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Aaryn - Week 2 (HoH)


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I can't believe more hasn't been done, I mean all these racist comments even the Asian comments when Julie Chen is the host of the show (Basically her show) and Julies husband is the big head honcho for CBS.....

Paula Deen gets everything taking from her for something she said 27 years ago and here you have these racist bullies still getting TV coverage!!!! Just irritates & disgusts me!!!!! :mad1:

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They already knew. They've talked about it. Elissa has told them too that Aryan makes bigoted remarks all the time. A few days ago, Aryan apparently made a fish comment (I didn't hear it but heard about it in chat) where she said something like "the black fish need to stay at the bottom of the tank." She said it in front of Howard and Candice. My guess would be that Howard brought it up in the DR. He's having a hard time keeping his mouth shut about about the blatant racism.

I wonder if she's trying to get a rise out of him and some of the others in the house at her own expense and didn't think about any repercussions. I'm not defending her, and clearly racism is not to be tolerated, but she does seem like someone who enjoys pushing others' buttons.

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This chick will probably end up with her own Reality TV show.

I was having a horrible premonition of the same thing. Of course if she does have one, it would probably be on Bravo, and they might not be like CBS. They don't want to get sued for her racial remarks.

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What bothers me, especially in light of the fact that Julie Chen is the host, is that she hasn't been given walking papers from the BB house by the network. She does not deserve the chance at $500K due to her very verbal racism and disrespect.

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Julie discussed this on "The Talk" today. Said she was very hurt by Asian comments b/c she's Asian. Felt the other comments were hurtful as well.

It's amazing how people react when comments hit home. She's had no problem with comments made in the house throughout the years..women, gays, Italians etc.

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Aaryn makes another racist comment! 6:27 Cam 3 Aaryn, "how come they don't pick black people that are fun, how come half the black people they choose suck, they all are annoying" She is awful... just awful.

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It's amazing how people react when comments hit home. She's had no problem with comments made in the house throughout the years..women, gays, Italians etc.

Interesting that you note how she is hurt by Asian comments and not reactive to other comments. Most telling is the fact that if it is personal as in she is Asian so she is hurt by Asian comments...then as a woman...what is going on that she is not hurt by anti women comments? The social stigma that women are less, that women ought to kowtow to men, strong attitude in the asian community and also in the overall society backed by the Bible and the fact that most heads of state and corporations are men...shows how little most women think of themselves.

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Aaryn wants Jeremy to herself and is working on getting Kaitlin out. She has been planting poison seeds in Jeremy and they are taking root. Of course, Kaitlin isn't helping herself with her moodiness and general apathy. I wonder if she can feel that knife coming toward her back.

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It's amazing how people react when comments hit home. She's had no problem with comments made in the house throughout the years..women, gays, Italians etc.

Good point.

She also said they only showed the comments b/c it furthered the story arc or something like that. I guess that means they wouldn't have shown them otherwise.

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The frequency of Aaron's little personal thoughts on some of the other HGs has a lot to do with the

amount of attention they're getting.

She just keeps plopping them into conversations at an amazing rate ! !

I can't recall any other HG in the past that has done that.

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This is another one I can't wait to see go bye bye! She has really thrown Kaitlyn under the bus to Jeremy and GM. :lost:

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