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Elissa - Week 2 (Nominated)


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Name: Elissa Slater
Age: 27

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Once again she has the secret power but can't keep it a secret. She seems pretty focused on getting Jeremy out. Got a feeling it will be her or him this week and it will make a huge impact in how this season plays out.

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(Hope you enjoyed your 4th too!)

Sorry about the delay. I'm getting ready to leave for Vegas and I've been so busy I totally forgot. Ooops! Week 3 will be late too, as I'll be in Vegas for at least a week... maybe longer.

Hope Elissa figures a way out of this mess she's in but, I suspect that unless she wins PoV, she's a goner this week.

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Maybe it is her week to go...I am not sure anyone is really aligned with her other than using her for MVP vote.

It has been fun for 1st couple weeks but it might be more fun to change the game up by having MVP up for grabs.

I think I could enjoy a little more sucking up to America via the live feeds rather than Elissa's occasional plea to Brenchel fans (gag) or Gina Marie calling us stupid ( or whatever obnoxious thing she said about America). I wouldn't mind a little playing up to the cameras (e.g. Dick at Nite, dr. Will making love to the camera in Allstars, even a good sock puppet show). Is anyone communicating via the live feeds to us other than Elissa.

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I don't care if she goes or stays except that it would be interesting to see where their hate heads next if she is not around. I suspect that it would rest its nasty eye on Candice.

and that is a good reason for wanting her to stay. I actually enjoy the pressure of her fan base making her MVP on the house. I hope she can nominate someone the house can not refuse to evict again and let her stay.

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Hope she wins POV and they put Candice up and Germ goes home. Or germ wins POV and Kaitlin goes up and leaves. Not ready for Elissa to go get, more excitement would be next week and Elissa is nom'ed and MVP puts Aaryn up and they really have to fight it out to stay. That would be drama!

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I find it funny how many people complain that Elissa is a target because she is Rachel's sister yet they give her MVP because she is Rachel's sister. Hypocrisy at its finest. I think Elissa made a huge mistake in her game this year. She should have said from the beginning that she is Rachel's sister and should not have been so quick to try to get an alliance going. I think she started to play too early and should have layed low considering who she is.

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Can't wait to see this girl walk out the door. She is just a mean girl.

Yaaay! Someone else said it. I can't wait until she leaves. I am so tired of the conspiracy theories, the MVP BS, and the "Aaryn/Jeremy is the bad guy and Elissa is the good guy/victim" BS. She was handed a HUGE advantage and I think she is not here to win but to be used by CBS as a means to manipulate the game.

Let's get her the hell out of here and let nature take it's course.

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Guest 6Borders

I just want her GONE and OUT of the game for GOOD!

This would have been a good season without her but all it's done is make this another Grodner stacked season!

She's going to get MVP (whether anyone in America outside Rach's fan base) votes for her or not, so it's totally stacked deck for her and the only reason Grodner put in the MVP because Elissa would have been out the door week one without it.

Elissa is really working the game now and becoming more and more like Rachel daily. I think it's disgusting she is always shouting out to Rach fans to give her MVP and whining about "poor me" and she can't leave week one because it would be so embarassing to her sister.

If Jeremy is to be believed (which is up in the air) and Elissa was seen going thru the production door in the storeroom that is just a new all time low for Grodner to give her behind the scenes info to listen in/spy on the other HG's or be given info. It makes no sense they would do that unless they were letting her roam behind the walls (I rarely see her on camera) rather than just take her in the DR and give her info.

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First of all I doubt very much what Jeremy says about anything. He is obsessed with Elissa in the house. Second, In My Opinion, Elissa getting MVP just sort of evens out the game since the entire house practically was after her when they realized she was Rachel's sister. I think casting tried to cast a lot of "look alikes" this season I suppose to throw off the house but it didn't work. If not for the MVP she would have been backdoored week 1. I don't think she should get it every week though if she makes it past this next eviction. She needs to start winning comps

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I think she came into the house with a huge disadvantage because of the fact that she is Rachel's sister. The MVP evens the playing field. I also agree that she will not get it every week. She is getting it now because of how hard she is being targeted. I was never a Rachel fan, so that is definitely not the reason Elissa got my MVP votes.

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I wonder if BB fans (except Ellisa fans) are just not bothering to vote for MVP because

they feel Grodner will tip the scales in her favor anyway.

Just wondering

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Guest 6Borders

I wonder if BB fans (except Ellisa fans) are just not bothering to vote for MVP because

they feel Grodner will tip the scales in her favor anyway.

Just wondering

I certainly don't waste my time with it and exactly for those reasons!!!

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Am I the only one who wants Elissa out? I would like to see someone other than a production "fav" win the veto. Though I am ok if Jeremy goes.

Can't wait to see this girl walk out the door. She is just a mean girl.

I want her out too, but I do not think she is a mean girl at all.

I do not see her as mean rather vapid she is dull in the head. She did not have a disadvantage because she is Rachel's sister if she is too stupid to create an alliance based on her personality that should be on her not for production to "fix:" her disadvantage and the cost of a HOH powers. F'ing BS, is how i see it.

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I don't feel this twist is rigged. There are a lot of BB fans that didn't like Rachel, so I think that prejudice balances out the fans that voted because she's Rachel's sister. Then, after she becomes MVP, her power is useless is she doesn't have the support of voters in the house, thus MVP. Since the HoH still gets two nominees, and the choice of PoV replacement, I don't see the MPV twist as negating the power of the HoH, it all depends on who is really the most powerful player.

It's the 15th season, and it appears as if the producers are either lazy or just afraid to change anything from season-to-season, so the MVP thing at least gives us something new to bitch about.

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I don't feel this twist is rigged. There are a lot of BB fans that didn't like Rachel, so I think that prejudice balances out the fans that voted because she's Rachel's sister. Then, after she becomes MVP, her power is useless is she doesn't have the support of voters in the house, thus MVP. Since the HoH still gets two nominees, and the choice of PoV replacement, I don't see the MPV twist as negating the power of the HoH, it all depends on who is really the most powerful player. ...

Totally agree.

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