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McRae - DE/Week 11 (DE HoH) - (Nominated/PoV Winner/Saved))


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I have to disagree and say that Elissa was the worst person for him to get rid of. She was the only one that voted with him and the men's alliance is fake. Of course they wanted him to get rid of Elissa so that he was the only target left. Now, he's done their dirty work and is all alone against the house.

Lol Elissa got in his face last Sunday and talked some really nasty stuff about something she couldn't prove, laughed in his friend's face all week just to tick her off, told that same friend everyone gave her the Veto win just to tick her off again, and told EVERYBODY in the house she wanted her evicted. Then when she saw there was NO hope of anyone on the other side of the house working with her, she ran back to he and Amanda begging for an alliance. Now what part of that says, she was the worst person for him to get rid of?

And the male alliance is not fake. The plan is going down exactly as Spence and Andy said it would. They've even stated who will go to jury if GM wins the POV this week.

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Lol Elissa got in his face last Sunday and talked some really nasty stuff about something she couldn't prove, laughed in his friend's face all week just to tick her off, told that same friend everyone gave her the Veto win just to tick her off again, and told EVERYBODY in the house she wanted her evicted. Then when she saw there was NO hope of anyone on the other side of the house working with her, she ran back to he and Amanda begging for an alliance. Now what part of that says, she was the worst person for him to get rid of?

And the male alliance is not fake. The plan is going down exactly as Spence and Andy said it would. They've even stated who will go to jury if GM wins the POV this week.

Excellent points made. I think in the end McCrae stayed true to himself and may have protected himself too knowing they wanted Elissa out. He earned some respect from GM who I think actually likes him. No, I think he did the right thing, but from here in now he needs to play as if he is on his own which he is. Same goes for GM. Andy and Spencer will stick together throughout and Judd will get used any way they can which will be to get McCrae out.

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Excellent points made. I think in the end McCrae stayed true to himself and may have protected himself too knowing they wanted Elissa out. He earned some respect from GM who I think actually likes him. No, I think he did the right thing, but from here in now he needs to play as if he is on his own which he is. Same goes for GM. Andy and Spencer will stick together throughout and Judd will get used any way they can which will be to get McCrae out.

Mc won't work with GM.

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Now what part of that says, she was the worst person for him to get rid of?

And the male alliance is not fake. The plan is going down exactly as Spence and Andy said it would. They've even stated who will go to jury if GM wins the POV this week.

The part where Elissa was the only one trying to keep Amanda while Andy stabbed her in the back. If they have switched the target to GM then I completely missed it. Are you saying that Spencer and Andy are breaking off from the Exterminators to take out GM then Judd?

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Whether they know it or not they are all working for themselves at this point. The alliance of exterminators will prob go after McC and then the guys will go after GM. Although Amanda will want McC to win, the truth is that if he wins 50 or 500 he will not be sharing it with her. I'll watch only to see it all play out as expected because there is always the chance that with one or the other winning HOH or POV something will shake up. That becomes the entertainment now.

I am sorry I have to disagree I think there is no entertainment now or has been for awhile. The only thing these people have is that they like to talk about how much they hate Elissa so now that she is gone that's all we will hear from their mouths until the finale. They may throw Amanda's name in there too but that's it.
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I think he should have put up Spencer. Something should be said for a guy who has been put up on the block seven times and not a vote cast against him. Yes, saving Elissa would buy him another week. He will live and learn and once at jury Amanda will tell him Andy turned his back on them.

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"And the male alliance is not fake. The plan is going down exactly as Spence and Andy said it would. They've even stated who will go to jury if GM wins the POV this week."

Late last nite Spencer and Judd agreed they should tell McCrae how they got Amanda out to "ease his mind". Which would also blow up ratboy's plans btw. Right now I am hoping for Judd and McCrae. If Mc wins I hope he invests in a new identity where Amanda cannot follow.

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yes - not sure who the target is. I would think McCrae but who knows.

From yesterday's talk he was, but today is today and you never know.

As far as comps go, I think they should be equal, so it's just going to come down to who they think the weaker of the two is. I guess if one of them get themselves off the block, Judd will go up.

It's looks like it's going to be the Andy and Spencer show this week!

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So, it's McCrae and GM going up?

I would guess so but Spencer has agreed with just about everybody the last week so who knows. GM seems resolved to be on the block. I think the POV will show us which way the producers are leaning. McCrae is in terrible shape physically (lay off the cigs for few days pal) so if its questions or something not endurance you know they are pulling for him.

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I would guess so but Spencer has agreed with just about everybody the last week so who knows. GM seems resolved to be on the block. I think the POV will show us which way the producers are leaning. McCrae is in terrible shape physically (lay off the cigs for few days pal) so if its questions or something not endurance you know they are pulling for him.


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Straycat : " Now I want McPizza to win veto and then HoH just to screw over Andy and Spencer. "

Me too.

Would love to see the pecking order for the Exterminators.

It's going to be more boring than it already is if McPizza goes out the door.

It's been hard staying tuned to BB this season. Hard to watch when you don't have a few HGs

that you're pulling for.

After the 3rd week it was all downhill .... except for coming into Morty's to commiserate.

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I don't think that mccrae is up to par on what is happening in the house. He hasn't had to play the game as the rest of them. He's been lounging.

I really get that impression too. He doesn't have relationships with anyone in the house.

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I really get that impression too. He doesn't have relationships with anyone in the house.

Hard to get to know anyone in the house from his position under Amanda. She rarely let him go out on his own for too long.

Mccrappy chose to be deMANduh's lap dog.

They both spent a majority of their days in bed and isolated from the others.. He has no one to blame but himself...

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And boy oh boy is Amanda going to be angry with him when she finds out HE is responsible for Elissa's eviction. That was his big mistake. He is now out of there.

Amanda thought Elissa was the one who voted against her until she saw the good bye messages. Andy has his lying betrayer act down cold and McPizza wasn't smart enough to see past Andy's act.
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