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Everything posted by PearlClutcher

  1. That is how I see it too, smart move. I mean he even directed Elissa to put up David, yes? I see that too. I like Amanda because she is loyal to him outside his HOH and I like that he does not seem to feel the less superior in their "friendship" because she is perceived as "beauty" and he a "beast". I like him the only thing that bothers me is he looks like he does not know how to brush his teeth or wipe his ass properly. JMO
  2. Your grammar and writing matters not, as your way of thinking is SPOT ON!
  3. Andy is as much a pig as the rest of them.
  4. You and I think alike! I was pissed and did you notice that they cut out the audience responses when they continued the voting after the commercial! Again, production and their cheating in favor of yet again Elissa..... Why should he we had a batchit crazy girl with thy name is Rachel go so far as to win too.
  5. If she is painting a flag on his face I find that rather sweet and patriotic seeing today is July 4th. Though, I find him kinda grotesque mainly because of Amanda's observation of his hygiene habits, and I am glad smellovision never came to fruition, I admit to liking these two.
  6. She and GinaMarie have zero self awareness.
  7. Is "country speech" similar to "ebonics"?
  8. Yes, that is the Chicago way. She should do very well. I like her but fear the minute she makes a political statement she is gonna be off putting.
  9. Holy Crap Gina has zero self awareness with her ramplings about being a good person with a good heart. Talking about being around happy children, biatch has no clue she has no job.. I wish there were to be cameras when she finds out..
  10. Yea, I am not going to get outraged over cheating at all during this season. The fact that Elissa is present in that house negates any outrage I may have about it. JMO though.
  11. I think McCrea might be nominated via Jeremy's input?
  12. The minute she started showing her true colors as a bigoted ignorant twit, her commentary about people in collectives was more offensive than the poor shaming that David took from her.
  13. Unfortunately she will perhaps be nominated again, otherwise it is obvious who Aaryn will nominated.
  14. Were you expecting anything other than lies out of Aaryn's mouth again that is part of the game play. I hope she is placed on slop and out the door next week too.
  15. I think she is absolutely lovely. And I effing loved her standing up for herself against Spencer in front of the dbags.
  16. I do not see the problem with her putting them on slop again that is game play. Though having said that Aaryn disgusts me too.
  17. Or Amanda could go this week? Though I perfer it to be Aaryn or Elissa.
  18. Everyone? Yea Aaryn is the devil but Elissa is hardly a great player deserving of MVP. I see the unfairness of Elissa's presence in the house especially when you have Rachel declaring her army to vote for Elissa.. JMO of course.
  19. Big woop as far as cheating goes,production takes the cake for putting Elissa's ass in that house, knowing full well that she has access to Brachels fan base.
  20. No other house guest has access to that, and it is as unfair as if Jeremy and Aaryn cheats. SO, I do hope the nasty buggers Jeremy and Aaryn win HOH.



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