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Everything posted by PearlClutcher

  1. Absolutely agree Candice is gorgeous, and well Aaryn not so much.
  2. He is a pig and should be banished from the house. But what does one expect from CBS? They like their pedo jokes, see David Letterman, and no consequences for his "jokes".
  3. This bit is so nasty she is already laying claim to the HOH room, and I think she thought she was going to get it for a week.. LMAO this girl no boundaries.
  4. Unfortunately I think Howard is going but it would be a sooper booster to the game if they got Amanda's ass out.
  5. By the powers that be let Howard stay, and Amanda go!
  6. Holy *edit* Hot Hell, you have zero self awareness dontcha?? Do you not see the *edit* irony in the *edit* you spew? Speaking in collectives in general is wrong and it is what your ass is doing?. Do you have pass to do this, and if so what does it say what reason do you have? Am curious though do you have powers to read all people minds or just whiteys?? Also I agree Aaryan is there to stay it is because PRODUCTION loves this shit not America. Yes, yes and more yes. You have described BB this season to perfection.
  7. Deleted comment Oh I could go without a bikini edition all together as that is not to my tastes.
  8. Holy crap, to be politically fair One is hard on the eyes and the other hard on the ears. Rev. Jeremiah Wright and David Duke.
  9. I absolutely agree that the girls are disgusting, filthy, racists. Howard was right from the get go PRODUCTION wants this *edit*, and encourages this *edit*. The best term ever muttered in BB was Howards " guns and gimmicks" that is all this season is about. However, I take umbrage to the term Nazis though Amandah, Aaryn, GM, have shown their full on racist side they have done nothing remotely close to that of Nazis and by overstating you reduce the true horror of what occurred in Germany. I too also hope there is a twist to bring back Howard.
  10. LOL true enough. I adore Howard more than any other player in this game ever, and feel protective of him. I have never felt protective of a person outside the realm of real life before. And on the vice versa part I have never despised a house-guest as I do Amanda. She makes evil dick look like Mother Theresa. Simply Amen to that.
  11. I will never love her, but would be grateful is she saves Howard.
  12. As for the comments Amanda made about Howard, her ass should be booted if she is trying to play that he is scaring her. I lost all respect for Judd when he ratted out Howard, and Spencer.
  13. I absolutely agree no way he said that.. Furthermore the trallops phony outrage disgusts me more than if he actually said that. This from (Amanda) who had no problem engaging in sexual activity on someone else's bed (Judd's) and did not change the sheets. (I'd say that is an actual form of battery who wants McAMandha's gunk),then went on and engaged in sexual activity in a communal area (bathroom).Every other conversation out of her mouth is sexual in nature. This is taking game play too far...if he said it is no different than the racist comments out of her and her minions mouth and should not be punished for it.
  14. You hit the nail on the I can not believe these players are like lil Amanda and Helen minions.
  15. Exactly, is the only reason I find myself ever coming to his defense.
  16. I agree and find it funny how these bullies can call out the "weaker players". I can not watch anymore I will stop in to view comments but the only loyal people in the house have been Spencer and Howard to each other. And Howard has been the most respectful person in that house in years. Sad to see him go.
  17. I care not how you "perceived" the conversation. I saw it how I saw it in context as it was, she was pissed at the cat (as it threw up and pissed on her bed) and got violent toward it by throwing it out in a "storm like flooding" not to be seen of again. She was flippant about it and laughed any one with a scense of decency would have taken it to the vet to see what caused it. Weather it survived or not, is irrelevant her actions speak for themselves, not her problem anymore kinda attitude that's a straight up bitch.. That is how I see it as well cold and heartless. The only thing I liked about her was her support of Howard. Thank you~ The Thin Man movies are great entertainment.
  18. . Storming so bad like a flood *(is a *edit* flood)*. further into the conversation when asked if she saw the cat again she said no as she threw it out during a flood. I do not think so, as from the conversation she had she was just pissed at the cat and threw it out like trash. She also discussed other cats she has had who were declawed which outrages me more if this cat too had no chance at survival due to flooding and declawing.
  19. No she said flood I re-listened to it cause I was so disgusted. I do not care who you watch but don't call me a liar. Ok babes... smooches.
  20. Yup he is a pig, funny though I recall Andy calling someone a whore and talking about punching Helen in the face...but hey free pass and all for him I suppose. Once Howard is gone there is no one to root for honestly.



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