talked about it tonight, but he said janelle is against women, so he dropped it. janelle isn't against women, she is worried about an opposing alliance the "floaters alliance."

james and danielle, since they seem to be figuring what chilltown is doing, they really need to talk to howie, because i think they could convince howie, and he could convince janelle. i am glad at least james/danielle started talking about it, when they talked about maybe keeping marcellas. hopefully, they will get a brain soon, and realize they need to align with each other to take out chilltown.

chilltown is playing everybody.

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I hate to point out the obvious, but technically Janie meant they were safe and if you think about it, it was James who told Diane. Unfortunately because of POV & CT she has been pressured to change her mind. None of it was done intentionally, it just turned out that way. But, she will definitely take the fall for all of it, CT has made sure of that.

It may not have been intentional, but it still happened. Regardless the intent, the outcome is what will be remembered, don't you think?

Yes, James did tell Diane that she was safe AFTER Janelle led them all to believe just that. Remember, neither Diane nor Marcellas were the intended target; they were not originally nominated at all.

With Diane's nomination, her supposed target was Boogie; she let Will manipulate her and agree to pretty much throw him the POV.

With Marcellas' nomination, her original target was Dani. Dani vetoed herself so the target moved to Erika. After telling Marcellas that he would not be the replacement nominee, she put him up anyway and there's a good chance he's going home.

Dani is mad at her, CT cares nothing about her, Marcellas ismad at her, Erika has been nominated by her twice; Chicken George seems indifferent to her. There is just no way she can win this thing, IMO. She's pissed off too many people in the jury.

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big daddy dan wilkerson

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from the conversations I've heard, Erin is Erin Brody(think that's how the name is spelled)... she was the final woman on the first "For Love Or Money" show... the Bachelor rip off show, where the guy was playing the part of the Bachelor, and the women were given the choice at the end, of taking the guy, or $1 million... the guy chose Erin, and she picked the cash over him....

but... then they offered her to play the Bachelorette, knowing the guys she would be choosing would be playing for the million... if she got the guy to choose her over the money, she'd get $2 million...

she agreed to play FLOM Part 2.... bet game night at Will/Erin's would be cutthroat, don't you think? :blink::lol:

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PLEASE..someone tell me..how is it that everyone in that darn house including CG knows thats James is against Janelle and Howie except for them?

This is insane. How can they not know. I love them..but why are soooo dumb.

As a result Jani is gone this week (or will be soon)

If she is gone I am not watching and I know many many ppl that wont.

Since we know the shows are kinda rigged anyways....CBS better do something and soon.

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WHAT JANELLE SHOULD DO RIGHT NOW....she should bring George and Howie in and tell them to go out and watch for Danielle and see who she goes to and what she does - then, an hour later, Janelle talks with Danielle - tells her that they have both been played by CT and James in the house - to keep the targets on them, blah blah blah. She concocts a plan and sees if Dani is on board.

Dani leaves,and Howie and George watch and see if she goes to CT or goes to James. They keep a tight eye on her, knowing what Janie offered. IF...Danielle goes to CT or James, then she is not to be trusted, and George puts her on the block...if she doesn't, then you have a brand new alliance (George, Howie, Janie and Danielle), George takes Will up on his offer, and they then blindside CT with voting Will out.

Boogie will be livid, of course,because he had the coup de ville and didn't use it - someone's head will roll big time at the next one (Janelle,I'm guessing), but by this time they could get Erika on board too, and just focus on James and Boogie.

Not going to happen, of course, but then again I didn't think George had it in him to do that ballsy move last night.

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Janelle's alliance:

James- bolted as soon as he was in the door and aligned with Dani, was instrumental in Janelle's situation because of giving up all bb6's info to her and in turn to chilltown. He threw a crucial veto that could have taken out Dani right in front of them and they still trusted him (stupid)

Kaysar- Will admitted last night to Janelle that he and Kaysar had an agreement to watch each other's back and not nominate each other. Explains why Kaysar came up with the lame scheme to get rid of everyone but Will. So he was just as damaging to her as James was.

Howie- the most loyal to her but because of some of his antics and his big mouth caused her harm by pissing people off and making her a bigger target. And is inability to win any comps made him a liability.

Later in the game: when she was trusting Will, he ultimatly screwed her over too against her own people.

So yeah she has a right to cry.

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Kaysar- Will admitted last night to Janelle that he and Kaysar had an agreement to watch each other's back and not nominate each other. Explains why Kaysar came up with the lame scheme to get rid of everyone but Will. So he was just as damaging to her as James was

This was Will's verson of events. That's NOT what happened. Kaysar made the agreement with CT to go after floaters BEFORE each other, that was it. It was never to keep each other safe. Kaysar came right out and said "this is not an alliance or anything, just an agreement to go after floaters".

But.... I completely agree, she has quite a few reasons to be upset right now. She has worked her a$$ off to get where she is, not only without anyone helping her, but with everyone pretty much AGAINST her. :(

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Kaysar was pretty much loyal to Season Six. The only real truth you can get from most of these people are when they speak in the Diary Room. Kaysar seemed pretty committed to his "team" or "group" in there.

Janelle had pre-season alliances with other people made too. Apparently she had some kind of deal with Marcellas going on before they entered the house.

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I don't blame James for leaving S6, he was low man on the totem pole and once when asked by Julie Jani named her loyalty in order of who she was most loyal to and it was Kayser Howie MARC and no mention of James. The S6 left James first when they wouldn't even listen to his ideas on who to evict. I would change camps to if I was treated as soory as he was.

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