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Aaryn - Week 2 (HoH)


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I can only hope that this twit gets on the block next week.

Why would Amanda talk to her about her remarks in the house? Think production put her up to it?

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I heard her say something like this - I am not a racist, anyone who thinks I am racist is lying because I only tell people the truth, and if they can't handle it, that's their problem

And if she can't handle all of the ridicule that's going to come crashing down on her when she leaves the BB house, well that's going to be HER problem.

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Why would Amanda talk to her about her remarks in the house? Think production put her up to it?

No, it was because Aryan made a remark in front of Candice that upset her and Candice made it known she was upset. (The remark had something to do with the name "Shaniqua" but I don't know in what context it was said.) Amanda went to Aryan to tell her to tone it down with the racist remarks then.

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Guest 6Borders

I don't think BB put Amanda up to it because BB has maintained that they stay out of what people say (unless it's about the obvious: production, DR or telling a nom they are going to be a nom...stuff like that) and that they are not telling them about the backlash (because that would be discussing what is happening outside the house. I think the only time BB did something like that was in BB2 after 911 they told Monica her cousin was missing in the Twin Towers and they let the 3 remaining (Will, Nicole and Monica) watch the news coverage.

The HG's have been discussing Aaryn's remarks A LOT on the feeds. Howard wanted to speak up and defend Candace but he said he couldn't do it because of the nature of the game. Amanda was trying to get some reason into Aaryn's head but it just wasn't happening.

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Someone had asked Aaryn what her middle name was and being the brat she is, with Candice standing right there she said her middle name was "Shaniqua".......(more of stirring the pot just so she can blame everything on Candice)

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Aaryn is in the HOH room talking to Nick. She is one by one throwing all the females in the house under the bus.

Funniest part though, she was saying that Kaitlin (I think it was her) has a tendency to talk down to people, and that she (Aaryn) doesn't like to do that, and tries to catch herself doing that before she speaks. Complaining about GM (who I have yet to see today) and how she (GM) speaks to people.

Also griping that people saying how Jeremy won HOH, and that is BS because it was totally equal.

I agree with her for the first time.

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she was trying to be all threatening about if people don't vote the right way there will be consequences. UMMMM everyone knows after the HOH nominates they have no more power!!!

Dumb girl!

She has a sense of entitlement that is part of the racism perception AND what is considered pretty means that she expects the guys to do her bidding

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