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Britney (Coach ), Week 2


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one of her members will leave this week :animated_bouncy:


she is giving up on willie already

it would be hilarious if willie won pov :animated_bouncy:


She is a shrew and harps on Willie and never stopped. She keeps saying our team is screwed. Our team is screwed.


That team will learn in short order that Brit is only there for Brit. To heck with coaching anybody. IMO she hasn't changed since her season and she'll end up being her own worst enemy, and THEIRS!


she is giving up on willie already

it would be hilarious if willie won pov :animated_bouncy:

nooooooo then we lose Shane

I mean Britney didnt even attempt to stop the madness from happening, of all the times to open her mouth, she said nothing..


I mean Britney didnt even attempt to stop the madness from happening, of all the times to open her mouth, she said nothing..

EXACTLY! She could have intervene and stood up for him when Mike called him a bully! she could have defend him when frank accused him of making gay slurrs! She was there and he didnt! All she could do is sit there keep her mouth shut then abandon him!


she is being a total b*tch to Willie now on the feeds..

now she is saying that none of it had to happen, so I guess she is assuming no responsiblity for the chaos last week, wow.

Willie is not his brother, Russell would have mad her cry by now and that is real talk.


She absolutely instigated the whole thing. I kept hoping she would find out what a double-cross Willie had done on her by having

the house talk (minus coaches, hmmmm.....). Wonder how Willie will get out of that one.


she is being a total b*tch to Willie now on the feeds..

now she is saying that none of it had to happen, so I guess she is assuming no responsiblity for the chaos last week, wow.

Willie is not his brother, Russell would have mad her cry by now and that is real talk.

exactly he needs to release the russell in him! Time to stop playing mr nice guy and let it release!


EXACTLY! She could have intervene and stood up for him when Mike called him a bully! she could have defend him when frank accused him of making gay slurrs! She was there and he didnt! All she could do is sit there keep her mouth shut then abandon him!

she did tell Frank and Wil that Willie repeted what Wil himself said and it was not said the way Frank was making it sound

I don't get BB after dark but i always read the updates on this site. I kept wondering about how the "mentors will be merged into the game" idea/rumor got started and was glad that the show tonight finally shed some light on the subject. I was shocked to find out it's just pure speculation on brit's part!!! Wow. And as if that wasn't bad enough, she shares it with willie!!! She instigated a large part of the drama this week & I don't think she even realizes it. I hate to say it but if one of her players wins, they will win it in spite of her "mentoring." Maybe someone in the DR will drop a few hints to her and she'll catch on.


Like a lot of people (Willie, included), Britney oftentimes sees things through somewhat warped personal perspective. She looked pretty last night. I still don't think that she really wants to be there.


Im loving brit right now..

i hope she wins the coach's challenge and trades willie for daniele. lol

nooooooooooooooo that will be the end of Dan. :o


nooooooooooooooo that will be the end of Dan. :o

I do enjoy dan.. But I need Janni and Brit to stay all the way through... and with dan there, that may not happen.

too bad boogie didnt end up with the dud team.. :(


Britt is p.o.ed with Jannelle now because Britt and Willie allowed her to make vital decisions, then after POV was done, Jannelle turned on them. Jannelle is BFF with whoever is in power at the time. Britt too naive.


My move if I was Britney and won Coach's Challenge would be to trade Willie for Wil or maybe Joe. They can say all they like that they wouldn't align with her people, but at the end of the day if you are really there to win $500k you play however you have to play to get you there.

If Shane or Jojo does go home, okay fine but Brit was going to be one down anyway and if Willie stays in, she doesn't have to deal with him (though I like him and probably been able to control him JMHO) but Janelle would. It would throw her game off. After all - are they there to "make friends" or win money? I'd let Dan coast for a week or two. It might even get him to realize that it might be a good move to work with her. But as much as I like Britney, she's probably just not that smart of a game player.


Hi, KissesinVA...I'm beginning to think Britt needs to go home to Tara. Love her, but she's not coach material.


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