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Saturday, July 11th


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Yeah, I would have been fine with it if Jessie didn't come back in. Could have been any of the former houseguests coming back in, it just ruins it. Gives one group too much power so early. Winning the first HOH is one thing, but gaining another member is unfair. That group has one more person to help gain immunity for the whole group. And one group is going to be down to just 2 people competing for the safety of both right at the start of the season.

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Jesse is gonna be out early.

Early in the game when people win HOH they like to make safe picks as not to paste a targer on their back. Jesse is as safe as any and a rallying point for the rest of the house to evict. Jesse is out on the second eviction.

Will turn into a pointly twist as any we've seen.

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Last night when I was watching the feeds I was wondering if I could get into this season too. Tonight though it's been fun listening to all the crazy stories and seeing them all laughing and enjoying each other.

I'm starting to develop favorites and dislike others. I'm finding myself changing the feed when some people are repeating the same thing over and over. That gets old fast.

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Had another thought (God I wish I hadn't of just watched Dark Knight)

Bet Jesse whined about how he REALLY wasn't voted out by the HG's like the game should be, but by AMERICA, so he cried foul long and hard enough for producers to let him back in.....just wish it was still in his gorilla suit...it suited him so well...

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Watching the feeds last night was a trip. The majority of the HG were in the exercise room and started talking about sex for quite a while. Then the mood changed in the room when Chima told the story about being raped in her sorority house. I'm sure the details are in LFU.

Once the crowd started thinning out in that room, Jesse, Natalie and Laura started slamming a lot of the people in the house. I believed from the very beginning the athletes & populars would come together and offbeats and brains would join forces. For some reason Russell, Jesse and Natalie hate Jeff even though he's in their clique.

Ronnie was a very busy beaver last night. He was constantly rotating between the two groups. He's going to get caught and end up on the list to be evicted in short order.

Jesse, Russell, Laura and Natalie are on a MAJOR power trip. They think there isn't anybody in the house who will go up against them or put them on the block. Apparently Jesse learned absolutely NOTHING last year, lmao Oh how the mighty will fall...

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It got even crazier. I listened to the feeds instead of TV when I went to bed. Seems like Lydia talked to Jesse and Natalie for 3 hours straight and convinced them to take her off the block. They buried the hatchet after Lydia threw everyone except Jordan under the bus. They are now going to backdoor Braeden (but they really want Jeff to go). At least that was the plan closing in on 4 am BBT when I finally fell asleep.

It struck me who Lydia reminds me of: Alison from Season 4. They both get wound up and desparate when threatened and both will stab anyone in the back to advance in the game. Ahhh, welcome back to the lying the manipulation and the backstabbing.

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everyone outside of michelle and kevin seem to be overplaying so early.

i am surprised many of them drew the line in the sand so early .

lol i remember hearing many are fans but from the play so far it doesnt look like it

kevin and michelle are the only ones playing like they understand the game

the first week you should lay low and observe and not distance yourself from the power '

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It struck me who Lydia reminds me of: Alison from Season 4. They both get wound up and desparate when threatened and both will stab anyone in the back to advance in the game. Ahhh, welcome back to the lying the manipulation and the backstabbing.

good analysis. yep both are similar players . i thought lydia was pretty much dead woman walking and i wake up and hear she sold her soul to stay :animated_rotfl:

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It got even crazier. I listened to the feeds instead of TV when I went to bed. Seems like Lydia talked to Jesse and Natalie for 3 hours straight and convinced them to take her off the block. They buried the hatchet after Lydia threw everyone except Jordan under the bus. They are now going to backdoor Braeden (but they really want Jeff to go). At least that was the plan closing in on 4 am BBT when I finally fell asleep.

OMG! I totally missed that. Wonder if it's on utube. Damn the wench!--turning on Jeff. At least he's not the target this week.

edit to remove utube vids: (saw where we're not allowed to post them.)

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Hi everyone, Just checkin in, I have been working alot since Thurs, and am here catchin up. Not sure I like Lydia, when I said I did the first night, she seems really goofy, and I am just tryin to put the names to the faces at this point,lol. I have tomorrow off so at least will be able to come and join the fun. Jesse has not changed one iota, I am watchin fri's after dark right now, and he really is still a butt head. Do not like that Russell guy, and it will be interesting to see if they back door someone(Braden), they sure do not seem to like him.

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Russell confronted Ronnie about how Braden found out about the blindside. LOL, Ronnie lied said he didn't tell Jordan about the plan (but of course he did tell Jordan who told Jeff).

Dumb move on his part and could end up biting him in the ass.

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