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Live Feed Updaters-This thread is for YOU!


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The season will end in less than a week and I wanted to take a moment to tell all the Live Feed Updaters... Morty's has the best of them all!!!

You're dedication and hard work really made this season even more enjoyable. Lots of hours listening to squeeeking, to whining, to baby talk, to crying and hardest of all the stealth whispering! I don't know how ya'all did it but, that is exactly what you've done. I bow to each and every one of you!!!


Thank You!!!

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I have been especially grateful this season for the LFU. My feeds would not cooperate for me most of the time so it's been a blessing having those we can rely on at Morty's to keep us up to date. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :wub:

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Thank each and every one of you for all the long hours you put in for us BB fans. You are the best ever!!! I am already looking forward to the next season and reading all your updates and comments. Once again, "Thank you all".

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I too would like to give a great big THANK YOU to the LFU/TFU. I don't know what I would have done without you. I have tried in the past to do what you do and it is not easy, so really appreciate the time and energy spent and thanks to your families and loved ones that put up with your devotion. Thanks to Morty for having this site for us to go to, IMO it is the best site for info.

I thought it was a great season and I have enjoyed it very much thanks to the live feeders. I usually lurk more than participate but this year I found myself commenting more and that is because everyone in here is so friendly, helpful and considerate of each other and I felt welcome ....No matter what HG you loved or hated we could always have a respectful discussion agreeing or disagreeing. THANKS!

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I did quite a bit of LFU this Year but at a point in the season I Lost my way and added in too many Personal Opinion's (Please don't anyone else make this Big Mistake, Learn from me, on this one) and I needed to sideline myself for 3 weeks and Watch how the "Grown Up" LFU's did it . TY so much Morty for being patient with me in my First Big Year of LFU and for teaching me a better way to do LFU.

Ya see I'm a Lousy Typer, so mainly I reported just what I saw with some HG's quotes and once I got it down It was more Fun than a Box of Puppies . Next Year will be even better. I just got in Natural Dragon 12 speech to text software .. So Maybe then I'll be able to do an even better job.next year

One last thing, for those of you on the Fence about LFUpdating ... do what I did and just jump in and report what ya see and some Quotes from HG's ....To address a couple of things ... 1.) It matters not if your the 5th person to report something , it adds confirmation to everyone else's reports,,,, Not to mention "How many times do you see folks picking up Lil stuff that another LFU didn't get ?" so it helps that way too ... 2.) "You have Nothing to Fear but Fear itself" ... The LFUpdaters you see, are a wonderful helpful bunch of Folks ... Full of Encouragement and i very much enjoyed reporting with them ... I know if you make the Decision that if BB15 is your year to do some LFU , as much as you enjoy BB .... You will have as Much fun as all.... we LFU's do

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LoneWolf: you did a great job this year! We all get a little overexcited about our favs sometimes and when the house goes wild, so do we :) Welcome aboard and I look forward to sharing 'screen time' with you again next year.

I agree with the suggestions about jumping in next year. "Come on in the water's fine!" You'll make mistakes and post things wrong and mix up HGs and (like this evening) pray for someone to say something, anything in the boring times and pray for everyone to stop and slow down in the crazy times but no one will hold it against you when things go less than perfect, in fact, I want to thank the people who did catch mistakes this year and helped keep it factual. Next year I hope you join us on a more regular basis. :)

Also I want to thank the LFUs because when I can't be glued to my screen, it's here (or Twitter) I go to help me stay up to date. Without your efforts I'd go crazy at work wondering who won what!

Uh oh .... I see fish - better go figure out why :wacko:

Go team Morty's!!!! You all make my summer awesome!

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Yes, thank you to all the live feeders!! Usually I help update, but this year, I have relied on everyone here posting the happenings in BB. Thank you to Morty and his great Mods and all the time and work they put in - and all the LFUs and TFUs for everything!!

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Yes, thank you to all the live feeders!! Usually I help update, but this year, I have relied on everyone here posting the happenings in BB. Thank you to Morty and his great Mods and all the time and work they put in - and all the LFUs and TFUs for everything!!

Just so you know laladoopiedu , you where missed and thought of this year, Cause you are so good as a LFU and as a person , but hey even us BB Addicts know Real Life comes first !! (Smile)

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LoneWolf: you did a great job this year! We all get a little overexcited about our favs sometimes and when the house goes wild, so do we :) Welcome aboard and I look forward to sharing 'screen time' with you again next year.

I agree with the suggestions about jumping in next year. "Come on in the water's fine!" You'll make mistakes and post things wrong and mix up HGs and (like this evening) pray for someone to say something, anything in the boring times and pray for everyone to stop and slow down in the crazy times but no one will hold it against you when things go less than perfect, in fact, I want to thank the people who did catch mistakes this year and helped keep it factual. Next year I hope you join us on a more regular basis. :)

Also I want to thank the LFUs because when I can't be glued to my screen, it's here (or Twitter) I go to help me stay up to date. Without your efforts I'd go crazy at work wondering who won what!

Uh oh .... I see fish - better go figure out why :wacko:

Go team Morty's!!!! You all make my summer awesome!

Goodness Gracious ZuZu !!! Thank You so so Much for your wonderful words and thoughts. I enjoyed doing LFU's with you, I think the most, cause we had a way of getting in sync with each other . Me covering whats happening .. you covering the Convo's ... Or You covering one half the feeds while i covered the other half ... We worked real well , that way... It's been a real pleasure this Summer working with all the LFU's

I too am especially grateful for the Overnight LFU's for keeping us East Coaster's in tune with whats going on in the House .. TY very much .... One thing I put in my Post was I said i did a lot of Personal Opinion's and that was wrong to do in LFU's but I didn't let you know what I did to correct it and that was I used the Discussion Boards as my place to "Vent Out" my personal opinions so that I could remain objective while doing LFU. So I am also grateful to those of you who post in the Discussion Boards cause you really do help me to keep my prespective /////

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Thank You! I dont know how u guys do it! But yall did an awesome job! Get ur rest becuz next year is fast approaching and maybe yall get to write about me! This year i aims to tryout! But i say that every year lol! The 50 page essay application always get in my way! What are your hobbies....um duh watching bb! What do you like to do in your past time...um get on the computer and read about bb! Doesnt everyone??? And i cant do that with out you! Thanks again for taking the time and recording the feeds!

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Morty’s is the absolute best site to find out well-timed details.

You should all be proud for that –

For recruiting enough of you to cover everything.

For filling in all the parts that get skimmed over elsewhere.

For being a site for research when that quote from three weeks ago is important.

Personally, I do check in elsewhere for additional opinions.

But there is only Morty’s for simple, straightforward facts all in one place.

Thank you, thank, and thank you.

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