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Willie, Week 1


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The WIllie/Frank/Boogie Fight. You can see how in the wrong Willie is. Anytime Frank questioned him on something, he just fired back with "I'm not going to talk about it or I'm done with it".

This is just part 1, Part 2 and 3 are on the site.

I think Willie should have thrown them all under the bus including smug Janelle. Willie told frank that he would not put him up bit did that is the only lie that Willie has done but he also worked his butt off to get the votes for frank to stay which is why Janelle is mad at him. Janelle was the one who came up with the 4-4 vote and told Willie to call frank names and send him out of the house. That was not willies idea
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I think Willie should have thrown them all under the bus including smug Janelle. Willie told frank that he would not put him up bit did that is the only lie that Willie has done but he also worked his butt off to get the votes for frank to stay which is why Janelle is mad at him. Janelle was the one who came up with the 4-4 vote and told Willie to call frank names and send him out of the house. That was not willies idea

Willie was totally in on the plan that day with splitting the votes to humiliate Frank. The plan was so that Joe could stay in good with the other side (because he'd vote with them) so he could continue to spy on them. Willie's been a wishy-washy flip-flopper and because he's been HOH, everyone's tried to honor his ever- changing wishes (stupid, imo). Who could blame Janelle for wanting the stronger player out, and one who obviously lies a lot at that? Who in their competitive right mind would want Frank the Beast to stay over Kara? The only reason Willie ever wanted Frank to stay was because he needed Frank's protection. They pledged their undying love to one another every day.
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Willie was totally in on the plan that day with splitting the votes to humiliate Frank. The plan was so that Joe could stay in good with the other side (because he'd vote with them) so he could continue to spy on them. Willie's been a wishy-washy flip-flopper and because he's been HOH, everyone's tried to honor his ever- changing wishes (stupid, imo). Who could blame Janelle for wanting the stronger player out, and one who obviously lies a lot at that? Who in their competitive right mind would want Frank the Beast to stay over Kara? The only reason Willie ever wanted Frank to stay was because he needed Frank's protection. They pledged their undying love to one another every day.

I must have missed that part but Frank is no better making up crap that didn't happen. I can't stand Joe because he acts all innocent in the whole thing. It does make for good tv tired today watched all of BBAD.
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the good and bad about being hoh

the good his decision on who to nominate will probably be look upon as a group decision so he wont take all the heat

the bad he is the hoh :animated_bouncy:

from reading the thread it seems the bad of him being hoh really cancel out the good :animated_bouncy:

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I still think that he is a better person than his brother and I think he will always be judged by how Russell played Survivor. People need to get over it!

This is Big Brother and not Survivor. He was not a bully yesterday no matter how Frank and Joe (the best players ever) proceive it. Brittany was in the room when he made the comment about Wil. She knows it was not a slur. What I hate more than anything is if you are going to lie about someone in the house don't make it a personal attack. Tell them they want you out of the game but don't tell them they were saying a gay slur when you know that is not true. When Brittany called him out on it he kept insisting that he heard it differently than she did.

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we might have a ding dong dani moment when he tastes the block for the first time

must see tv for sure :animated_bouncy:

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this dani :animated_bouncy:

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Willie is a frenetic man, that's for sure. At least he keeps it from being more B O R I NG than it is which would be comatose. As for the N-word; didn't hear it. If he said it then Ihe will no doubt regret it. As for the gay thing, didn't hear it and don't give a damm. If he is homophobic - I've no clue whether he is or not - that is his problem, not mine.

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Ya know...a whole lot of stuff has been perpetrated by Janelle and Brit. The long talk sessions they've had upstairs has probably fried Willie's brain. He probably hasn't had to sit and listen to two women yak that much since he was a kid and couldn't just leave the room, rofl You can see it in his eyes when they start to glaze over after 10 minutes! Cracks me up!

Maybe if Jani & Brit weren't constantly in the HOH, Willie would be playing a better game. I don't see a good coaching aspect from any of them except Dan. IMO the other three are working more on what will give them the glory and not letting their team make their own decisions. They TELL them what to do and these crazy ppl are doing it. This is definitely why I don't like this angle of the game. They don't need coaches barking orders at them and the sooner the HG figure that out the better.

It looks like Willie has already cooked his goose so now he'll have to live with his actions. Played too hard, too fast and ended up hanging himself.

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Well wait I think Ashley is going to vote Frank out we can hope. I did not hear the N word not saying he didn't say it I am saying I did not hear it. You know everything you do and say in the big brother house will bite you. If that is the case then he will have to answer for that but having said that I still like his alliance better than the other and so until he goes totally balistic and punches some people I will still be rooting for him and his team. Frank, Joe, Wil one L are just as bad in my opinion and yes they brought the good old we are the GOOD PEOPLE out today. I hate that, You are playing a game there are no good people.,......

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I did hear him say the N word. I was randomly hitting flashbacks this morning while catching up and as soon as I clicked on a time interval, he said it immediately. It was sometime just before or just after the fight as I was trying to see what lead up to the big fight and what happened just after.

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Willie was playing a good game at the beginning, but then started getting very cocky and arrogant and stopped listening to Britney which has screwed his game as well as others around him. Britney is to blame for some of it because of what she said but I think Willie has started thinking he can win this game by doing what he wants and Britney is trying really hard to bring him down. I don't like Willie but he would have been wise to listen to Britney from the beginning.

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So it's only bullying when Willie is talking about the vote and when Janelle and booger do it it's ok??? You can hate Willie because he is russells brother or you can hate him for whatever reason you want but do not tell me that it's ok for people to blantenly make up lies especially the lies that frank made up. If I was playing and the person I was getting votes for was talking about me and saying the things frank was saying I would have been kicked out of the game. It's amazing as I watch the biggest scumbag to ever play the game booger and his side kick frank laugh in the room you don't know how much I want it to be a 4-4 vote. People are so judgmental I don't know what Willie said or didn't say but I hope that frank walks tomorrow night.

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